Ch.4: A Monstrous Encounter
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The man rushes ahead swinging his hand towards Tri as he leaps back instinctively sensing something. As he stares the trashcan splits in two with one half falling to the ground and its contents spilling across the ground. Tri stares ahead terrified as he watches the man stand and smile insanely approaching him.

            “Hey wait, I’m just some kid!” Tri yells out.

            “I need your blood!” The man yells out.

Tri leaps back running away as the man chases after him.

            Crap, this is way worse than that old guy! Tri yells out in his head panicking as he runs ahead.


Tri runs down the street panicking as the man chases after him slashing at everything with an invisible object cutting into anything they pass. The pair run through the city streets and losing a sense of his surroundings Tri enters the park running rapidly on the trail. Tri’s body moves rapidly as his muscles ache and his body burns with his fight or flight instinct fully set to flight.

            “Please, someone help!” Tri yells out terrified.

            “Blood!” The man yells out.

As he runs a figure appears in front of him and as Tri approaches, he notices the uniform. “Officer!”

            “Huh?” The man asks curiously in a half-asleep daze. “What’s going on?”

            “I’m being assaulted!” Tri yells out.

The man steps into view his mouth visibly foaming as he slowly approaches.

            “What the?” The officer says confused.

He pulls Tri behind him and pulls out a gun attached to his side as the man steps forward slowly. He raises his hand and Tri notices an object seemingly appearing in his hand before quickly disappearing.

            “Alright, put your hands in the air!” The officer yells out. “Put your hands in the air and put yourself on the ground.”

            “Blood.” He says with the foam dripping from his mouth. “I need your blood.”

            “What’s with this guy?” The officer asks. “Must be some serious drugs he’s on. I’m giving you to the count of three before firing.”

            “Blood.” The man says repeatedly.

The officer puts his finger over the trigger. “One, Two…” He sweats as his finger slowly squeezes the trigger. “Three!”

He pulls the trigger and fires with a bullet travels out flying across the air and towards the crazed man. But before the bullet can hit, he swings his hand and an invisible force catches the bullet deflecting it out into the air.


            “What the?!” The officer yells out. “I don’t know what’s going on here but get out of here kid!”


Tri stares ahead and notices the man’s arm transforming becoming a large black muck wrapped across a blade. “But something’s not right here.”

            “Of course, something’s not right!” The officer yells out.

The man charges ahead swinging his large mucky arm and slashing into the officer’s chest as blood flies out across the area. Tri stands in horror unable to look away as he sees the police officer fall to the ground with his blood flowing across the concert.

            “Blood!” The man yells out. “Yes, I need it, I need more blood!”

Tri stares ahead and the black muck wraps and covers the man turning him into a humanoid monster, wearing odd armor across his torso, with a sword embedded in his right hand, and a helmet covering his head only showing blood-red eyes.

            “What the. What the hell is this?” Tri asks confused.

            “Blood!” The monster yells out swinging its sword down towards the injured man.

Time slows and for a moment stop entirely. He moves solely on instinct without a single thought in his head Tri leaps ahead tackling the monster as it swings its blade. He tackles it to the ground with the edge of the blade scratching his back and cutting into his flesh.

Moving as fast as he can he reaches down and grabs the officer lifting him onto his back and rushing off into the nearby bushes. The monster struggles to stand trapped on its back by its own heavy armor as Tri starts to slowly get away.

            “Crap!” Tri yells out across the night. “Please be okay, please be okay!”

Tri stops for a moment and feels the weight of the adult he put on his back weighing him down as he falls to the ground exhausted as the officer’s body slides off of his. His body aches and his muscles burn as he feels nothing but intense pain pulsing through his entire body.

            “Kid, get out of here.” The officer says speaking up as he coughs up blood. “Just get out of here and get help.”

Tri forces himself to stand. “No, no way. I’m not leaving you to die here!”

Something pulses in Tri’s pockets, and he reaches down and pulls out the coin only for all the rust that once covered it to be gone. It now shines with an odd metallic reflection with the image of a sword covering its front.

            “What is this?” Tri asks.

Curious he reaches in and pulls out the watch only to see it still covered in rust. “What was I expecting?”

            “Kid please, only one of us has to die here.” He says.

Tri looks down nervously and stares at the man. “Do you have a family?” He asks softly.


            “Do you have a family?”

The officer lays quietly. “I have a wife and newborn daughter.”

            “They’d be sad if you died.” Tri stands ignoring the pain as blood runs down his back. “Your family would be sad, and that sadness would consume them.”

            “Kid…” The officer says as he slowly loses consciousness.

Tri grips the coin in his hand. “I’m no hero, and I don’t intend to be one, but there’s no way I’m letting anyone go through what I had to!”

            “Blood!” The monster yells out as it cuts down a tree and walks forward. “I need more blood! Give me blood!”

            “You want blood then I’m right here!” Tri yells out. “If you want it come and get it!”

            Insert the coin. A voice rings out in Tri’s mind. If you want to survive insert the coin.

            “What?” Tri asks confused.

Tri looks at the coin and notices its glow as he looks at the watch and notices a slit just large enough for the coin. Confused but out of options he puts the watch on his arm and slides the coin into the slot.

            “Alright now what?” Tri asks.

            It’s time! The voice yells out.

The watch glows and the rust vaporizes as the watch glows with a shiny silver glow. “Phantomize!” The watch yells out as it glows.

            “What?!” Tri cries out confused with the glow overtaking him. “What is going on?”