Confrontations, Revelations, and Explanations
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Zoey found herself lying in a bed at the local inn and two new messages, one was from an AI “Due to you not being in a secure area when you logged out you were moved to the closest inn and the price was taken out of you gold” 

The next message was from Avalia “Hey Zoey I don’t know where you are exactly but let's meet in the city square, just shoot me a message when you see this <3” 

 Zoey sent Avalia the message and waited in the town square 

“Hey long time no see” said a voice from behind, Zoey turned to see that it was Sasha 

“Hey! I didn’t think you made it!” Zoey said smiling at Sasha 

“Yeah I died a bit after we got separated and sent back to town. But girl you are famous!” Sasha replied.

“What do you mean?” Zoey asked.

“People saw your fight with Avalia and the bone scorpion and people are dying to party up with you!” Sasha explained

“Wow I wasn’t even that good” Zoey said 

“You were amazing though you gotta be careful though because it brought you a lot of attention to yourself and not everyone is so loving of mixed breeds especially when they are part demon,” Sasha said.

“Yeah I know I’ve noticed” Zoey replied looking at a group of players glaring at Zoey 

“Don’t let them get to you, they are just jealous of the sweet build that you got” Sasha said comforting her friend 

“I know but it is still hurtful knowing that I'm being looked at with such hate” Zoey replied.

“I know but you get used to it,” Sasha replied flatly

“What do you mean? What's to hate about you?” Zoey said shocked 

“I’m different than other people at my school, lets leave it at that” Sasha replied.

“Hey Zoey!” the two heard in the distance and as the girl approached they realized it was Avalia.

“Hey, how was your week?” Zoey said with a beaming smile 

“It was okay ran into someone from my past and it brought up some feelings that I don’t care for that much”

“Oh, I’m sorry, do you need a hug?” Zoey replied with a caring tone 

“ No, I'm fine but thank you” Avalia replied blushing 

“Sooo, what's the plan for today?” Sasha asked.

“Let's check the quest bored and see what's available” Zoey proposed.

“Sounds good to me” Sasha replied.

The three of them walked over to the quest board and looked it over for a bit before Avalia noticed a quest for help with a cult 

“Hey look this is quest is asking for help with a cult on The Kit Islands, Zoey, I think that the island where your race is from,” Avalia said grabbing the paper off the board.

“That's cool, I’d actually love to see it,” Zoey said Excitedly. 

“Sasha you in?” Avalia said. 

“Like I’d miss out on a chance to see the kit Islands” Sasha replied smiling. 

“Awesome, let's go to the docks and see if we can get a boat there,” Avalia said happily.

The group walked to the docks and asked around eventually finding someone who could take them to the island however it was a days ride there so they sat in their cabin and talked 

“So Avalia what are the Kit Islands like?” Sasha asked.

“I have never been but I from what I heard it's such a beautiful place to visit” she replied 

“I can’t wait to meet other catgirls, maybe I won't be looked at with disgust,” Zoey said.

“Honestly people need to stop being so prejudiced towards people who are half-demon, It really pisses me off,” Avalia said angrily 

“I mean these problems have bee around forever society still looks down on trans people only 30 years ago did trans people really start being accepted to the point cis people were and now it's trying to be pushed back by the order of the sun” Sasha replied.

“Yeah, it's not helpful when you are trying to figure yourself out and you have family in the church,” Zoey added on.

“You shouldn’t let assholes control how you live, be yourself and those who really care will accept you,” Sasha said comfortingly 

“I know it's just hard, they are all I have left besides my aunt but I can’t ask her to take me in. her apartment is too small.” Zoey replied.

“We'll we will be here for you no matter what,” Avalia said before standing up and moving over towards Zoey to hug her 

“Thank you both so it means a lot,” Zoet replied.

The three of them continued to talk and joke together until they got tired and eventually went to bed.

Zoey found herself in her child form in the back of a car and with her father in the driver's seat, she saw her reflection in the rearview mirror and began to cry 

“Don’t worry son after you see my friend you’ll forget all about being a girl.” Her dad replied. 

“I don’t want to forget though!” Zoey yelled 

“I don’t care, you’re a boy and will act like it. I want you to be somewhat ready for school.” her dad replied.

The eventually pulled into the parking lot of what appeared  to be a church, Zoeys’ dad took her out of the car and pulled her into the church and approached a man who was dressed like a priest with a long grey beard and bald head

“Father Abraham, this is him,” her father said 

“Why hello there young man, your father tells me that you are confused come with me and I will fix that.” Father Abraham said reading Zoey down a hall and into a room with a strange machine. 

She was quickly strapped into it and goggles were put on her hade and then everything went blank. She then found her self in the white void again in her James form with her dad on one end and her Zoey form along with her Aunt Jessie, Avalia, Sasha, Jessica, and Allison on the other side. She looked back and for the between the two 

“Come just accept it look at all the people who support you!” Zoey shouted 

“But he’s all I have” James replied 

“No, he's not. Look at all the people in your life who want you to be happy, they really do care about you, unlike you dad.” Zoey replied 

“No you’re wrong he does care about me” James replied 

“No, he doesn’t he’s the reason I was locked away! He’s only cared about you if you were a boy!” Zoey yelled back 

“I don’t believe you! My dad cares about because I'm his child!” James replied 

“No he doesn’t and if you just remembered what I did you’d understand,think back to preschool, and the day you came home crying to mom. PLEASE, you have to remember.” Zoey was pleading 

“I accept that you were a part of me at one point but I am James.” he replied.

"That's the first step but sooner or later you will remember and at that point, you’ll see him for the monster he really is” Zoey said before fading. 

Zoey woke up in the cabin of the ship before anyone else and decided to head above deck. She looked out onto the horizon and thought about everything that happened in the past week

Could I really be a girl? Of course not I'm male, but..” 

Zoey began to think as memories of being Zoey slowly came back, she remembered going to a princess-themed birthday party, and her first day of kindergarten and how excited she was. But for some reason she couldn’t recall the memory the her subconscious brought up.

As she was lost in thought she got an in-game call from her aunt

“Hey Kiddo how are you doing” Aunt Jessie said 

“I’m doing pretty well, I have come to terms with the fact that I was Zoey at one point but I’m not sure that it's me now, memories from that time are still not clear,” Zoey replied.

“That's great kiddo hopefully you figure it all out soon. What are you doing up this early?” Aunt Jessie asked.

“I couldn’t sleep after the dream I had” Zoey replied.

“Oh? What was it about?” Aunt Jessie asked.

“My dad took me to a priest or something and I was put in a machine before waking up” Zoey said.

“Huh that is strange.” Aunt Jessie said 

Zoey heard a door open behind her and saw Avalia come out 

“Hey Aunt Jessie I gotta go” Zoey said 

“Alright Kiddo, bye” Aunt Jessie replied.

“Hey, you okay?” Avalia asked as she stood next to Zoey leaning on the railing of the ship.

“Yeah just had a dream or memory come back to me but it felt like a nightmare. I think if my dreams that I’ve been having are really memories then that means that my dad put me through some sort of sick therapy” Zoey said wrapping herself in a hug.

“I’m so sorry Zoey, if you need anything I am here for you” Avalia replied wrapping Zoey in a hug.

“Thanks, Avalia it means a lot,” Zoey said hugging Avalia back.

They were joined by Sasha “Hey there you too, sleep well?” she asked in a sly tone and a grin.

“Yeah” Both girls replied before blushing.

“That's good now come on it's time for breakfast,” Sasha said.

The three went back bellow deck and found a small dining area where they could make a fruit bowl. After they ate the asked the captain how much longer till they reach The Kit Islands and found out they are another few hours away so they went back to their cabin and talk did their own thing after some time the ship rocked throwing the girls against a wall. 

They went onto the deck of the ship and as they looked around they heard a massive shriek before the boat the rocked again throwing the girls to the ground.

“That sounded like a siren’s shriek,” Sasha said trying to recover from the deafening shriek but fell unconscious.

As the got to their feet they heard a melodic voice singing before the boat stopped and seaweed vines wrapped around the boat three people boarded the boat aided by  bubble of water.

“Well well well, what do we have here?” Said a girl with blue hair styled into a bob and scaly like skin and fins on her arms, she looks dead at Zoey with a vacant look in her big hazel eyes.

“It looks like we have a half breed freak coming to stop the plans of the blood moon order Angle” A pale-skinned lizard person with cloth pants and metal gauntlet clad arms said to Angle 

“Indeed it does Derek, that half breed is an abomination and can’t let it muddle up the bosses plan so kill her and her friends” A wood elf with pale skin in black and red robes commanded before the other two started charging at Zoey. 

Derek Dashed  at Zoey with a gauntlet drawn back but Avalia dashed in front of Zoey blocking the attack 

“Why are you defending her? She’s an abomination!” Derek said angrily.

“I don’t see an abomination, I just see a girl trying to have fun and be happy and shit heads like you are ruining it for her!” Avalia shouted back. 

“ Ah, I see you like her don’t you?” Derek asked as he was putting more pressure into Avalias’ shield. Avalia blushed at this question.

“I take that as a yes well if that's the case you must die too,” Derek said as he punched around Avalias shield with his other fist sending her flying across the deck.

Angle charged at Zoey who drew her swords and blocked the strange attacks Angle did with the fins on her arms before getting a slash in on Zoey and kicking her to the ground.

Zoey stood back up only to be kicked in the face by Angle

“It's no use, you will never get passed my Iron fin blades they were a gift from the gods,” Angle said monotonous “specifically to purge trash like you” She swung her right arm at Zoey who blocked it with the sword that channeled the light but it had a different glow than usual it was a mixture of light and dark, the shadow sword was the opposite dark and light mixed with this she began blocking and parrying Angles attacks.

Meanwhile, Avalia was dodging each of Dereks jabs and looking for an opening in she eventually got backed into a wall where her throat was grabbed by Derek before he lifted her ups so her feet didn’t touch the ground
“End of the line girly”  Derek began drawing her of her health through the gauntlets’

Avalia didn’t know what to do but she soon felt something take over her and her sword became charged with a pure white flame which she thrust into Derek's chest he dropped her as he rolled on the floor in pain and Avalia caught her breath, and calmed down after almost being choked to death.

Zoey and Angle clashed as Angles iron fin blades met with Zoeys swords eventually though Zoey found an opening and sliced Angles right arm off at the elbow 

“Ahhhhh!!!!” she screamed in pain as she clutched her arm trying to stop the bleeding, however, she noticed a light similar to the on the shadow light blad did was spreading up her arm to her shoulder. She grabbed her severed arm and used the blade to cut the rest of her arm off at the shoulder.

“I think that's enough, I’ll be taking my teammates now” Spoke the wood elf, Angle and Derek hobbled over to the elf who heald Angle enough to use her bubble spell and removed the sword from Derek like it was nothing.

“See you soon, demon spawn,” he said looking, Zoey. 

Once they were gone the ship was released from the vines and began moving again

“Holy shit, that was intents,” Zoey said sheathing her swords on her back.

“Yeah, but at least we didn’t die and spawn back at the town” Avalia said.

“True still, I would have been fucked if it wasn't for that new move I got out of nowhere,” Zoey said 

“Same speaking of where did that come from? You sure as hell didn’t have it when we boarded the ship” Avalia replied.

“I don’t know, It wasn’t even in my perk tree last time I looked” Zoey replied 

“Well check it again!” Avalia said excitedly.

“Land ho!” the captain shouted causing Avalia and Zoey to look and see a chain of islands that had lush jungles and beautiful sandy beaches. 

“Wow, it’s beautiful!” Zoey exclaimed 

“Yeah I never thought I’d see it “ Avalia replied before holding a hand to her head as she groaned and got to her feet

“ Oh shit Sasha, with everything that happed we forgot you were knocked out, are you okay?” 

“Yeah, just a headache that's all should have stayed in the ship forgot hunters are more susceptible to sound spells,” Sasha replied 

“I’m sure once we get the mainland we will be able to find something to help with that” Avalia replied 

“It's no worry guys I’ll be fine trust me.” Avalia replied with a smile. 

They reached the main island by midday and walked to the main village however once they arrived the villagers glared at the trio with utter disgust particularly Zoey.

They reached the center and Sasha yelled out “We’re here to help with the cult problem. Who requested help?” 

They looked around and saw no one step forward just look on with hatred before she spoke again she heard a voice call out 

“That would be me, why don’t you kids come inside and I can explain the problem” A older looking women said guiding them into her home 

“I’m sorry about them a lot of them believe the myths and not the true legends of your kind” She said looking at Zoey.

“Um, it's fine? What did you mean your kind?” Zoey replied 

“Half-breeds, most of the newer text sent from the gods say that half breeds are evil especially those with the demon eyes, but what they don’t know is you are the equilibrium and are true balance most gods think light is the only answer,” the older women explained  “but when a half breed is made it's not just made by any priestess but rather the priestess closest to that races god so in a sense you have a much closer connection with the gods than anyone else, though every child in these unions is female don’t know why but I’ve rambled enough I should tell you about the cult”
“Uh- yeah if you can give us any info that would be great” Zoey replied unable to process what she was just told
“Well, I don’t know much just that they have been taking young women from the village and they haven’t returned, even my granddaughter was taken” the old women explained holding back tears.

“We’ll save her don’t worry” Avalia said comfortingly 

“Thank you girls so much, I wanna  make you some dinner before you get to work I bet you’re starving” She said cheerfully 

“Oh no, we couldn’t.” Avalia interjected 

“Nonsense you undying need your energy” the old women replied 

“Undying?” Sasha replied 

“Yes, that's what most of us NPCs call you” the women replied before turning to star cooking.

“Guess the AI in this game are more advanced than we thought” Zoey replies 

“Well they did say the AI was revolutionary so it isn’t too shocking” Sasha replied 

“Yeah, I guess that makes sense,” Zoey replied.

After a while, the food was made and the three girls quickly ate it all.

“That was delicious thanks a lot” Zoey replied.

“Yeah, it was really tasty!” Avalia replied 

“Mhm” Sasha replied with a smile 

“I’m glad you girls enjoyed it” The women replied 

“You guys feeling sleepy?” Avalia asked through a yawn.

“Yeah I actually am” Sasha also yawning 

“I am to maybe we shou-” Zoey said before falling unconscious onto the floor

“Zo-” Avalia and Sasha exclaimed before falling onto the floor as well.

Zoey found herself in a different place and it looked like a giant cat playground. As she looked around she heard a woman's voice 

“Welcome my child, I am Felinia the goddess of catgirls” it spoke

“Huh- wah- whe- what's going on” Zoey asked.

“Relax you are safe here in my realm I had my current servant give you a special potion so we could chat. You are the only one of your kind or rather the only half-demon half cat girl but there are others who are half-demon and you must find them and form a team the gods have made what they deem pure offsprings to slay the demon realm. The want any demon dead and those who align with them but your people are the only ones to bring balance and unite the gods and demons.” Felinia explained 

“What? Isn’t this just a game?” Zoey questioned 

“I can’t explain now if the other gods find out I’m conspiring against them is will end horribly unite the demon children and stop the gods” Felinia explained before fading away.

Zoey looked around as the cat playground faded and she found herself in the all too familiar white room at this point.

“What is it now?” Zoey asked as she looked across at a copy of herself

“You heard the old women only girls can be half breeds,” the copy said.

“Yeah but that doesn’t mean anything my body in-game is female so that's what she means.” the real Zoey replied.

“I’m you and I know that you don’t feel that! Dad is an asshole just remember the earliest point you wanted to be Zoey and you’ll know the truth!” the copy yelled

“What are you even talking about!” the real Zoey yelled.

“I don’t know! I only know something bad happened during preschool, you have to remember though!” the copy said as tears began to pour down her face, the real Zoey ran over and hugged the copy of herself comforting her but soon the copy faded and she found herself in a very young form of James in the house from his early childhood that he forgot about. Zoey almost on autopilot found herself breaking down into tears in front of her mom.

“Sweetie what's wrong did someone hurt you at preschool,” her mom asked her

“The boys made fun of me for playing with the girls and called me names” She cried.

“I’m sorry sweetie, you know that doesn’t make you any different than anyone else” her mom comforted her.

“I wish I fit in, I just don’t like the boys. They are too rough and I don’t like it” Zoey said

“Sweetie just because you don’t fit in with the boys doesn’t mean you aren’t one.” her mom explained

“I don’t want that!” Zoey shouted crying even harder.

“Sweetie do you want to be a girl?” her mom asked.

“Yes!” Zoey exclaimed 

“We'll them we can’t call you James anymore how about the name Zoey, it's what you would have been named if we knew you were actually a girl,” he mom said

“Ok” Zoey replied 

“Now whats say that you and I paint out nails, would you like that sweetheart?” her mom asked 

“Yes,” Zoey replied.

Her mom dried her eyes and carried her up to the bedroom to paint her nails then once the nail polish dried they went back downstairs where they were greeted by Zoeys dad

“Hey you two, hows my favorite gal and little man doing?” he said looking down to Zoey and noticed the purple nail polish on her fingers

“Sweetie why the hell does my son have purple nails” her dad said gritting his teeth.

“Well she is actually your daughter and wanted her nails painted” her mom explained 

“You want my boy to  be a sissy?” he asked anger rising 

“Please not now just tell her you love her” her mom plead trying to calm him 

“No! He is my son and he is removing that shit off his fingers right now!” he said grabbing Zoey’s had and pulling her into the kitchen but her mom stepped in front of him

“No you will not treat her like this, I refuse to allow that” she replied sternly

“Stay out of this, it's your fault!” he replied before throwing her to the floor 

“Mommy!” Zoey yelled out as fear rose and tears began pouring done her checks 

“She deserves this boy!” her dad replied but Zoey slipped freehand ran over to her mom who was on the floor

“Come on sweetie we gotta go,” She said picking Zoey up and rushing for the door

“Get back here with my son!” Zoey’s dad said as he chased after them.

Then she was back to the white room and hugging the copy of Zoey and both were now crying 

“Oh my god, he really doesn’t care,” the real Zoey said between sob.

“You remember?” the copy asked whipping some tears away.

“yes, I remember what happened I can’t believe I let him control me like that and I now know that I am really Zoey and we are one.” the real Zoey replied as the copy faded into the real Zoey. she then woke up on the floor of the old womens floor.