Chapter 2: Grasping The Feeling
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While still massaging my aching hand, I returned to the docks.

Now where would be a nice place to train…? It seems that Dock 3 is relatively calm today.


“Well, well. If it isn’t Little Don. Would you care to enlighten us as to why you have decided to grace us with your presence?” Jokingly said a man with clownish make up while giving an exaggerated bow.

“Well if it isn’t my loyal court jester, Jim. Shouldn’t you rejoice being granted a visit from thy lord?” I answered with my favorite mocking tone.

“Well anyways. I’m not here for more acting lessons, Jim. I’m here to do some training.”


This remark got a few raised eyebrows from the nearby folks.

“Training, you say? Little Don… Remember when you almost broke your arms doing 10 push-ups? Or your legs while doing sit-ups?” Jim asked in concern while others nodded.

“And my back while I was just jumping around. I know, I know. Urgh… I know. I won’t be doing anything too heavy for my body. Just gonna stand against the wind.” I said being tiredly.

“Well if you are just going to stand there then I don’t see anything that could go wrong. Not like you’d start flying away suddenly.” Jim jokingly added.

“Haha…Ha… Yea, flying…” *sweat drop* Damn… I better go to a spot where not that many people will see what I’m doing.


Hmm... This spot should do. Not many people will see what I’m doing unless they are actively looking at me.

Now then… How should I start this? Willpower… Will… Want…

‘Ya just gotta will it!’ So… As long as I want something it should happen?

I’ll just close my eyes and focus…

I want to fly. I want to fly. I want to fly. I want to fly…


Few minutes later…


Urgh, this isn’t going anywhere. And the wind is actually wearing me out…

I guess I should try something else. Maybe feel the wind better or something? Maybe I should try jumping when the wind blows harder.



Now that was surprising. The wind lifted me up a bit and pushed me few meters backwards.

“Little Don, are you okay?!” A worker asked when he noticed that I was pushed back.

“I’m fine, I’m fine. That was just a bit surprising. Didn’t know that that would happen.” I reassured the man.

“Well if you are fine then that’s good but don’t do that again. It looks dangerous and we don’t want you hurting your back again, now don’t we.” Said the man sternly.

“Yes, yes. You can have someone observe if you are that worried.” Since it seems my training isn’t going anywhere.


I went back to my spot and started feeling the wind again.

How should I feel the wind better without getting of the ground? Should I mimic the birds?

First, I spread my arms wide. Then I slowly started lifting my right leg of the ground and raise it behind me. I ended up standing on one leg, arms spread out mimicking a bird… Honestly, I feel like an idiot.

“Huh, Little Don is doing balancing exercises?”

“That’s actually a good start considering his body. He should do those more often. I think that was called Yoga or something.”


Are you serious? This stupid thing is actually something that people do?

Dammit, FOCUS! Feel the wind and focus.

I want to fly. I want to fly. I want to fly. I want to fly…




Suddenly I feel a bit weightless… I’m afraid to open my eyes and loose this amazing feeling...

“Hey… Am I seeing things or is Little Don not touching the ground?”

“Nah, that can’t be. You must be drun…k? My goodness! Either I’m also drunk or Little Don must be light as a feather if he can hover a few centimeters off the ground.”




I opened my eyes in panic and scream as I feel the wind flinging me across the docks.

The wind is carrying me towards the fish market.

“SOMEBODY CATCH LITTLE DON!” “Why is Little Don flying?!”

“How did this happen?!” “AAAAAAAAAAAA-!!!!!“ Everyone is panicking! Especially me!


*POMF* “Urgh… At least the landing this time was soft…” Luckily I seem to have landed on one of the markets canvas roof covers.

“Little Don, are you alright!?”


“”“NO!!!!””” The dock workers and the whole market shouted angrily at me and that just made me laugh louder.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” I kept laughing, rolling and bouncing on the canvas and eventually everyone calmed down and started laughing with me.


“Now that we’ve laughed it off… Can somebody get me down from here? Please?” I asked with a cutesy voice while peering down from the corner.

“Oh for the love of… Come here, you little rascal.” One of the fishmongers said while helping me down.

“My goodness you are lighter than the fish I sell! No wonder you went flying like that! You need to eat more. Here, have some fish for dinner.” Said the fishmonger while giving me a ‘heavy’ bag of fish.

I glanced at the fish on the stall and started sweating. No shit I’m lighter than the fish you sell! Isn’t that fish almost the size of a Sea King!

“Thank you and sorry for all the trouble!” I said while bowing.

“No problem. We all had a nice laugh, heheh.”


- On The Way Back To The Slums -


Urgh, damn it. Why did I leave so early… THIS BAG IS SO DAMN HEAVY!

I should’ve just waited for someone else from the slums to get off work and make them carry this damn thing.

I just want to get back home and try to fly again.


I need to hurry. I just need get home faster. I just need to be faster.

Need to hurry. Faster. Faster. FASTER!

Suddenly I can’t keep up with the surroundings and my own movement.

“Oh shit!” *SLIP* *ROLL* *THUNK*

And I crashed into a tree… *Sniffle, Sniffle* “Oww…” It hurts…


*Sniffle* What happened? How did everything suddenly go so weird?

Argh, the pain! I’m gonna to feel this for at least two weeks.

I’m just gonna just lie down and wait until someone comes by…

But seriously… How did this happen? Was I thinking too hard that I couldn’t even keep up with things?

No. I was just thinking about wanting to get back home a bit faster.


……… Wait a second… Faster? I wanted to go faster?

I can use will to move faster? Like armament haki but different?

How will this affect my body? I fell immediately so it’s hard to tell…

Maybe I can finally get a bit stronger and not suffer so much all the time.

I really need to think about what to do with willpower, other than to fly that is.


- A Few Hours Later -


“Did ya hear about what happened to Little Don today? It was so hilarious!”

“I wish I was there to see it. Heard he flew 50 meters from his spot!”

“Wahaha, you should’ve seen him! He was like a kite in the air!”


Ah, the morning menace is here.

“Oi! I know that I’m awesome but could I get a little help here?!” I yelled at the loud trio, who were in their own little world.

“Whoa! Little Don! Don’t scare us like that!” Complained one of the uncles.

“And what happened to you?! You are all banged up!?” He asked worryingly.

“Well I was hurrying back home, because the bag was so damn heavy, and I just wanted to get it over with. Then in my rush I tripped and fell. And here we are.” I explained while wincing in pain.


“Oh for the love of… Here. Let us carry you back home and get your injuries treated.”

“Thanks. You can have some of the meat as thanks.”

And so, I was being carried back… like a sack of potatoes.

At least I don’t need to move. I kept staring at the sky listlessly.

How am I now gonna train in this condition? Urgh, what a pain.


Hello World!

Dravde desu~! Whell whell whell... color me suprised, another chapter! Whoo!

When I started writing, stuff just kept flowing out of my head. Hopefully it's not my brain...

Seems like my writing spurt is over with this. I doubt I'll get another chapter out in the next two days. But hey! I did 3 chapters in 3 days! I'm really proud of myself.

Currently I'm lacking sleep... so I should fix myself before my brain actually starts flowing out of my head. Can someone lend me cloroform? For medical purposes of course =D

I actually have some ideas already about the next 2 chapters but I'm too tired to write right now.

That's all folks! Happy readings party people~! (Yes... this is going to be a thing.)