Ch.28: Raging Inferno
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Tri slashes out at Jago with an intense flame bursting forth from his sword. He rushes ahead in a raging inferno as Jago dodges the attacks and leaps into the air sliding his hand over the watch piece.

            “Water!” His Phantomizer yells out.

Jago shoots out a flurry of watery arrows that hit Tri and weaken the flames as Tri stands smoldering. The red and grey parts of Tri’s armor shine as the red moves similar to a flame as Tri steps ahead.

            “What is this?”

            “I have no idea!” Tri yells out. “But with this power, I’m going to stomp down on you and end this.”

            I? Don’t you mean we? Edmond asks echoing through Tri’s head.

            “So this is your real power? Is this the power your Phantom awoke within you?” Jago asks firing more arrows.

Tri slashes away the arrows with each arrow fizzling into steam as Tri slashes through each of them. “I don’t know. But I don’t even care if this is our power then we’ll use it.”

Tri steps forward with his voice changing as he walks ahead. “We’ll use this to protect those we care for, defend the world, and each other!”

Tri leaps into air aimed at Jago as he slashes down towards him. Jago leaps back to avoid the attack, but the force of the impact causes him to fly backward as he forces himself to stand staring at Tri.

            “This is our power. And we’ll use it to do what we will!” Tri says with Edmond’s voice mixing in.

Jago laughs loudly as he stares down at his own Phantomizer. “I see the Dual Soul system. It’s kind of obvious in hindsight.”


            “The mixing of souls, the true purpose of the system. For two to become one!” Jago yells out holding out his Phantomizer. “I see, it’s so obvious.”

            “What?” Tri asks.

            “The mixing of souls?” Saffy asks curiously.

Tri steps head towards Jago. “That doesn’t matter I’m going to end you!”

            “Fine by me let’s end this,” Jago says pulling back his bowstring.

Tri holds up his sword as fire rises around it growing stronger and stronger as he concentrates on the sword. Jago pulls back his bowstring as and holds it towards the sky as a watery arrow grows larger and larger.

            “Deluge Strike!” Jago yells out.

            “Inferno Slash!” Tri yells out.

Jago unleashes is arrow shooting it into the air as it breaks apart and falls towards the ground in a rain of watery arrows that crash down onto Tri. Fighting the attack Tri swings his blade sending out an intense wave of fire hitting Jago.

Both fall to the other’s attacks with their armors dissolving into the air as both struggle to stand. Jago raises faster than Tri and turns.

            “Well, that’s all I’ve got,” Jago says walking off. “I’ll leave both of you here for today.”

            “Wait!” Tri yells out. “No way I’m letting you get away!”

            “Oh, what you’re going to kill me?” Jago asks. “With that last attack you could’ve killed me, but you didn’t, because you’re not a killer I know that now. I’ll tell the Prof and the others this case is closed okay?”

            “And then what?” Tri asks.

            “This experience has taught me of something a lot more interesting. We’ll still pursue Frank’s killer, and we might find each other again and clash, but today is not the day either of us falls.” Jago says walking off.

Tri steps ahead towards Jago only for an intense burn to flow through his body falling to the ground. Saffy rushes ahead grabbing Tri and lifting him up to his feet as the two look towards each other.

            “You did it!”

            “Yeah, but I’m wiped,” Tri says.

Saffy laughs. “But it’s all worth it right? Being the big hero and all that?”

Tri smirks. “Yeah, but I’m no hero. I’m just someone selfish enough to not want to let anyone go.”

Edmond appears and floats overhead. And I’m selfless enough to help you out with your selfishness.

            “Edmond it’s great to see you again.”

Edmond fades. Yes, but I’m still restoring myself. It’s best I rest for now and we’ll conversate when I awaken.

            “No, we’ll talk about it when I feel it’s worth it,” Tri says. “Once this is all over it’ll make one hell of a story.”

            “Yeah, it’ll be pretty interesting,” Saffy says.


Jago stumbles away from the area looking at his Phantomizer and the coin embedded within as he removes it and holds it wards the sky. He smirks as he puts it into his pocket as he walks towards the city.

            “So that’s the true purpose of the system? With all of this, I’m sure I can gain more power especially if I remove these limiters.” He says staring at his watch and then turns towards the coin. “Oh well, for now, I should focus on getting to know you better partner.”

Jago walks ahead as he puts the coin away and disappears into the night.


Elsewhere the old man appears looking at a cracked phone with a meter slowly raising across the screen. He smirks as he puts his phone away and pulls out the odd coin holding it towards the air.

            “Do you see this old friend, the entire world is getting crazier, but we’re getting closer to our goal.” He pulls out another coin. “We need to hurry and find someone who can be her partner, with her power then we’ll be sure to turn this around.”

He puts both coins away and stares up into the sky staring at a figure invisible to all completely unseen and unnoticed. “We’re running out of time we have to stop him before he gets too close to it, or else we’ll be facing an even darker threat.”

A loud roar echoes across the city as a large skeletal hand reaches down clawing at the unconscious Phantoms and phasing through them. The hand disappears into the sky as the old man watches on.

            “The same threat that once ended your own world.”