Telephone Logs 1: Secrets
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Ah Liang enters the room and proceeds to reach for the chair in the darkness. He sits down swiftly and proceeds to receive the call from the tethered brick phone on the table. As he answered, all that was in his mind was of home, dinner, and long-awaited rest from a day's training.

"Hello, I am teacher number 2954. May I know your matter of concern?"
"Hi... I do not want you to try to stop me. I'm calling to tell you about my secret."

Audible giggles could be heard over the line. The voice was feminine. There was a girl over the line, possibly in her teens. 

"I have already consumed a few dozen insomnia pills before I called... I just don't want to bring my secrets into my grave, alright? Don't try to stop me."

Frantically, Ah Liang's training from earlier in the day springs into motion. Albeit in shock, he begins taking down notes. On another piece of paper, he hastily jostled down the words 'Suicide attempt'.

"Alright, I-I am open to listening. You can... feel relieved in the fact that only I will be listening. Please don't do anything irrational."
[ Arggh! What was I thinking? She has already downed a few dozen pills! ]

Ah Liang's only objective now is to keep her on the line for as long as he could. At the very least, he would have to hit 30 minutes. He doesn't have a clock on him and he doesn't know how, but he knows he must. There is simply no other choice. They could swap him out with a more experienced senior, but what if she ends the call during the exchange? It was a risk neither would take, and Ah Liang would have to stay put. 

As Ah Liang frantically waves the paper around at the window, he began to ask more questions to drag out the time. Anything, anything he could do to keep the conversation going.

"How old are you this year? er... miss?"
"Are you alone or is there anybody at home?"
"I think I should explain my secrets first before you continue to ask such nonsense."
"Teacher... 2954 is it? I want to tell you that... I am very glad to be able to talk to you... listening to my secrets. I've told no one, except, myself, and now you...... keep it between us, alright?"
"I will keep them ( the secrets ) to myself. I promise." Ah Liang said so as he handed the slip of paper in between the small crack in the door to the senior outside.

Audible giggles can be heard again. This time, they were of sheepish joy, no longer the bashful ones from the beginning.

"Would you like to know about my... family, first? It's ...... ...... quite important."
"Yes, yes, go on. I want you to tell me everything you feel comfortable with telling."
"I... come from a very rich, well off family. I have brothers and sisters. Each of us have our own apartments. I don't get the see them a lot. They all seem to live their own lives... The only time we do meet are on special occasions, which does not include birthdays and whatnot... and..."
"Do... you all live independently? Alone?"
"No, mom has hired maids to take care of what she couldn't...... Teacher, do you have a maid?"
"No, but sometimes I wish I had."

Audible giggles could be heard once more.

"Do your parents take good care of you?"
"Yes. Yes, they do."
"You are living with everything I've ever wanted."
"Well, for one thing, maids usually don't work for the same client for prolonged periods of time. I get a new maid every couple of years...... My entire family has been absent throughout my entire childhood. All I had, as a guardian, as a parent, was my maids. I really... really... hate changing a new maid. It's like changing to a new parent every few years! New parenting methods, new personality, it's impossible for me to readjust like this. I really hate it!!! The connection between parent and child, is it so much to ask from your parents? I have to redo all of this... all over again... when I get a new maid... I just... want to, come home to a familiar, face... ... ......"

Over the line, Ah Liang could hear the stifled breaths of the young girl.

"Hey, if it's too much, we can take a-"
"No, it's fine. I have to get everything before I...... you know."

"I don't feel loved, alright? I... there... nobody is ever present for me, present for my childhood... I just want someone... that I can feel comfortable talking too, someone that understands, even if... they are faking it! Someone, someone that can comfort me when I am hurt..."

"Teacher... do you think that is too selfish of a desire?"

"I... Surely, Certainly, that is not selfish in any way possible. There...... uh...... parent's must always be present to tend to their children, offering help to the things they cannot solve, Uhm, themselves. I-I really...... I'm listening to you right now, aren't I? Don't you feel better about that?"
"Yes, I certainly do. My heart... it feels lighter."
[Gosh, I do hope I am doing well. How long has it passed? 5 minutes? 10??? I really can't mess it up. The life of a middle schooler is literally in my hands right now! Everything I say... Argghhhh!!! I can't mess up!"]

"Hey, are you a new intern there?"
"Yes, indeed I am."
"Well, let's just say this isn't the first time I called..."
"Hey, teacher, I really like how this feels, sharing my secrets. Shall we continue?"
"A-Ah, yes, let's continue."

"...I want to tell you, my second secret."

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