Chapter 1
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Hi! Here is the first chapter. I would recommend you to read till 10 chapter before you quit.

On a plain grassland, a boy with black hair and handsome features was lying. His eyes were closed.

The wind blew causing a disturbance in his sleep. The boy opened his eyes slightly and then closed it again. The wind blew again, disturbing him. But this time he didn't open his eyes.

However, that was his mistake.

"Haru!! wake up!"


A book hit his face resulting in a nosebleed.

"Agh! What the Hell?...Huh? Sheela! What are you doing here?"

The boy said wiping his nose with his tattered sleeve. His clothes were battered and dirty so he didn't mind wiping his nose with it. But, the girl was not going to let him go though. She said:

"What do you mean by that? Obviously, I am here for you. You dump-head!".

The boy shook his head helplessly at the girl's words. He thought that she was worrying over nothing important. He said:

"You should not have come here. What about your afternoon classes? I heard that they were going to teach you how to control your elements. You should hurry and go back before they find out that you are not in the class".

The girl smiled over the boy's words however she quickly hid it and regained her previous demeanor. It could be said that she was an excellent actor. She said:

"I am not going there if you will not accompany me".

The boy smiled helplessly again and thought this girl was too much for him to handle. He said:

"I don't even have an element. How can I go with you? They will kick me out. I don't want to disgrace myself. You should go alone. I am gonna go home and work. I have many things to do".

The girl thought for a while and said:

"Then why don't we go together? I have wanted to meet 'Aunt Sora' for a while now.

"Hey! have you forgotten that you are supposed to go to your class not my home".

"But I don't want to go.... that fat 'Daiki Souji' ... I hate his class. All he tells is 'food recipes' and 'food techniques'. I am the daughter of 'Tatsuo Takashi'. I am not going to cook food for anyone".

"Even if you are the daughter of village chief. That doesn't mean that you can skip classes. What if he throw you (her father) out in anger. What will you do? huh?".

The girl make a face of annoyance to the boy and walks toward her school without looking back. Seeing her like this, the boy sighs and laid on grass again. Looking toward sky which was half yellow and half blue.

After a while, he said:

"It's time to go home".

Saying that he got up,patted his clothes and went toward his house where he will face the discrimination again as always.