Guild Guides: Chapter 1 – Races and Ranks
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Guild Manual: Chapter 1

The following are notes describing in detail the four major sentient race distinctions and where they sit in the world at large, compiled by Stephanie Williams and Cindy Aurum. This is a draft intended to be used by guild staff to better understand their clients and is required information for those working at the Austin, Texas guild location.


Throughout this new world, there are many different sentient species found, though they all manage to fall into five primary classifications. This guide will introduce them to you, as well as give a brief overview of their ranks and what makes each of the sentient racial classifications unique. This guide will, however, exclude the Expert race, as they technically fall under the superhuman classification. An advanced guide to experts will be covered in chapter 5.

Class abilities and techniques add further increased variability to the mix and will be covered in chapters 3 and 4. A good rule of thumb for abilities is that there is an exception to every rule.


About Superhumans:

Superhumans generally appear as a normal pre-system human and are far more common in northern America and other major city centers. Their strength and abilities vary wildly. Superhumans are a powerful sentient race, specializing in a single power or skill. Within each superhuman is a core of sorts; a metaphysical representation of the power they contain. It is commonly referred to as the well of strength. It is indestructible and cannot be interfered with through interacting with the physical body. This core is self-sustaining and can only be empowered through the absorption of more metaphysical power. To most superhumans, this is a deadly process and should be avoided at all costs until they are much higher ranks. Superhumans do not have access to mana except in rare circumstances, and instead they possess a tolerance level to their own power. Once that tolerance level is exceeded, the power stops working, as their physical bodies are overwhelmed with their strength.


To rank up, superhumans must incorporate a portion of their metaphysical power into their physical bodies, allowing them to channel more energy from their well of strength. Through the system, their compatibility with their well of strength is represented as the skill level of their super ability. Character level is considered supplementary to supers, and only functions to increase physical parameters to a small degree.

Rank 0: (skill lvl 0) – Supers not changed during the first wave start at this level. They must first perceive their well of strength within themselves. This is usually accomplished during times of great stress. Until that point, they are simple humans.

Rank 1: (skill lvl 1) – Supers at this level have successfully tapped into their well of strength, but can only form basic physical phenomena. Their strength is severely limited, though due to the many variations in type between different wells of strength, this changes from super to super. With this can come some weaker supplementary abilities. The tolerance level is doubled in size, and recovery is doubled. The system represents this as a decrease in consumption.

Rank 2: (skill lvl 20) – Supers are now able to channel their well into their bones. This makes them far sturdier and will start to allow greater supplemental powers to activate. A list of example supplemental powers at this rank are below. Tolerance level is doubled again, as well as it’s recovery. The system represents this as a decrease in consumption.

  • spacial awareness
  • minor teleportation
  • low-speed flight
  • dense external energy projection

Rank 3: (skill lvl 40) – Supers can channel their energy into their skin. Effect Unknown.

Magic Races

About the Magic Races:

Magic races take primarily after the different magical, though still sentient, races throughout fiction. Listed here are many different varieties of magic races that have been recorded. There are extreme amounts of variation between the different magic races, though what remains constant among them is a reliance and sensitivity to external mana. Magic Races are called such because they rely on the mana around them to empower themselves. Many magic races can absorb mana from multiple sources or even carry their source as they travel, but this reliance on external mana defines their race.

  • Elves
  • Fey Folk
  • Merpeople
  • Celestials
  • Devils
  • Dwarves
  • Hobgoblins


To increase in strength and capability, magic races must learn to both absorb and export mana more efficiently. Magic races generally do not have incredibly massive amounts of internal mana, but they can absorb mana quickly, as well as store it within themselves to save for later use. How this is done is through various forms of runic magic. Each different magic subrace has a unique script associated with them, allowing for the channeling of magic. By forming different spell groups, magic races can channel their absorbed mana externally, causing magic phenomena. These are generally referred to as spell circles, though not all scripts are written in a circular pattern. Levels are supplemental to magic races, only functioning to increase their overall physical capabilities and their internal supply of mana. NOTE: Magic Races are incapable of channeling mana internally without significant trauma.

Rank 0: Magic races of this level are incapable of absorbing more mana than their bodies need to survive. They are unable to wield spells as they cannot output that excess mana, regardless of proficiency with their runic script. To increase in rank, they must use external means to force the absorption of mana into their bodies and must force the output. This is capable through the equipping of a magic focus or staff. Once rank increased to a certain point, the focus becomes supplementary. Those changed in the first wave do not require a focus to cast spells.

Rank 1: The magic race can now output mana enough to facilitate the casting of first circle spells. A one-ring spell circle is carved within their core to facilitate the transfer of mana in and out of the magic race. First circle spells are limited by specialization of the magic race and by the physical amount of damage. Magic expenditure is greatly reduced.

Rank 2: The second ring of the internal spell circle is carved in the magic race, allowing the user to absorb mana from the atmosphere at an increased rate and channel magic twice as efficiently. This increase in channeling capability allows the user to activate second circle spells. According to the system, magic expenditure for first circle spells is halved. This is incorrect, as the amount of mana channeled into first circle spells remains constant. What has changed is an increased rate of absorbed mana, and increased internal storage of mana, granting the illusion of reduced cost.

Rank 3: The third rind of the internal spell circle is carved. Effects Unknown.


About Beastkin:

Beastkin appears as a physical combination between a human and some type of animal. As a general rule of thumb, any animal is possible, whether it be a fish, bird, reptile, or mammal. Each beastkin is supported by instincts that reflect their animal nature, and these instincts can have various effects. In appearance, beastkin vary wildly, some appearing as an animal from the waist down, others having ears and tails of the different beast, and some being completely anthropomorphic.


Beastkin each possess the ability to generate their internal energy called Aether. The amount of Aether they generate is dependent on their overall level. They are, with very few exceptions, incapable of outputting that internal Aether as mana. This means that they are unable to create external spell effects without using a medium, such as blood or hair, though this is ill-advised and dangerous unless specific skills are used. They are, however, able to undergo racial evolution once the max level is reached. This would allow them to become a more powerful beastkin, a pseudo magic race, or a pseudo monster race.

Due to their internal composition, each beastkin possesses an ability specific to their race. This ability usually allows them extremely precise magical control over an aspect of themselves, similar to supers who can buff their stats, though for beastkin this requires significantly less effort. To increase in rank, Beastkin must reach the requisite amount of internal Aether (based on their level) as well as the requisite control of their internal ability (skill level).

Rank 0: (level 0) (skill level 0): These beastkin are incapable of perceiving their internal Aether source. To be capable of using their abilities, they must discover their internal source. This is generally done through meditation and personal reflection. Many consider ranking from rank 0 to rank 1 for beastkin as the easiest of the four transitions.

Rank 1: (level 1) (skill level 1): The internal well of elementally attuned Aether has been detected and can now be channeled as some type of ability. These abilities require the consumption of both mana and stamina, representing the beastkin’s internal strength. Because beastkin act as a sealed bottle for Aether, their bodies gain increased robustness, gaining reduced stamina consumption, and increased stamina pool size.

Rank 2: (level 20) (skill level 30): The internal well of elementally charged Aether has increased in size enough to match the personal control proficiency of beastkin. These beastkin can now use their Aether to change their physical bodies. Different examples of changeable parameters are represented below. Their internal pool of stamina had doubled, as has their health regeneration. Similar to the magic races, this is represented through the system as a reduction in stamina cost for abilities by half.

  • Change in skin color
  • Change in the strength of hair
  • Change in muscle density
  • Change in reaction time
  • Change in personal gravity
  • Change in body temperature
  • Change in sense strength

Rank 3: (level 40) (skill level 65): Effects Unknown.


About Sentient Monsters:

Monsters are perhaps the most variable of the four races, and they also seem to break the rules the most often. Monsters do, however, come in two primary classifications; humanoid, and non-humanoid. Most monsters changed during the first wave became humanoid, while those changed during the third wave tend to be non-humanoid. According to guild guidelines, the treating of any sentient monster race without the respect due to any other adventurer is grounds for immediate expulsion and a fine.


Monsters, similar to beastkin, are capable of generating Aether. What makes them different, though, is that they do not contain Aether within themselves, instead of spreading it about themselves in the form of mana. This gives them powerful natural properties that should be noted. Because the output elementally charged mana around themselves, the areas that they live in for long periods become saturated in mana. The effects of such a change are obvious. For example. An ancient red dragon, living in a place for a long time, will cause the area for miles around them to grow hot, increasing volcanic activity near the surface. This can cause lava pools to form, as well as earthquakes in areas around them, making them dangerous opponents. At lower ranks, this is not a problem though but is noted in this document for future reference. Currently, this trait only becomes a problem with large amounts of monster races of the same type are living together. These ‘monster nests’ have similar effects to those of large monsters, but on a much smaller scale.

Monster rank is determined solely by how much Aether is output from the monster in question. Because of their affinity, their bodies are deeply in tune with natural magic, meaning that often monsters break the laws of physics as we once knew them. When that Aether reaches a certain point, their bodies are required to change to suit the increase in Aether. For natural monsters this choice is automatically made for them by the system, but for sentient monsters, the choice generally comes with many different options. To facilitate that change, they require materials taken from the world around them to fortify their bodies and prepare them for increased Aether output. At rank up, many monsters gain the ability to become pseudo-superhumans, pseudo-magic races, or pseudo-beastkin. As level resets on rank up, depicted below are the maximum levels reached before ranking up takes place.

Rank 0: (level 20): Aether output is minimal and cannot be controlled, only appearing in the form of weak magical abilities. By hunting monsters and taking their internal energy, the level will increase until the critical point.

Rank 1: (level 30): Aether output is intensified and can output damage on the magnitude of weak first circle spells. The ability to manipulate Aether is increased, allowing for greater abilities to be gained. The internal supply of Aether has enhanced their bodies. Similar to the previous races, this grants double functional health and health regen, though the system represents this as damage reduction.

Rank 2: (level 40): Aether output has reached the point where it can affect the outside world. Monsters begin to specialize at this point, choosing specific races that allow them to excel at different skills and abilities. This is the level where broad specialists begin to appear, and where monsters can choose to start down paths leading to the other potential races. Once again, health and health regen are doubled.

Rank 3: (level ???): Effects Unknown.