Lesson Two Chapter Sixteen – The Chihuahua’s Warning (2)
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“Never trust….mmrmhrm…” Luke finally said something but it was mostly mumbled. I got closer to him and kneel slightly so I could hear him better.


 “Sorry, I didn’t quite catch what you said.” I put some loose hair behind my ear as I got close enough to hear him but not too close in his personal space. Luke's face grew red as he frowned at me.


 “Hey! Don’t lean down toward me like an adult listening to a child! You don’t need to come down to my level! I’m not a kid!” Luke was pointing at me angrily and I let out an awkward smile as I got back to my original height. Luke calmed down once I did that and his expression grew serious as he looked at me.


 “...Never trust a demon. Especially when that demon is Lucifer. Listen to me. He’s a monster and a brute. He’s uncivilized, immortal, and...and also…” Luke was struggling with what else he could say about Lucifer and I decided to help him out.


 “And also a sadist?” From what I could see during my few days I notice Lucifer enjoys causing pain or some form of it to people, Mammon, and usually has a smile on his face when he does it. 


 “Yes, exactly! He’s the most sadistic of sadists!... I was against this from the beginning. What are they thinking, bringing humans to the Devildom as exchange students… So, you’ve been warned. You get what I’m saying, right? Okay” The bell finally rang and Luke left my classroom. I went to my seat, thinking about what he said.


 Most of my time in school was about thinking about what he said, and other stuff I was dealing with in the Devildom. When school was done I went back to the House of Lamentation and went straight to my room so I could do the work I was assigned during school today.


 I stayed in the room until it was dinner and went to the shower so I could get ready to sleep. I was laying in my bed, just holding my stuffed sheep thinking to myself. I couldn’t help but keep repeating what Luke told me today at school. ‘I wonder why I can’t trust Lucifer? Is he like some super bad demon who did horrible things? Ugh…. Why did Luke have to say that to me… I already have enough stuff to be worried about….’ 


 No matter how much I roll in my bed with my eyes shut I can’t manage to get any sleep. I was just going to mess over on my D.D.D when I heard something. At first, I thought it was my imagination but froze when I realized it was a voice.


 “...el….elp….” I sat up quickly in my bed holding my stuffed sheep. I was looking around my room with cautious eyes, wondering where the voice was coming from. ‘Holy fuck, holy fuck, HOLY FUCK! There is a fucking ghost in this house!’


 “Help… Someone help me…” I was shaking in my bed still holding my stuffed sheep but I froze once I realized how sad the voice sounded. I just wanted to pull the covers over me and force myself to sleep but I couldn’t stop myself from being curious about the sad voice I was hearing.


 So I decided to leave my bed and my stuffed sheep behind and go to figure out where the voice was coming from. Slowly opening my door I kept walking in the direction where I assume the voice coming from. 


 “Help… Over here!” I stopped near the stairs that were going up. I was going to go up the stairs to figure out who was asking for help when I felt someone behind me. I felt my hold body froze and my heart nearly stopped once I heard my name being called as well.


 I turned around quickly, nearly tripping over my feet due to how fast I turned. In front of me, I saw a frowning Lucifer and I felt my heartbeat somewhat calm down but not enough. Then I felt my face grow warm once I realized he was looking at my sleepwear with amusement in his eyes. ‘Ugh, my luck is so bad… I should probably get something more mature for people my age. It’s not my fault I find sheep so cute!’


“Stop right there. You’ll go no farther… that’s not a place for humans. It’s dangerous. Go back to your room.” Lucifer got in front of the stairs I was going to go up and I was staring me down. I was going to just turn around and leave but…. The voice sounds so lonely and sad.


 “No.” I felt my throat get dry when I said that. It grew tense as Lucifer frowned at me in silence. I was fidgeting in place, as I tried to look at Lucifer directly. ‘...I may die tonight…’


 “Pf….hahaha. Hahahaha! Interesting. I think I’m starting to understand why you were chosen to come here. But you can’t say no. Because I’m not giving you a choice.” I went from being confused, relaxed, and back to scared once Lucifer leans in close to me and gave me a firm look, causing my little bit of courage to disappear and for me to lower my head.


 “...Now then, back to your room. If you value your life, you’ll do as I say.” As Lucifer said that I flashback to what Luke said about never trusting a demon, especially if that demon was Lucifer. I could only nod my head in silence and go back to my room, not looking back once.


 I open my door and close it softly before throwing myself onto my bed, grabbing my stuffed sheep. I couldn’t help but wonder what was up those stairs and why Lucifer didn’t want me to go up them. ‘Why is my time in this school getting more complicated? I may come out of this with gray hair…’ Feeling a mixture of emotions I finally fall asleep, still hearing that sad and lonely voice calling out for me to help them.

I have like two chapters done ahead of time so I won't have to worry about that for a while. Anyway, I hope everyone enjoy this chapter and that you are healthy and safe. Bye-bye for now (*●⁰ꈊ⁰●)ノ~☆