Lesson Six Chapter Forty-Seven – Duty-Bound (1)
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 “Were you hiding this angel in your room? Did you allow him access to the House of Lamentation? This angel who would try to steal that grimoire…?” Lucifer looked like he was really holding back from just coming over to Beel and doing something really bad to them…


  “Y-You’ve got it all wrong! I wasn’t trying to steal it at?” Luke tried to defend himself but Mammon quickly cover his mouth and gave him a firm look.


  “Hey, idiot! This ain’t no time to be makin’ excuses! Once Lucifer flips out, it’s no use tryin’ to stop him! I mean, there’s one guy who could do it, but?” I couldn’t hear the rest of the thing Mammon was going to say before Lucifer's voice echo through the room and everything got really cold.


   “You two had better be ready to face the consequences…!” Lucifer raised his hand and I could feel Beel tense up. I saw that Luke lowered his head as he shook badly with his eyes closed, I think I saw a few tears appearing in his eyes.


  I don’t know why I did what I did but I let go of Beel's arm and quickly got in front of Beel and Luke to shield them from Lucifer. I was shaking and it felt like my heart was going to stop working due to how scared I was but I didn’t move out from in front of them. I could hear Mammon's voice call out my name in concern but I was too focused on Lucifer and his cold eyes.


  “Out of the way, human! Or do you want to die here?!” Lucifer wasn’t speaking to me in his usual polite tone, he was speaking to me like I wasn’t someone important. I wanted to run away so badly but I kept myself directly in front of Lucifer and shook my head at him as I bit my lips hard until I tasted metal in my mouth.


  “Stop it, Yuki…!” Beel was calling out to me from behind and he sounded really worried about me which just made me even more serious about not moving from in front of him.


  “C’mon, this is serious! He’s gonna kill you for real!” Mammon's voice sounded really concerned for me but I didn’t let that affect me as I looked at the cold faced Lucifer. I don’t know why but he still looked so beautiful even though he was going to kill me…


  “A human risking so much to defend a demon and an angel… how very interesting. Well, if you want to be a hero, you’re going to have to choose one of them to save. Beelzebub or Luke. It’s one or the other. Make your choice!” Lucifer's cold voice echoed throughout the voice and I could feel sweat going down my back.


  Even though Lucifer told me I could only save either Beelzebub or Luke… I couldn’t help but remember the question Beel asked me before and I looked at Lucifer with serious eyes. I wasn’t shaking as badly as before and my voice didn’t seem like it was stuck in my throat anymore.


  “No. I want to save both. Not only one of them.” I could hear Beel let out a noise behind me and Luke weakly called out my name but I was too focused on looking Lucifer dead in the eyes.


  “What’s that now? You want to save both…? Do you actually think I’m going to allow a lowly human that choice?! THAT YOU CAN HAVE WHATEVER IT IS YOU WANT?! NO…!” Lucifer looked so angry at the choice he made and before I could understand what was happening his hand moved…


  Everything went dark and I could hear my name being called out but I was too tired to say anything… I am just going to close my eyes for a few seconds…




  “..Yuki... Come back to me, Yuki.” I let out a low groan as I force open my eyes. I felt confused about where I was for a second before I realized I was back in Beel's room and on a bed now. This didn’t make sense at all, wasn’t I standing in front of Lucifer just a moment ago?


  “...Yuki. You’re awake. I’ve been here watching you. I thought you might never wake up, since humans are so fragile and all. I’m really glad you’re awake again.” I felt confused as Beel put his warm hand on my head and gave me a smile that made my heart beat really fast.


  “Do you remember what happened? You made Lucifer really mad when you stepped in to protect Luke and me. You almost got yourself killed. If Lord Diavolo hadn’t come running up, you’d be dead right now, you know. Lord Diavolo managed to stop Lucifer. You saw how Lucifer looked back then, and yet you stepped in front of me and spread your arms to block him. It was like you had a death wish. You need to go to Lord Diavolo and thank him for saving your life.” Beel was speaking softly to me as he kept his hand on my head. It felt nice….


  “Were you hurt, Beelzebub?” I looked at him with worried eyes as I made sure everything was okay with Beel. I wonder if Luke was okay also….?


  “No, I wasn’t hurt at all. But is this really the time to be worrying about me? You almost died, you know. A human stepping in to shield a demon from harm. I’ve never even heard of anything like that before.” Beel let out a sigh as he shook his head. I tried to smile at him but it became a pained groan, my body felt like I hit a wall at full force…


  “What about Luke? Is he okay?” I still wanted to make sure Luke was okay. He was really scared and I am worried something may have happened to him when I blacked out. 


“As for Luke, Simeon came and took him back to Purgatory Hall. He was pretty shaken up after what he experienced.” I let out a small sigh once I realized that Luke was okay and all the worrying thoughts I was having at the moment disappeared.


  ‘I really have shitty luck… This is the second time I was attacked… But at least nothing bad happened to Beel or Luke…’ Even though my body was in pain, I still felt pleased that nothing bad happened to them. This pain I was feeling was something I could deal with…

I don't have a lot to say but hey! I post this chapter so I hope you enjoy this extra chapter. Also, I finish the event going on with obey me already and I am empty once more. Anyway, I hope this chapter was enjoyable and that you are safe physically and mentally. Bye-bye for now and I hope to see you again (*●⁰ꈊ⁰●)ノ~☆