[Chapter 13] Luck Overpowers All
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Ahem, completely retaining my very existent composure, I utter my next words, "He-he's your apprentice?"

"Aye, though I know I don't got the look of it, I was once a rascal-like adventurer myself."

For some reason, it seems like he mistook my confusion for something else. Well, I suppose I won't correct him...

"I worked that sort of life for a while before I found myself the love of my life. I wasn't gonna risk anything that'd get between us! However, Symeph...that kid felt betrayed. Said I was weak, and I didn't do anythin' to deny him," Hibaien continues, giving the name that I had forgotten all this time!

Though, Hibaien was married, huh? Hmmm, he does give a homely vibe...

Wait wait! This isn't the time to think about that!

"Then, Chopper is from your adventuring days?" I smoothly say these lines of words.

As a response, Chopper Hibaien nods. He coughs slightly before muttering, "Kinda an embarrassin' nickname. Used to use a big ol' sword. Could slice the monsters in half," He sighs, "but Symeph liked to use a faster sword than mine. Wasn't like that originally, and I ain't notice their thoughts until much later."

"Symeph was always fast on his feet. When he begged me to be his master, I just kept him running. When I saw how hard he was workin', I decided to actually start teachin'. Yet, at that point, he didn't seem to care much anymore. I kept working with him, his basics, strength, but nothin' closed the gap," Hibaien keeps speaking, recalling the past where he trained his former apprentice, "It was my fault that he drifted so far. By the time I noticed, we were already pointin' our swords at each other."

Listening to this story, it seems like it was Hibaien's nonchalance that caused them to split, but I feel like there's something else to this. Like, Hibaien simply doesn't want to discredit Symeph and his efforts.

Even if Symeph was in the wrong.

Er, that just might be my personal bias, though. I mean, I don't have a good impression of that Swift Sword guy at all! He doesn't get the right to say that about his former master anyways, right? Hibaien may have done it half-heartedly at the beginning, but...

Ahhh, I don't know, can I make conclusions just off this? Huh, wait, pointing their swords at each other?

"Wha-? What do you mean by that?"

Hibaien shrugged, "Symeph challenged me to a duel, and he won it no less. Kicked'em straight to Rank C-Delta (Δ)."

"Eh! How did that guy win against you!" Before I could control my mouth, I let out this embarrassing exclamation. Stop doing this, me!

You can't blame me for saying this, okay? He didn't look spectacular and was sticking around in the hall like he was some bully. Though, thinking back, his armor was shiny and steel...But his mannerisms really made me overlook that. 

"Bahahaha! Don't let him hear ya say that kid! He's my apprentice, after all, I know how petty Symeph is!" Hibaien seemed to be tickled pink by what I said. Though, he definitely seems petty to me. Ah, but, I already offended him, didn't I?

"Erm..I kind of..I mean...might have asked him who he was, and then ran away..."

This sentence of mine caused Hibaien to laugh even harder as I explained to him the full course of events. Eventually, he settled down enough to say, "Yeah, that sounds like him alright."

He grew a bit more serious with his next sentence, "But, it's a bit worryin' knowin' he has it out for ya now."

S-seriously? What a pain...I guess I'll just have to be careful...? No...he's likely going to be at the guild quite a lot. Then, what do I do?

I could disguise myself and then beat him up and threaten him, but I'm not strong enough to do that yet. Does that mean I need to get stronger fast so I can play more normally? Perhaps, if I get a rare item, I could deal with him quicker. Ugh, this isn't really the line of thought of someone just playing a game is it?

As I kept contemplating to myself in my head, Hibaien is doing the same. A look of seriousness dons his face as he rubs his chin and mutters something under his breath, "Maybe..." But, I'm unable to really hear what he's saying. 

All of a sudden, he brings his fist down to a now open palm, creating a crisp sound. He declares with a newly-found resolve, "Since things have come to be like this, why don't I just make ya my apprentice as well to see who has the real bad eyesight!"

He declares something so strange, I think I'm about to go insane! My mouth is agape, and I feel like my ears must have gone haywire.

[Special Quest: Chopper and the Swift Sword]


Speak to Hibaien About Your Encounter

[Reward: Apprentice Route Quest]

[Special Quest: Chopper and the Swift Sword - Apprentice Route]



Haha...this game sure has a lot of options!!!!

My passive aggressions aside, what should I do? I close my mouth and open it, trying to say something, but no words come out. Instead, it looks more like I'm a fish or something.

T-this is why I avoided going to shady spots in the first place! When it comes to decisions like these, my spirit says go for it! But, my mind says to stop standing out!

But, it'd be even stranger if I refuse, right? 'Oh yeah, I got this special quest, but decided to not do it.' What kind of person who plays games would in their right mind say something like that!


Breathing deeply in my head, I've already come to a conclusion.

I don't really want to leave it at that, if I choose [Deny], he'd probably agree and give out a different quest, perhaps a more civil line of events that'd get us to forgive each other or something. But, that leaves a bad taste in my mouth, plus, I don't want to talk to him.

If I agree, then all I need to do is not tell anyone I got this quest, at worst, disguise myself for any quests that seem like it'd give me unnecessary attention.

There's...no need to fear it, I guess?

However, I'll really need to be more careful henceforth. No more running away or getting involved in crazy things. After I complete this one, I should just do some guild quests. Ah, maybe I can do guild quests while doing this one too?

So, I chose [Accept]. I feel like I will regret this in the future, though.

So, whether purposeful or not, wanted or unwanted, desired or avoided, the best outcome forces itself out.

I guess steering clear of the shady stall wasn't enough. Even acting normal and natural was a plan filled with holes.

In the end...

Luck overpowers it all.