Ch.17: Dark Machinations
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With the moon high in the sky, Lyn walks through the alleyway towards her home. Her muscles ache with every step and exhaustion has long overcome her, the only thing driving her forward is her sheer willpower. She walks through into the alley she stumbles as she makes her way towards the building nearly falling as she touches the door.

As she enters the renter opens his door and stares at her somewhat confused before moving back into his room. Her body aching she climbs up the stairs she moves towards her room opening the door and making her way inside. As she walks inside, she tosses Avalon down onto the floor and flops onto her bed as the floor buckle underneath her.

            Hey, that hurt you know. Avalon says annoyed as it lies on the ground. How’re you doing? You kind of look like crap right now.

Lyn forces her head to turn and look down on it. “I feel like crap.”

            Well, you made a lot of progress today, your swordsmanship has definitely improved.

            “I don’t know about that, I still feel sluggish and my form is a bit off,” Lyn says as she moves her sore arms. “Added onto that I’ve been running all over town for work and adding on training in the afternoons has only added to the exhaustion.”

            Not to mention your waking up super early and going to sleep super late that must mean your super exhausted.

            “I am.” She says seriously. “Do you ever go to sleep Avalon?”

            No, I don’t seem to. I do black out from time to time and only seem to be awake as long as you're around and awake.

Lyn stares down at it confused. “So, do you like sense when I’m awake or what?”

            No idea, it just seems to be an oddity with me.

            “That’s interesting,” Lyn says with a large yawn as her eyes slowly close. “Well, I guess we’re going to sleep now. Hey Avalon, do you have dreams when you sleep?”

            Dreams? You mean those things you have when you’re talking about becoming an Adventurer?

            “No, it’s sort of like watching images as you sleep.”

            I don’t have those, I just seem to black out and then when your back around I’m just awake again.

            “That’s interesting,” Lyn says with a large sigh as she slowly drifts off to sleep.

            Good night. Avalon says as his voice fades away.

As the two go to sleep a figure walks in through the front door looking down at Avalon and reaching down as Lyn snores loudly. In a moment the figure leaves the room with Avalon disappearing snatched away into the night.


As the sun rises Lyn sits up on her bed with as she looks over to the floor with a grin on her face. She looks down to greet Avalon, to find nothing, only the floor underneath her with nothing on it and no trace of Avalon anywhere to be found.

            “Avalon?” She asks still in a daze. “Did you figure out how to move?”

She looks around the room, peeking under her bed, checking her closet, opening the window and looking outside for any sign of Avalon. After a time she gives up she sits on her bed oddly calm as she jumps up into the air.

            “It’s gone!” She yells out in a panic. “It’s gone! Avalon is gone!”

She smashes onto the ground rolling on the ground in a panic. “It’s gone. Where could it have gone? Did someone steal him? Of course, someone stole him, this place has no security at all.”

            “Hey, no make fun of my security system. It works fine, if stuff gone you’re at fault, no can sue!” The renter yells out in annoyance.

            “Damn it what can I do?” She asks confused as she throws her head onto her bed. “Is there someone I could call? Wait, I have to put in a report to the guard, but it’d take forever until something comes up.”

She sighs loudly into her mattress and lifts her head with a deep breath. “Wait, I have an idea, I have to investigate this myself. But I need help for something like this.”


Lyn rushes through the city running through the sky to avoid the crowds before landing in front of the Witch’s shop. She forces her way into the door with Rayne sitting at the desk looking at her confused. Lyn rushes to the counter with tears bubbling in her eyes as she looks up at Rayne trying to hold back her own tears.

            “Did something happen?” Rayne asks confused.



            “Avalon is gone!” Lyn yells out.

Rayne looks at her and then moves away from the desk. “Did you leave it somewhere?”


            “Did you drop it somewhere?”


            “Alright, what happened?” Rayne asks walking up to her side. “You seem pretty distraught so I think something bad must’ve happened.”

            “I don’t know.” Lyn falls to the floor with tears in her eyes. “Me and Avalon went to sleep and when I woke up, it was just gone.”

Rayne looks on confused. “How did the sword go to sleep?”

            “Yeah, apparently Avalon goes to sleep or passes out when I do.”

            “Huh, interesting,” Rayne says seriously as she moves towards the door. “Alright, shall we head off.”


            “We’ve got to investigate this,” Rayne says seriously. “After all this was the sword the two of us almost died trying to get our hands on.”

            “So, you’ll help me?”

            “Of course, you’re my friend after all.”

Lyn leaps up and rushes to Rayne holding her closely. “Thank you! Thank you so much!”

            “Alright, alright. Just let me go so we can get this investigation on the road already.” Rayne says struggling against her. “Now, let me go so we can get started.”

            “Alright!” Lyn says excitedly.


Elsewhere in the city, a figure sits on a roof holding Avalon in their hands as they struggle to lift it up. Avalon glows with a dull light as they stare down at it confused as they stare on somewhat amazed by the light coming from the sword.