Chapter 3: concerns
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Zoey woke up in a cold sweat and didn't know what to make of what she saw was it a dream? a memory? Something made by the game? She made a note to ask her aunt later she checked the time, noticing that it was three o'clock in the morning she went back to sleep and was greeted by a reflection of herself in a mirror crying as her head was being shaved 

"Stop crying!," Zoey heard her dad yell from an area by the front window "We still need to sign you up for baseball tryouts, and you'll be laughed at if you're crying and my son isn't being known as a sissy"

"Daddy please," Zoey cried "I don't want to be a boy."

"Too bad you're a boy and going to start acting like it and the best way to help it to look like one." her dad said with anger causing more tears to flow down her face.

Next, Zoey found herself in a room that looks more masculine than she would have liked. She stood in front of a mirror dressed in leggings and a pink top sadly looking at the still masculine reflection but before she could react he dad burst in the room

"Boy, what the hell are you wearing, do I need to beat you again," Her dad said, taking off his belt before swinging it against Zoey's body, and with each swing of the belt tears flowed out of her eyes. She cowered on the floor and covered her face but somewhere between swings her setting changed to a classroom with other children who looked like her all standing in a circle.

"Now child tell me are you a boy or girl?" an adult asked dressed like a priest looking down on Zoey 

"I'm a girl," Zoey replied nervously, closing her eyes. 

"Wrong!" the adult said before hitting Zoey on the but with a paddle.

“Boy” Zoey cried between smacks.

“And your name?” the priest asked holding the paddle in a position to smack Zoey again

“Zo-James' ' Zoey said, not wanting to be hit.

The next thing Zoey knew she was standing in the boy's locker room in the body that was masculine and the one that she was most familiar with. Everyone was getting ready for a football game and Zoey noticed she was sizably smaller than everyone else as she was forced out onto the field. Zoey’s dream was interrupted by a knock on the door waking her up

“Darling, you awake in there? I made breakfast for you and Sasha” a woman who Zoey presumed was Sasha's mom said.

“I’ll be down in a minute,” Zoey yelled  back “Just have to do something real quick”

“Okay but don’t take too long” Sasha's mom replied.

Zoey opened her chat window and sent a call to her Aunt 

“Hey kiddo how was your first in-game sleep?” Aunt Jessie said with a smile.

“It was okay I guess, had some bizarre dreams that felt so real and familiar almost like memories,” Zoey replied.”Is that normal and can the game create dreams?”

“Hmmm, I don’t think the game works much like dreams in real life, this has to be already in your mind for them to be created” Aunt Jessie replied.

“So having dreams that feel like memories is possible if the idea is in your mind?” Zoey questioned.

“Yep. may I ask what the dream was?” Aunt Jessie said

“Can we talk about it face to face in a game?” Zoey asked.

“Sure though I’m in the capital and it's about a day and a half from the starting area or going through the forsaken lands and get here within a day, but I don’t recommend it unless you are with other players.” Aunt Jessie explained.

“I’ll see you within a day then,” Zoey said with a smile.

“James was careful a lot of strong and good players went out there and died before they could make it back.” Aunt Jessie said.

“What happens when I die in a game and it’s Zoey while I look like this,” she explained 

“Well Zoey, you’ll be shown a dream until you are either revived or the timer runs out. Either way, you’ll be shown a dream of a happier time.” Aunt Jessie said.

“Okay I’ll keep you updated but for now I gotta go and eat and find a team,” Zoey explained.

“Okay, kiddo sees you soon.” Aunt Jessie said smiling before ending the call.

Zoey got her armor and gear and went downstairs and found Sasha sitting at the table finishing her breakfast

“Hey Zoey, how’d you sleep?”  Sasha asked with a smile.

“Great, I slept amazingly,” Zoey lied with a smile.

“That's good, what are you planning to do today, questing?”

“Actually I wanna find a team to cut through the forsaken lands and get to the capital to meet my aunt”  Zoey replied.

“I’m in, let's party up and look for another group,” Sasha said.

“I couldn't ask you to do that,” Zoey replied.

“Nonsense I have been helping my mom with the inn since she opened and I wanna become an adventure and leave this town.” Sash replied 

“Well if that's the case lets eat and look around town for a party,” Zoey replied before sitting down to eat breakfast.

After they ate they looked around town and found a board with a request for a team to cut through the forsaken lands, they took it and met where the note said to meet. As the two stood there and waited saw another approach, they were dressed In a cloth tunic and had a staff in hand 

“Hi, I’m Xyngard you waiting for the forsaken land party?” he asked glaring at Zoey

“Yep, I'm Sasha and this is Zoey” Sasha greeted the new person.

After a while, two more people approached, one was a bulky man dressed in knights armor and the other was a familiar face to Zoey, it was Avalia!

“Hello I’m Throck and this is my friend Avalia,” he said motioning to the girl next to him, 

“Hi I’m Zoey,” Zoey said placing a hand up

“Sasha,” Sasha replied.

“Xyngard,” Xyngard said.

“Good to meet you all now. Are you all ready to get going I wanna get moving before noon so we have more time to walk” Throck said. 

The team set out for the Forsaken lands and once they reached it Throck spoke up

“Okay, so we will need to stay together once we get in there because  I’m not turning back for anyone.” 

The team made it a quarter of the way through before they got surrounded by enemies that almost appeared out of nowhere

“I’ll draw their fire, Zoey, Avalia you take out the enemies and cover Xyngard while he provides heals from the back and Sasha provide ranged fire” Throck explained before drawing the attention of the ads 

Zoey and Avalia ran towards the ads, Zoey drew her swords and set a burning white light into the right blade and dark purple energy into the left blade before beginning to slash through the skeleton hoards, her and Avalia were forced back to back before glancing at each other with Avalia grinding down at Zoey causing her to blush before they jumped back into the fray. Once the fight was over the two stood alone in the thick mist and couldn’t see the rest of the team causing the two of them to look at each other

“Guess we’re alone from hearing,” Avalia said;

“Yeah guess we are, which way do you wanna walk?” Zoey replied 

“Hmm well we came from about west and the capital is north so we should walk that way,” Avalia said 

“Which way is north though” Good question, that is something I don’t know so let's just walk straight ahead we'll either find the capital or get out on the other side, either way, it beats staying here,” Avalia replied.

“I agree on that,” Zoey replied with a smile before the two started their walk.

Night soon came and the two girls heard growls and rattling of bones from seemingly all around. 

“Hey Zoey you wanna set up camp here, start a fire I’m getting a little creeped out, and maybe the light will keep the creatures away,” Avalia said before wrapping herself in a hug.

“Sure let's stop somewhere near a tree for firewood,” Zoey said sympathetically.

The two of them eventually found a dead tree to use for firewood, they got the fire built and sat down in front of it. Zoey realized she hadn’t checked her skill tree in a while and probably had points to spend when she checked she had three and looked at her skill trees. There were three open trees infernal, Swordmiester, and Divine she decided to check out the first skill tree and under it, she saw she had a passive ability available Spectral wings: Uses dark energy to generate a pair of wings (Duration 2 minutes, Upgrade for longer use). She decided to put one skill point into that she then checked the Swordmaster  Tree and saw a skill available labeled Air slash: Cut through the air and send a slash towards enemies who are far away (Magic blades increase the strength of the attack.  She put her second skill point into that.

 Lastly, she checked the Divine Skill tree which had two skills one was called Launch of the Divines: Use your divine flames to propel yourself through the air and towards enemies. The other was called Armor of the gods: Grants great protection from all attacks but slows your movement speed by 15%. Zoey decided that the first pair was better with the wing ability she just bought. She closed the window and saw Avalia finished setting up the tent.

“You should probably set yours up soon or you won’t get any sleep,” Avalia said before sitting down in front of the fire.

“I actually don’t have one,” Zoey said shyly 

“Oh- we'll- um I guess we could share we are both girls right?” Avalia said before blushing.

Zoey not wanting to be seen as a freak or sleep outside replied “Yeah totally, I used to do this all the time at sleepovers. 

The two girls got into the tent and drifted off to sleep, Zoey found herself standing in her living room, her dad putting bags down and closing the door.

“What the hell did your mother do to you boy?” her dad said.

“What do you mean daddy?” Zoey replied.

“She turned you into a girl is what I mean?” her dad replied.

“I wanted this, I like being a girl. It makes me happy.” Zoey replied.

“God it's worse than I thought, don’t worry we’ll have you fixed in no time.” her dad replied before taking out his phone to make a call.

Zoey was shocked out of this by a blaring alarm which caused her to shoot straight up and look around and Avalia followed shortly after. The two of them left the tent and say crystal-like ravens circling the area before hearing a voice out of nowhere said 

“Now begins the cursed blood moon event. Generating boss creature.”

“Wait what's going on?” Zoey asked.

“Shit, a blood moon event is when a powerful enemy spawns and is broadcast onto the games website,” Avalia said. 

“Oh okay well we are capable, right? Let's do this.” Zoey said confidently 

“ I guess just be ready for anything,” Avalia said, as the ground began to shake before it cracked open and a giant scorpion made of bones with glowing red eyes and two giant blades for front legs.

“Shit, a bone scorpion, well we’re fucked,” Avalia said 

“It doesn’t look so tough,” Zoey said before charging at the creature concentrating fire through her feet to rocket towards the enemy, she felt the wind rushing over her face and as she got closer fear welled up as the scorpion thrust it's stinger towards Zoey. 

She activated her wings which appeared instantly and where all black, she thrust herself into the air to avoid the attack.

Woah, cool!” Avalia said holding her sword and shield.

Zoey began sweeping dives while Availa blocked and parried the scorpion's attacks before thrusting her sword into the scorpion's forehead but it got stuck causing Avalia only to be able to dodge and block. 

Zoey began to dive but her wings faded anxiety began to rise but she blasted fire out of her feet launching herself through the air like a rocket toward the Bone Scorpion. She spun her body around until it looked like a corkscrew of black and purple flames.

Zoey drilled into the Bone Scorpions head and cut right through it setting it on fire and turning it into ash 

“That was incredible Zoey!” Avalia said as she picked up her sword.

“It was nothing special just a guess on whats possible” Zoey replied.

“Nonsense that was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen” Avalia cheerfully.

“Anyway, I think I saw the capital in that direction,” Zoey said pointing slightly northeast.

“Let's get going then” Avalia replied.

Zoey’s wings became available to use again and she scooped Avalia up in her arms and flew them to the capital. Once they landed near the gate they entered the city and as they walked through the crowd, NPC’s and players alike were glaring at them.

Zoey looked around and the stares were very noticeable and uncomfortable. As she looked around she bumped into a player who was 7’8 and muscular, he looked down and glared at Zoey.

“Hey, I'm sorry, I should have been paying attention,” Zoey said awkwardly laughing at the end.

The tall player just glared down at her before kicking in the gut and sending her rolling across the ground. Zoey stood up clutching her stomach and tears beginning to form in her eyes 

“What was that for,” Zoey said in an upset voice 

“Scum like you doesn’t belong in our city,” the player said coldly.

“What do you mean first the bandit and now you?” Zoey said crying 

“Oh, so you’re the one who Zabero lost to,” The player said.

“You mean the bandit?” Zoey said.

“Yes, he was strong but unlike him, I am not going to die to either of you.” the player said pulling out a long sword.

“Back off her!” a voice said from behind the player 

“Or what?” the player said evilly 

“Or I cut you to bits and decay you,” the women said 

Zoey heard the player sheath his sword and walk away

“Hey you okay Zoey?” the women asked.

Zoey looked up and saw that the woman was an elf in a black coat and a scythe weapon on her back.

“Do I know you?” Zoey said as she sat up.

“It's me, Aunt Jessie!” she said happily.

“Aunt Jessie, you look so cool!” Zoey gushed.

“Aww thanks, you look cute too” Aunt Jessie replied 

Zoey turned to Avalia and said “Hey can you give me time to talk to my aunt in private”

“Sure take as much time as you need I’ll be around the market,” Avalia said before leaving.

“Wanna get dinner and chat?” Aunt Jessie said.

“Sure let's go” Zoey replied.

The two of them walked to a dinner and sat down and ordered

“So you probably have a lot of questions” Aunt Jessie said. 

“Yeah like if any of the dreams I have had were dreams or memories,” Zoey said.

“What dreams would those be?” Aunt Jessie said.

Zoey explained all the dreams she had and her aunt listened.

“I honestly don’t know what to tell you.” Aunt Jessie said

“The truth, please I need to know” Zoey begged.

“Okay those are memories granted they don’t seem to be complete but yes when you’re mom raised you, she let you be Zoey and you were the happiest little girl ever but when she died and went to your father he started changing you and by the time I could do anything about it you were already fine with being James.” Aunt Jessie explained.

“So this is really me why didn’t you tell me sooner!?” Zoey cried out.

“Because your father wouldn’t let me say anything or I wouldn’t be allowed to see you anymore.” Aunt Jessie replied.

“Still I deserved to know” Zoey replied

“You did deserve to know and I'm sorry.” Aunt Jessie said

“So does this mean I go by Zoey now?” Zoey asked.

“Not necessarily, you can be whoever you want, it's perfectly fine to be confused or try things out.” Aunt Jessie said.

“I actually have to be James my dad won’t accept me as anything else” Zoey replied 

“Zoey, you are loved no matter what and if you need any help I’m here,” Aunt Jessie said 

“I know thank you but speaking of which whats the outside time?” Zoey questioned

“It’s 630 am, why do you ask?” Aunt Jessie said 

“I have to get some sleep before dad wakes me for my morning workout,” Zoey said

“Oh, okay well I'm here for you if you need it.” Aunt Jessie said sympathetically.

“Thanks, talk to you later,” Zoey said before logging out. 

Zoey opened her eyes and the moment she got her barrings she felt so self-conscious about her male body.