Book 3: Chapter 67: Majo: Field of Conflict
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Here we are just going to train and cooperate with these soldiers again. Compared to the first and second day they’re much more reserved and less cocky around us, certainly much more tolerable, but today I’m also leaving early so there’s that, just to make sure in case anything goes off rails.

‘I believe they will begin establishing expeditions within three or four days from now’ Good thing he didn’t say today, otherwise I would’ve needed to come up with excuses and plans to go elsewhere and then possibly cause a whole lot of suspicion I don’t want.

“I think they are plenty ready for a bit of beating” Gina said as she looked at the rather uniformed group of soldiers today. I wonder if they are more eager to fight or not considering it hasn’t gone well so far. Really the rather one-sided training is a bit odd considering they’re supposed to be soldiers, who should be somewhat strong, quantity should not affect the quality of soldiers.

“Well let’s not take them lightly” Elrick commented as he ready his stance. The soldiers all ready their weapons as well. Probably won’t be too much trouble but let’s see how it goes.

Everyone stood silently as no one began moving just yet. No one seems particularly brave enough to start just yet… Guess I’ll be the one announcing it.

“Start!” I shouted to get people moving. Everyone in this training group immediately rushed in and attacked the adventurers, all of them avoiding attacks rather easily and counter back. At this point I make sure to stay far away since I’m only overseeing it.

‘Let’s be real here if you were to be involved in this volatile group training it’ll be a complete slaughter. Maybe try sitting this one out?” That’s what Gina pointed out before this formulated schedule is made.

‘Maybe you could help with the clean up… I-I mean’ Is what Elrick said I should do. Seems my power, even if it’s not much of it, is really frightening for them. I’m definitely not at the level to do this and expect to be able to hold back enough anymore.

Back to reality they are still clashing. While this isn’t much of a training it’s at least an exercise for both sides. Gina is at the back while the other three guard her with a great deal of efficiency, not losing their formation. The thing about this battle that is different from the first one is how organized it is. The first day everything is so chaotic and disorganized which hampered both sides, and today is contrasting it in that aspect. The fact that there is some organization in how the battle is readied and started makes both sides more prepared, but specifically the group that is most experienced is the one that benefited the most, the adventurers.




“That was a clear victory for the adventurers I will say” I commented as I walked over to the field of people just collapsing from exhaustion or sleep on the floor.

“Yeah that wasn’t too hard” Elrick said, still panting rather heavily while sitting down. 

“Well I guess I’ll just do a spell or two and let you all continue” I said dismissively seeing as I won’t have much part in this, and hopefully no one outside of this place realized that, feel like there could be a bit of questioning otherwise.

“Yeah sounds lovely alright” Elrick replied sarcastically, taking a long sigh while his companions are also taking a break and hurt in some places.




So what exactly came next? Well at this point the time is kinda… near its end so I would like to go already.

“Yeah as I said before I’ll go back early, deal with them well okay?” I said to the four adventurers before just walking off just to get out of here and back to the academy.




I got back to the academy soon after getting out of anyone’s line of vision and warped back to near the entrance, and then back into the academy itself. This wouldn’t just be the end of it though, since if I were to observe Clara and what will happen then I have to find a spot at the garden to hide. I need to go there and hopefully not see anyone from either side being there waiting.




Seems I come here early. No one is even really here. Now time to pick a place to hide, or at least observe. Now the obvious choice in this instance will be the roof, since that is usually where I should observe things from, but if it’s not far away enough then people might see it. Well humans usually don’t look at a high angle from their eye level aside I should be pretty cautious with this with her personal stake on the line, I don’t want to turn it into a problematic situation with me involved if possible, if she can deal with it herself then I don’t want to show up. Even if seeing someone on the roof is unlikely I shouldn’t risk it.

Roof isn’t a bad idea but it wouldn’t cover all the bases I think. Maybe a tint of magic or two to help with the camouflage. Well actually before all of that.


I jumped up and onto the roof where I won’t be seen. There isn’t any window around so no one should suspect anything. This place sure doesn’t have a lot of windows about, and the garden also isn’t that large either. Now how would I eavesdrop and stay a safe distance away is the question. Magic would be the easiest answer but even then it’s how to apply them, I could heighten my senses to get a better look and hearing. I could maybe open a tiny rift to hear them up close, but that can be a bit straining. I should also try to blend in with the wall and roof as well, my cloak is a bit dim in color but it’s not a perfect blend. I guess I could use dark magic to dim myself down.

Maybe I should just go with that, using darkness to cover myself while concentrating on heightened my sense of sight and hearing. I should practice this to make sure it goes as planned. Now. [Conceal me the darkness of miracle]


It clings to me and holds me against the wall, now I should try to heighten my senses. Just try to concentrate, seeing down there, seeing the green garden down there and those who are in view clearly, and the hearing of the argument that is about to happen.




Now that I tried it enough times… Wait, are they all here already? I better hide now then.


Now let’s see who is around at this point and time. I saw a rather pompous looking girl, she has peachy brown hair and rather haughty look, and besides her are a few of her followers no doubt, her classmates that follow her around because it seems favorable, or just because they’re like her.

“Glad you are here on time, peasant” The no doubt the highly entitled and noble class girl said to Clara as she approached them trying to stay calm. I don’t see the dagger on her, is she hiding it somewhere in her clothing? I would think she would indeed have it with her.

Clara doesn’t say anything as both sides stare at each other, with the side of harassers looking much more disdainful when they have no right to be.

“Say something. You sure have a lot of gall to still even be around” The leader of the group said trying to stir something up. There wasn’t any reaction from Clara as this is said. I could see her as someone keeping silent but this is getting rather tense, she should try to do something.

“What gall you have to not respond to her!” One of the noble girl’s lackeys shouted out. Clara budges slightly but stands her ground.

“So what is the purpose of this meeting?” Clara asked, trying to remain calm and civil. She doesn’t seem to harbor any sound of hatred or unpleasantry but I don’t know if they’ll accept that tone still.

“Wow. To think you are asking me that question, isn’t it obvious? You have been going around playing the cute polite girl facade when you are just a lucky nobody getting in” The leader said, sounding rather ridiculous. I wouldn’t think anyone outside of an otome game would have the gall to say something like this but here we are, guess people back in this time are that ridiculous in their perspective and reasoning.

“But I’m not playing anything?” Clara replied, sounding her confusion making it clear she’s the only sensible person in the garden right now.

“As if I’ll believe that, I can see a few boys, some I want for myself, eying you up. Just how much audacity do you have to deny otherwise?” She said in response sounding insanely entitled.

“I have no knowledge of this” Clara replied making it clear that she really wasn’t aware of this, will the other side believe that is another issue. They began surrounding her as she said that, and Clara looked understandably concerned. It is a pretty scary and stressful situation to be in.

“Quit playing dumb. Either you stop your little act and go back to whatever place you came from and I’ll play nice, or not and I’ll make sure a bitch like you leaves, no question asked” The leader said as if she’s in the right. Should I go in now or wait for a bit? I think I should wait, just in case she managed to turn the tide somehow.

“I am very much not playing dumb” Clara replied while clutching to somewhere near her right leg, is that where the dagger is? I couldn’t see it behind the long skirt. She seems rather hesitant in actually pulling it out.

“That’s the last straw! Here I am playing nice and here you are continue playing dumb! Girls! Get her out of here!” The leader shouted as the girls coming with her all jumped Clara, now would be a good time to either dodge or pull out the dagger.

“[Darkness, shield me!]” Clara shouted as she raised her arms out.

*Dim* *Block*

“What the hell!?” The leader said as a wall of darkness shielded Clara from attacks, with the girls trying to jump her just getting hit by the wall and falling down ungracefully. Clara quickly tries to run away seeing the opportunity.

*Leap* *Crash*

The leader quickly ran after her, jumping towards and tackled Clara down.

“As if I’ll let you get away with your evil magic!” She said as she pinned Clara down, it seems she’s stronger than Clara physically at least, that’s bad.

“Ugh!” Clara groaned as she tried to struggle free, trying to reach for the dagger she has under her skirt.

“Where are you reaching!” The leader shouted at her and caught her hand trying to grab it. The noble girl tries feeling around and- Well she seems to figure it out rather quickly.

“Haaah!? Why do you have this fancy dagger with you? Were you trying to use it on me, are you!?” She said as she held the dagger at Clara still on the ground. Clara turns her head to see the dagger going to get her.

“Wha-!?” Clara shakes violently which takes the girl off guard, mustering all of her strength to free herself. She grabs onto the dagger and struggles to get it back. Clara looks more determined than ever trying to get it back, all the while not really saying anything. She grips very tightly onto the girl’s hand still on the dagger.

“Give it back!” Clara said rather aggressively if trying to contain her anger still. The leader wouldn’t let go of it and try to not let go of it as well, probably expecting the worst of Clara.

“As if I’ll do that you accursed peasant!” The leader said back. While the two are struggling for the dagger everyone else already recovered and rushed towards them, maybe a small intervention will work.


“Eeeeeep!” Some of them screamed out as violent winds surrounded the garden and took them by surprise, halting them for a moment for Clara to get it back.

“Give. It. Back!” Clara screamed out at the limit of her patience. The leader just won’t let it go no matter what, and this continues even with wind rages on around them, as a way so no one else can interfere.

“I. Won’t!” The leader declared as both of them are still trying to make each other lose their grip on it. The erratic behavior of both them makes it seem like anything could easily go wrong, anything could absolutely turn the whole event into a complete disaster.


Clara slipped up her footing, this is going to be it huh… This will end this petty squabble she didn’t even start.


“Wha… Why…” She said weakly as the blade of the fancy dagger is inserted into her torso with relative ease, her body began shaking and her chest bleeding with the handle of the dagger still being held by the one she held contempt for. A sudden yet violent end to someone so full of herself, full of the future she no doubt thought she could have. Just a little bit of movement caused the wound to open up all the more, and her bleeding out all her life all too quickly.

The wind calms, all the girls see it, Clara no doubt sees it. All of them horrified at the sight, a horrible yet self-inflicted accident of a girl full of hubris, a terrible tale but a completely real one. Regardless of how much of an insufferable girl she is with so little I see of her, there’s no doubt that was a needless conclusion, but something of this degree will eventually happen.

Nearing the end of her life she stumbled backward and fell onto the grassy floor of the beautiful garden, what should be her place to rule now to be the place of her end. Her expression is hopeless, and soon her end will be final.

So what if that’s what should happen? I don’t really care about that, who cares if she seems impossible to save.

“[Time Stop]” I chanted as I spread my influence over this part of the world, stopping it for a limited amount of time.

*Leap* *Land*

Landing onto her I need to do this correctly. In this stopped time the wound stops bleeding, so me taking my time healing her wouldn’t be too much of a problem, but I still have a few seconds left.

“[Undo] [High Heal]” I chanted the two spells as I try hard to concentrate and make sure the former one specifically went perfectly, in a stopped time it could easily cause a volatile reaction. Just… close up and… just like nothing happened.


“[C-Continue]” I commanded as I felt extremely nauseous due to stopping time. The time resumes like normal, but before that I-


Makes it seem like she was recovered quickly in a single spell, if it can only be that easy and simple.

“W-What just” Clara muttered as she still held onto the bloodied knife. Soon she realized something unbelievable, the wound that was accidentally inflicted on the girl laying down in front of her was all healed up completely. Even the girls following her noticed that was well and too bewildered by it to try to attack Clara.

“H-Huh?” Soon the girl herself returns to full consciousness and realizes what happened as she then touches where the wound was, completely bewildered just like everybody else. She is suddenly completely fine.

“Ow!” Well aside from probably a bit of pain from everything reconnecting and reconstructing in less than a second, that would have to be felt unfortunately for her. Clara quickly hides the dagger behind her, a bit suspicious if not exactly the worst thing to do.

“What just happened!?” One of the girls said loudly while everyone else was completely flabbergasted by what had happened. I guess this is my entrance into the frey.

*Leap* *Land*

“Whoa!” A few let out a sound of surprise as I leapt from the room of the ground floor to the garden itself.

“Good thing I was around for this squabble, otherwise say goodbye to your life for real” I said in a bit of an eerie and calm tone as I looked around to see all the participants. No one really says anything as I make my entrance known.

“R-Reiza!” Clara ran over to me after finally taking notice. I swiftly took the dagger from here and cleaned it up, then handed it back.

“I know something would’ve happened so I stick around. All of you sure love causing trouble” I said in a dull sarcastic tone as the leader girl got up and everyone stared at us.

Everyone is still so bewildered at what happened that they can’t say even a single word. None of them managed to say anything, unable to comprehend what just happened, like they came out of a trace or a dream.

“I hope you all realized how such a hand on approach and more importantly aggressive actions can cause a tragedy. Now let me make it clear, if something like this were to happen again, there won’t be another second chance” I said as I glared at them making my ill intent clear. She should be glad she even has a second chance.

“You all look like clowns, like animals just reacting wildly and illogically, it’s such an embarrassment for me to see people of such high class being far less rational than her” I said as I pulled Clara in with one of my arms. I can see her face reddened a bit as I do so while keeping my eyes on these girls.

“Reflect on your actions, and never approach her again. Let’s go Clara, away from here and to somewhere worthwhile” I said as I walked away with Clara in tow. Away from this place and to where we should rest, where we should relax, and away from this group of people neither of us should have business dealing with.