Chapter 1: Zoey
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The first thing James heard as he was opening his eyes was a nurse yelling. 

“Doctor. she's awake!” 

“I’ll go get her father.” replied a woman's voice which James suspected to be the Doctor.

He looked down at his body and saw a crop top and skirt and bandages on his wrist while cuffs strapped him to the bed. As his dad walked in he then realized that it didn’t work, that he was still here still in hell. His dad looked at him with disgust before turning to the doctor.

“So doc what's wrong with my boy why did I find him like this,” He said gesturing to James.

“Well sir it seems that your son is actually your daughter and that she is transgender.” replied the woman.

“Impossible we Petersons are a man's man we don’t got no desire to be women,” he said turning to James “ain't that right son” 

James flinched and the use of the masculine pronouns and name but couldn’t show it for fear of what his dad might do. 

“Sure dad, I don’t want to be a girl,” James replied trying to sound convincing.

“Well, regardless he is going to be kept here for a few days to make sure he is stable and then be moved to the psychiatric facility to be put on 72-hour watch and be evaluated for depression.” The doctor said.

“With all due respect doctor,” James’s father said looking at her ID badge “ Jones, he doesn’t need to be kept. I'd just like to take him home for rest.”

“While I understand that you have a lot to talk about and want him home, it's policy to keep him on suicide watch.” Dr. Jones replied.

“I’m sorry dear I didn’t get to ask you how you’re feeling.” Dr. Jones replied looking at James who laid on the bed silently as the two adults talked.

“I’m fine I guess, I mean as fine as someone who attempted suicide can be,” James said flatly.

“Well that's good, and I assume you heard all that so no need to go over it again but if you have any questions I will be the primary doctor taking care of you until you are transferred,” Dr. Jones said happily.

“Thank you,” James replied, trying to sound thankful.

“Is there anything I can get you before I go to check on the other patients?” Dr. Jones replied.

“I could use some lunch or just food in general if that's possible,” James replied.

“Sure thing, I’ll have a  nurse bring you something as soon as one can.” Dr. Jones said before turning to leave and closing the door behind her only leaving James and his father in the room.

“So you want to explain this to me?” James’s father said looking at him with hate. 

“ Dr. Jones is right dad, I'm trans and-” James said as his dad interrupted him. 

“Like hell, you are no son of mine is gonna be a sissy drag queen, you are a man and as soon as you are back home we will talk more about this but until then I don’t want to see you, goodbye son.” 

His father said leaving the room and the hospital and ultimately leaving James alone. He laid in bed and waited for his food to come. The food arrived and it was a simple cold deli meat sandwich and a side of fruit and a bottle of juice as he ate. He wondered what was going on at school.

As she was getting books out of her locker holding back tears she overheard two football players talking.  

“Hey did you hear, James tried committing suicide.” one of them said. 

“No way, I hope he’s okay, I never expected him to be one to do that.” replied the other. 

She began thinking to herself It can’t be, could he really be? Zoey? I didn’t lose her? She shut her locker and walked up to the football players. 

“Hey did you say that James tried to commit suicide?” She asked.

Both the players turned around and looked at the tall amazoness of a woman. 

“What's it to you, Alice? You like him or something? One of them replied. 

“Yeah I thought you were gay” the other replied.

“I am but, I used to be friends with him and want to make sure he’s alright” Alice replied.

“Well if you must know he was transported to the emergency room last night” the first one replied. 

“Now bug off dike” the other replied before walking away laughing.

After that Alice immediately left the school and ran to the hospital she was drenched in sweat by the time she arrived.

“I’m here to see James Peterson,” Alice said catching her breath. 

“Shouldn’t you be in school?” the nurse at the reception desk said.

“I’m off for the day now tell me where James Peterson” Alice replied in an annoyed tone.

“Room 320 down the hall and make a left” the nurse replied annoyed by Alice's attitude.

“Thank you” Alice replied before walking down the hall to James’s room and knocking as she opened the door.

“Zoey?” Alice said opening the door causing Zoey to have a shocked expression on her face as he looked over at Alice her long burnet hair cascading down her back and blue eyes that looked like a clear sky.   

“So it’s you, like really you. Oh my god, I thought I lost you.” Alice cried wrapping Zoey in a hug.

“How did you know I was Zoey.” She replied.

“Easy I'm callipie, you left me a note in-game saying that you were going to end it all,” Alice said, “You said everything.” she looked down at Zoey's wrist bandages.

“You can’t tell anyone about what was in that note,” Zoey replied.

“Why not? Zo what's going on is fucked up and you deserve better” Alice said. 

“If you love me you won’t say anything to anyone, please” Zoey begged.

“I don’t like it but fine, I won’t say anything to anyone,” Alice said empathetically

“Thank you, now how did you figure out I was Zoey?” she said 

“Well I sorta took a guess I heard football players over talking and took a guess that it was you” Alice replied holding Zoey’s hand 

“I’m sorry, for everything, I don’t deserve you or your forgiveness,” Zoey said sadly 

“I know the real you, the you that's kind, caring, and sweet as pie, and I love you” Alice replied with a smile.  

“I… I love you too,” Zoey said smiling back at her. 

“When are you going to be back on WBR?” Alice asked. 

“I honestly don’t know, I have to get evaluated at the psychiatric ward before I can be released to my dad,” Zoey replied. 

“ Oh yeah I forgot they make you do that,” Alice replied 

“Yeah, guess it makes sense though,” Zoey replied.

The two of them sat and talked for a few hours before Alice had to go leaving Zoey alone. Days had past and soon Zoey was moved to the psychiatric ward, and put in her room she looked around at the white walls.

“You have your first psychiatrist meeting in the morning so get some rest” The nurse who escorted Zoey said. 

Zoey laid down on the bed and went to sleep, she was awakened early in the morning by one of the aids who helped with the patients and escorted her to the appointment.

“Welcome James, my name is Tina, glad I could meet you, is there another name you would like to be called?” the psychiatrist asked. 

“Zoey, if it's not too much trouble.” She replied. 

“I’m sorry Zoey why don’t you tell me a bit about what happened and how you are feeling?” Tina said looking at Zoey in a caring way.

“It all started years ago when my mom died” Zoey started.