[Vol.1] Chapter 7 – Big mole
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I am walking through the tunnels looking for more moles to increase my level, I no longer feel hungry but I still want to eat more, the fuller I am, the longer it will take for me to feel hungry again, and so I continue following the trails of the runaways but As I go into the cave, I get a bad feeling, but I think anyone in my situation would feel that way. There are holes everywhere, the fear of being attacked out of nowhere is great.


I wonder if it would not be better to return to the nest for today and return tomorrow, although I would only be postponing, besides, it is good for me to explore this underground cave.


Going forward, I slip through a hole and see another group of moles but they are not alone. There is a slightly larger mole with them that looks a little different.


Species: Big mole Lvl 7 HP: 20 MP: 12


Another species of mole but this one is stronger than the others, it has more than twice the HP of the smaller ones I know I can defeat the short ones but I'm in doubt if I should attack this one or not, besides having more life than I am very big I don't want to repeat a humiliation followed by an escape, however, if I defeat him I will certainly gain a lot of experience, but if I want to defeat this guy I need a plan.


I think I will approach and try to use the press first so that he cannot move afterward is to bite him and wait for the poison to finish him off, even if one of the smaller ones tries to help I don't think they managed to do me any harm, that's I put the plan into practice and I approach quietly in silence but one of the moles sees me and tries to alert the biggest mole, only that I quickly use the whip and throw it away, however, the big mole realizes, but it is too late I wrap it around and squeeze with all my strength, she is strong and tries to break free and almost succeeds but I bite her neck and hear her try to scream almost without a voice, the other moles try to come to the rescue but they are very weak, even in greater numbers they can't do me any harm and after a while, I feel like the big mole has stopped moving.


(You have gone up to Lvl 5)

(You have gone up to Lvl 6)

(You have gone up to Lvl 7)

(You have gone up to Lvl 8)


WOW!!! I increased 4 levels just by defeating one of these, after that I don't waste time and try to end the others that try to escape after the defeat of the biggest, but I won't let one bite me, I curl up in another and with the little left of my free body I use the whip, none of them can with me.