Chapter 28
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Chapter 28:

  That being said, Last Order was literally the last in order, Mikoto had just given birth to the squealing infant, so she couldn't very well program an all new virtual reality system. Right when I thought I would have to wait another five years before anything could happen, Kaname visited the Mayor's office. 40 of my 100 wives were still taking care of their children at home and essentially out of the workforce, but as luck would have it both Kuon and Sakura Mamiya were available to man the government.

  So when Kuon opened the door to my office with, "Someone to see you, sir," I had a sense from her posture and tone of voice that something big was going down.

  Kaname brashly followed after, her long blue hair swinging as she walked up to my desk and plopped into the comfy chair across from mine. "So a funny thing happened the other day." Kaname began. Kuon set down a cup of coffee for both of us and then retreated back to the antechamber, closing the door.

  Kaname took a sip, which probably wasn't the best idea because she was already brimming with nervous energy. "Aoba asked around at the Research Institute for someone who could help program the AI for her game, now that Mikoto was back out of the loop again."

  "At this rate the game will suffer more delays than Final Fantasy 15." I sighed, sipping my own coffee.

  "And it occurred to me, wait, I've known the blueprints for a functional AI all along. Teehee." Kaname stuck out her tongue and bopped her head cutely.

  I blinked. Come to think of it, isn't Al featured prominently in the Full Metal Panic! series as one of the many whispered technology advances, right alongside lambda drives and invisibility cloaks? You've got to be kidding me.

  "Why didn't you say something before?" I asked.

  "Like I said, I try to keep the whispers out of my head because it drives me insane, so if there isn't a good reason to be listening. . ." Kaname put her two hands together in prayer fashion in front of her and bowed apologetically, closing her eyes.

  "Is this. . .Full AI?" I whispered breathlessly.

  "No. The AI in our timeline does not have the full range of human emotions and inventiveness." Kaname answered decisively.

  I sat back in my chair. "Thank God." We had just gone through all this effort to produce all of these human children. If they were all set to be replaced by mass manufactured fully sentient machines, I would have felt like a fool. Plus I didn't exactly feel like losing my place on Eden, or robbing my children of their rightul inheritance to the bounty of the earth and the stars.

  "But we're still talking about amazing capabilities. Before I unleashed the whirlwind, I wanted to swing the technology by you. What should we be doing with this? What will this change?" Kaname asked me, seriously not knowing the answers.

  "I assume it can perfectly translate all spoken and written languages?" I asked.

  "Bacchiri." Kaname held up an o-kay sign.

  "So there goes half the school curriculum." I mused. "What about enhanced recollection? Can it give me a perfect memory?"

  "Nope." Kaname crossed her fingers in an X. Yet again my wish eluded me. "But it would have a devil of a search engine. Ask for any fact you wanted, ask even generalized questions that you need the answers to, and it would find the answer almost immediately. All the information ever put on the internet will now be at our fingertips. All we have to do is ask the AI to analyze it and come back with the answer to whatever we wanted, and voila. If you wanted to know the name of my son, you need but ask and it would be provided."

  "Sousuke." I quickly responded. "And your firstborn daughter's name is Nami."

  "Ohhhhh." Kaname clapped appreciatively. "Then, what about Tessa's children?"

  "Cethleann is her firstborn daughter, and Emeralda(?) is her secondborn daughter?" I guessed hopefully.

  "Booboo." Kaname held up an X. "Her second daughter's name is Schala. You christened her so at least try to remember these things."

  "How many fathers have to remember the names of 200 of their own children. . ." I complained.

  "Incidentally, Emeralda is Himeno's daughter. She can read minds so be careful." Kaname smiled triumphantly at me, drinking some more of her coffee.

  Ugh. Someday I'll know the names of all my children. Someday. The problem was I was already planning on adding another 100 down the road, so it's not like it was going to get any easier.

  "I feel like both math and history classes are now also pointless. Science too of course. We could simply task AI robots to do all the manufacturing, engineering and construction work. The farm work too, huh?" I brainstormed.

  "Not to mention the logging, fishing, mining and transportation industries. We could build the sewage treatment plant you've always wanted. They could also cook, clean, do the laundry, mow the lawns, rake the everlasting cherry blossoms, referee sports matches. . ." Kaname pointed out the endless versatility of even non-feeling AI's.

  "We could have diapers!" I exclaimed joyously.

  "We could just press a button and any clothes we designed would come out complete on the other side." Kaname dreamed.

  "Kimonos!" I celebrated again. "We can dress our girls up for Hinamatsuri, their coming of age ceremonies. . ."

  "They could change the babies' diapers. No sense of smell." Kaname enthused.

  "Rather than listing what they can do, shouldn't we be trying to figure out what we need to keep doing ourselves?" I asked, reversing the question.

  "They can't love and be loved." Kaname said. "So the role of wife, mother, husband and father is still safe. The artists over at the studio are fine, as are the kids playing sports in school. They don't enjoy art, so it's still our task to consume and pass down Earth's best stories from one generation to the next. They have no sense of morality, so we can still instruct our children right from wrong. Lastly, if we want to reach higher than pre-tread ground, we have to discover that knowledge ourselves."

  "So still no carbon nanotube space elevators." I gave as an example.

  "Right, AI can search its databanks for a solution, but all it will find is 'no applicable information available.'" Kaname explained.

  "Computer programming will no longer be needed though. They can understand our speech. We can just tell them what we want them to do, and they'll do it." I marveled.

  "Correct. I have whispered down to me the exact base program necessary to make them obedient servants to us. So long as we upload that program, the rest they can learn on their own as the situation arises. If we tell them, 'make a box here,' we don't have to input ten thousand lines of code to make them understand what we want. They'll just go make a box." Kaname said confidently.

  "Our children need to know how to read and write. They need to know the concepts of arithmetic and algebra so they even know what to ask of their AI assistants in order to get the right answers. But with AI translation, they wouldn't have to memorize kanji to get at the majority of good art. Given the superior simplicity of the English alphabet and the language's greater size and versatility due to inheriting words from all over, and now that machines can translate everything good from Japan instantly and easily for us, thus mooting any reason kids should continue to learn such an archaic script, we should switch to English as our written and spoken language. After that it's just building up our vocabularies. The larger our vocabularies, the more we can understand and appreciate both nature and art. Fiction and non-fiction. If we don't have a concept for something, even AI can't help us. We have to understand the words internally to make sense of the world." I said.

  "Drilling the concepts of math into a kid should be much faster than actually coming to the correct answers. And English should be much faster to learn to read than kanji. Both the math and English classes can be reduced in length and achieve the same effect. I see your point about written Japanese, but spoken Japanese is beautiful, concise and poignant, it would be a shame for children to lose access to it. Besides, can you really accept anime as genuine if it isn't voiced in Japanese?" Kaname advised.

  "Alright, we'll keep the bilingual education like we had before, but only with the English alphabet." I conceded.

  "People still need to know history in order to understand ethics, politics and economics. Just having the facts available isn't enough, they have to actually know them so that they can apply said historical lessons to the governance of their daily lives." I decided.

  "So let's say, 50 minutes of English/vocabulary building, 50 minutes of history/geography/economics/politics, 40 minutes of math, 2 hours of "Arts, Literature, Philosophy and Morality," 1 hour of lunch/recess, 40 minutes of Japanese/vocabulary building, 1 hour of sports or performance arts. The full school day would then be seven hours." Kaname typed a note up on her iPad.

  "And as for us adults, the hospital, school, daycare, shrine, studio, city hall, power plant and research institute should be fine, but everything else is pointless." I said.

  "I think the law enforcement should still be conducted by humans. I think you need a human touch, a human empathy and understanding, to make those split-second decisions correctly." Kaname countered.

  "Okay so the police can stay. No Terminator armies to lay down the law." I conceded.

  "Isn't this great though? We barely get any work done between all our babies anyway. Now we can concentrate on family life without feeling guilty about it." Kaname enthused.

  "This is great, Kaname. This is really great. I've been using magicians to automate most of our work, but even they must be tired of repeating themselves every day on these routine tasks year after year -- and we won't have magicians forever. Eventually our healers will have to be replaced with advanced medical technology. You've just revolutionized the world, and all for the better. So many shortages we don't have to worry about anymore. . .it's just unbelievably wonderful." I couldn't put my feelings into words.

  Kaname blushed and looked at her feet. "Sorry for not noticing until today."

  "What are you saying? Tessa should have known the exact same thing and she still hasn't realized it, right? Doesn't that make her the one true idiot?" I smiled encouragingly.

  Kaname laughed. "So I finally beat her at something."

  "Well if you braided your hair maybe you'd finally look as good as her--"

  WHAP went the paper fan as Chidori instantly took to her feet and leaned over my big oaken desk.

  I smiled even as the red mark stung on my cheek. It had still totally been worth it to see the reaction on her face.

  "Couldn't you just honestly say "thanks Kaname, I love you!" for just one day?" Kaname shouted angrily.

  "But who is Kaname if she isn't always angry? I'm only trying to preserve your soul manifestation." I defended my noble intentions.

  "I'm not always angry!" Kaname shouted. Then she caught herself and sat back down, pouting.

  "Sexual harassers can be sued." Kuon called through the door from the other room.

  "No they can't. There's no such thing in Eden. It's been properly redefined back to flirting, i.e. courtship, which is what it was all along, an entirely innocent and noble deed meant to perpetuate the human species." I shouted back through the door.

  "Curse your endless reign." Kuon shouted back.

  Kaname sighed and stood back up. "I'll leave you two to your flirting, since it's a noble deed meant to perpetuate the human species, then. I just wanted you to know."

  "You have the green light, Kaname. All our servers are yours to tinker with as you please. Give us a centralized AI that can use all our smart devices as relay points back to its core all powerful mind. And then have that AI tell us the blueprints for all the robots it needs to do our work. I'll have Mitsuki dark matter them up, and then the AI can reproduce itself from there. And then maybe all of us can have a giant barbeque on the beach and a long, long vacation." I spoke as Mayor.

  "The Mayor has spoken." Kaname saluted me. "I shall now overturn all common sense."

* * *

  The order went out -- all my wives were to report to the beach in swimsuits to celebrate this historic occasion. We left the secondborn children with the firstborns to take care of them, and enjoyed a private beach all to ourselves. For the entire day, I planned on staring at my 100 wife harem baring all. In addition, I had brought a camera and a video camera, to preserve this moment to ogle at for eternity.

  That was my entertainment. Their entertainment consisted of things I thought they'd look sexy doing -- wading in the waves, water cavalry battles, beach volleyball, watermelon smashing, floating out on rubber bananas and sharks and the like (I provided the specific swimsuits and banana float for Wendy and Sherria and ordered them out to sea), sunbathing (sunbathers were required to go full nude for my enjoyment and everyone was required to sunbathe at some point during the day so I could picture and film them), skinnydipping, swimming contests, and most of all Bar-B-Q, Bar-B-Q, Bar-B-Q!

  Shana was our human grill, in beautiful red burning hair and eyes mode, cooking up endless combinations of charred meat and vegetables and laying the finished food out on plates along an enormous table. Shishkabobs full of dripping lamb, pork, shrimp, beef, duck and every exotic beast imaginable were ready to eat at all times. People would take up the skewers, finish them whenever convenient, and then place them back in line to be refilled again. If anyone got ill from it our healers would cast 'cure' so no one cared.

  In addition, we broke out the long-banned alcohol. Even for the nursing mothers. I decided screw it, we could just cast 'cure' on the mothers afterwards, today we were all going to get royally drunk. Alcohol of various types were the only drinks made available, so no one could escape getting drunk. This was also to help smooth the way into the 'all the girls stripping and letting themselves get filmed by me' plan. Imagine this as a sort of Girls Gone Wild staged event, except with the 100 most beautiful girls in all of human imagination, most of whom were well below age 18. We would drink until we were sick, go ask Orihime to reject the alcohol poisoning, and then go drink some more.

  Sakura Kinomoto had Appeared a beautiful beach house and outdoor onsen for us to sleep in tonight and for all our showering off the saltwater and going to the bathroom needs. There was a constant stream of ladies going to and from the beach house, and I also felt the need plenty of times after all I'd eaten and drunk. But the line of revelers was laughing and chatting both ways, so it didn't put a dent in our parade.

  Once I'd taken all the pictures and videos of my wives both in swimsuits and stretched out on beach cots fully nude (front and back!), both together in groups and separately, I transitioned to the climax of the event.

  I got all 100 of my wives together, kissed each and every one of them on the lips, and told them "I love you, now and forever," after each kiss. Then I got all of the girls to line up in their swimsuits together. The first row lay down on their backs and only bent from their waists up, propping themselves up on their elbows to look at the camera. The second row stood up but leaned over, their faces still pointing towards the camera, letting their breasts hang with the strength of gravity with a glorious view of cleavage, and then the third row stood up behind them, tall enough that I could see their hourglass figures above the bent over 2nd row and facing the camera directly, their hair billowing in the sea breeze. Then I set the timer for my camera and sat down in the middle of the laying down row, putting both my thumbs up in a tacky sign of approval. There I took my first commemorative photo of my full harem.

  Next I told them to take off their swimsuits while holding the same pose, and I took the picture again, this time surrounded by 100 nude waifus. After checking to see that the camera caught everything perfectly, I let the group disassemble again. The swimsuit edition was going straight onto my master bedroom's wall. I could look at it whenever I wanted, day or night. My endless sea of beautiful girls. The nude version could be kept on my computer, Kindle, etc., in case of need.

  Then we waited for night to fall and Aisia used her magic to put on a fireworks show. It rivaled the sound, fury, size and brightness of the 4th of July. Which was appropriate, because today we were all celebrating our independence from work. Machines were going to take over all the drudgery from here on. When it was done and everyone started clapping, I put on some festive beach-appropriate music from my enormous favorites collection, and we broke out the coolers full of ice cream. Lemon, vanilla, chocolate, caramel, we had it all, and we dug in like ferocious beasts. If ice cream had been an entire herd of wildebeests trying to cross the river that day, we were the crocodiles that dragged every last one of them down to their oblivion. None survived our carnivorous wrath.

  Soon enough some of the girls were getting their instruments from the beach house and coming back, still in their swimsuits. Then we listened to our live band performances from some of the greatest singers on Earth. 'Fuwa Fuwa Time,' rang out, as did 'My Friends.' Even if I had been blind I still would have been surrounded by the most beautiful women in history. The voice actors who had originally animated my wives were all here with me. Yukari Tamura, Rie Kugimiya, Kana Hanazawa, Yui Horie, I had them all perform their best songs one after the next, deep into the night. "Pre-Parade," "Yuki no Saku Hana," "Happy! Lucky! Dochi!", "SHOOT!," "Ray of bullet," "Secret Base," "Innocent Starter," "Natsuiro Egao," and then we brought out the big guns. Aerith Gainsborough, voiced by Maaya Sakamoto, took center stage with all the necessary musicians behind her, and sang one after another an entire concert of my favorite songs.

  She hadn't initially known these songs, as they had nothing to do with the character of Aerith, but she had learned them for my sake, because she had the voice that had originally sung them, and thus the capability to bring them all to life, and stood here for the first time under the starry sky to present them live to me in nothing but a swimsuit.

  It started with "Purachina," then "More than words," "Yakusoku wa Iranai," "Magic Number," "Triangular," "Kiseki no Umi," "Yakudo," "Korekara," "Okaerinasai," and lastly "Yasashisa ni Tsusumaretanara." It was so beautiful, so clear, so crisp and clean and perfect a performance, I was brought to tears. All my assembled wives listened in rapt attention, even though they themselves all had voices to die for and hits of their own. We didn't clap after each song ended. We just quietly waited, watched and worshiped, as she paused to wet her throat and recover her breath between each song. The only noise we wanted to come from this beach was the lifting of her voice and the start of her next melody.

  As each song passed like a dream, I found myself holding hands with the girl to the left and right of me. And then we were all holding hands up and down the line (no doubt Himeno was at it again). All we could do was hold hands and listen to the nightingale before us as the witching hours passed. No one wanted to go to bed. We just wanted to keep singing and listening forever.

  I wasn't a good singer, but even I wanted to participate by the end, so I started up one of the only songs I knew, "Silent Night." Soon enough my entire harem had joined me in chorus, as we sung glory to God. "O Holy Night," "God Rest ye Merry Gentlemen," "Amazing Grace" and "Ave Maria" followed soon after, some people knowing the lyrics and others just harmonizing. And then the entire crowd, holding hands, fell into silence, having nothing further to express.

  These girls would do anything for me, I would be eternally grateful to them, and not a single one of them wished that a single other of them wasn't there. We loved each other like this, one happy family, who loved each other's company even more than the conveniences we could provide one another. Even the wives who had started out hesitant, after 21 years together, had opened their hearts to me, the boy who kept making them orgasm, and the girls around them, who knew exactly what they were going through -- whether it was me, childbirth, childrearing, suddenly appearing in this new world far from home, mediating quarrels between siblings or trying to balance work and pregnancy. Everything I'd put them through, I'd put them through equally, which meant they had all gone through it together.

  It all passed like a flash, but our married life was already longer than most happy couples ever managed. And with the power of the Silver Crystal, our time together had still only just begun.

  I stood up, and my wives followed. We silently made our way to the beach house, stripped, and jumped into the enormous onsen, where I yet again single-mindedly went about filming all my wives nude.

  "Peeping on me nude at the beach, and now in the hot spring, somehow, this is really nostalgic." Iris blushed, swaying shyly back and forth in front of the camera.

  "Ah, Iris! Iris!" I exclaimed, not knowing how to express my feelings any better, my video camera tracing up and down her luscious fully exposed body.

  "Remember I'm an otaku too, so date night with me is always as simple and easy as turning on the tv!" Iris used her appeal time in front of the camera to devastating effect, holding up her index finger and smiling brightly.

  "Wait, dates are on the line?" Nayuki panicked. "Look, Christopher, big wet breasts!" She held them up and pushed them together in a proud display to the video camera, which was indeed tempted into turning like a dog to a frisbee. Suddenly there was a great deal of splashing in the water as girls started vying for this newly imagined prize.

   Mitsuki gave a commanding clap, seeing where this was going. "Alright everyone, line up, pose, and give a personalized message. The sooner this is done the sooner we can go to sleep." No one complained as things quickly took shape. It seemed that today a weird mood was in the air to the extent that I could do anything I wanted to them.

  "You really enjoy seeing me wet, don't you?" Cheria glared at me with suspiciously slitted yellow eyes, hands on her hips.

  "Playing at the beach again was really fun. Let's do it more and more!" Misuzu held out her arms and her palms in a willing embrace.

  "Love was all I ever hoped for and better than I ever dreamed. In exchange, I'll give you this body whenever you want!" Sherria formed a heart shape with her fingers over her heart, emphasizing her fulsome offering.

  "Even if you don't know shogi, Shishou can still train Ai in various things!" Ai beamed innocently at the camera.

  "I wouldn't normally do this, you know!" Mikoto tossed her head, trying to deny this personal reality. "You only earned this sight by saving the world fifty times or so, being hospitalized thirty times and saving my life once or twice! After this we're even!"

  "Hau. I'm so embarrassed." Reina cupped her cheeks in her hands, closing her eyes. "Hau! I'm an adult now, so I'm trying not to say that word anymore! Retake, I demand a retake!"

  "Nii-san no ecchi." Sagiri complained with tears in her eyes, last in line in order to avoid the crowd, already struggling just by being here outside with everyone else and now on top of that having to keep her arms tightly clasped behind her back to let the video camera see.

  "And that's a wrap!" I finished filming the greatest porno of all time, urgently took Kaname by the arm, dragged her out of the onsen, marched her still nude into our specially apportioned bedroom, and fucked her brains out, with the accumulated lust of the entire day for everyone pouring directly into her over and over again. While she moaned and was forcefully turned from one position to the next in a never-ending barrage, the rest of my girls went to sleep in a giant futon line in a room to the other side of the complex. Everyone felt she had earned this night. With the help of Ruby's wand, I did her doggy style, spooning style, missionary style, cowgirl style, and even pinned her standing against the big glass sliding door such that she was looking out into the beach and starry sky (and her own lewd reflection) as I rammed into her from behind.

  When I lifted her legs to rest on my shoulders and pulled most of her back up to the point that she was only touching the bed with her shoulders, she gave a mewling whimper, and then I made love to her again, plunging into her body as I held her floating in mid-air. She couldn't move in any way from her precarious position, so all she could do was clench her vagina around my shaft each time I bore down into her. When I felt her vagina pulsing tight against me and saw the muscles in her thighs and calves shaking I knew I had pulled off another first, a position I'd never dared to try before had managed to make the girl I loved orgasm yet again. When I finished inside her for a sixth time and finally lowered her body back down onto the bed, she curled up into a fetal position and clutched her spasming stomach. I stroked up and down her spine and kissed the back of her neck, but that probably just made things worse. I had never stimulated any girl for as many hours in a row as I did Kaname that day, and the miracle of a girl's body meant that they could orgasm every time, time after time, for as long as I kept touching them. Each time came easier and faster than the last, so long as we kept touching, so she might have cum twenty times that night. She was in no state of mind to count, so we would never know. When her body finally stopped radiating pleasure and she'd gotten control of it again the sun had already risen.

  We looked at each other and kissed one more time, before embracing tightly and sleeping through the entire day, waking up only the next night from an experience like no other. Without magic, I'm not sure any man could last that long. I wasn't good for much, but after 21 years of daily experience with 100 different girls, I made for a fiendish lover.

  When we woke up and had freshened up in the middle of the night, Myusel had already set out meals for both of us waiting on the table with little messages on flags, "Goshujin-sama, I request similar service," was on my flag. On hers was "Thank you for lightening our load, from everyone." Kaname giggled at the message meant for me and smiled at the message meant for her. After dinner we clinked wine glasses together and watched the surf come in and out under the moon.

  "I should have thought of this sooner." Kaname said, and then she blushed a deep bright red all the way up to her ears.

  "Thanks Kaname, I love you." I replied.

  "It's too late now. Baka." Kaname turned her face away to hide her expression.