Lonely Hearts
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It was another just another day for me, my assignments were finally complete and I might wring out a few hours of fun time at the expense of actual sleep. There I was, staring at the wide screen of my television, a controller in my hand and wanting nothing more than to lose myself in another world. Yet my heart was just not in it that day.


Video games had always been my go to pick, but there I was a craving, a yearning in my heart that even I knew it could not quench. I blew out a lengthy sigh and tossed the controller to the side. It landed and bounced on the vacant space of my couch with a thump. As I sat there in silence, the black screen reflected the image of myself back at me. There I was, face gaunt with my short mousy brown hair all disheveled. I was tall, but lanky in build, my arms barely filling out the sleeves of my blue shirt.


I sought my phone for comfort and pulled it from the pocket of my faded blue jeans. A flick of my finger brought me to the primary screen. It was late and the myriad of social media and dating apps I had been using were all neatly arranged at the bottom. I checked for updates, there were none, hunted for matches but came up empty. It was not long before I was swiping through pictures of my old friends who I no longer had any genuine connection with.


By complete accident I was only salting the wound, tormenting myself with the urge to reach out, but the desire was fleeting and I could never go through with it. It all felt so pointless and the loneliness I was feeling was only creeping in until I could feel its icy tendrils worming into my heart.


This ache for companionship was far too familiar a sensation for me, but it had only grown worse once I had begun my studies in college. My moment of setting out on my own and finding new peers and forging new bonds never seemed to happen, maybe it never will. It was all lies, if I was not drowning in work, the people I did kind of knew were. I had no money and was always having to ask for money from my parents, so going out was also off the table.


Sure, there were forums and chat sites to be social and free. They could never satiate a real physical connection I yearned for. Though every dating app that promised me such remained silent, I had long given up on swiping my way to a partner. It vexed me deeply why I was being passed over and labored over my profile pics, did I just not have the perfect picture that defined me?. Could it have been the way I stared directly at the camera, could they see how desperate I was in my green eyes?


That was when I had come across Mal0.


It was an app under early access testing. Which also meant no reviews, no rating or even the number of downloads. I should have dismissed it, but what had caught my eye was the small description.


'Never settle for those awkward feelings of being alone ever again. MalO is an exciting and interactive experience that will keep you engaged and intrigued. The anxiety of social situations can be nerve-racking, but after just a few hours of MalO, you will soon forget all about those painful emotions of disappointment. Be part of the new craze that is quickly becoming the next social substitute. Remember, the more you take part, the more MalO will engage you. Your experience is completely up to you. Absolutely NO ADS. Enjoy!’


Like with the many chat programs I had downloaded before, I was already skeptical about how a ten-megabyte program could help me. Yet here I was, watching the installation bar filling up on my phone, curious to see if it could hold up to what it had promised.


When it finished a tiny black icon flickered on my phone, then poof, gone. The program vanished the moment it completed the install. A cursed hissed through my clenched teeth when the realization had dawned on me, it must have been some kind of fucking virus. Then I realized how MalO could easily have meant malware, goddamn it, it was right in the name!


 With a deep groan of exasperation, I slammed my palm into my forehead to punish my lack of foresight. 


Immediately I went into scrubbing mode and plugged my phone into the laptop which was sitting idle on the black-tinted glass coffee table in front of me. I went through the tedium of scanning my phone for malicious software with an icy indifference; it was only a minor inconvenience really, after the moment of seething anger swept through me. Yet, one cleaning program after another found no viruses. This had me perplexed and in my curiosity, I went so far and manually browsed through the files for something out of place. Still, I had come up empty, Mal0 had vanished as quick as I had downloaded it.


It was strange; it had me scratching my head over it. I even attempted to download it again just to itch at my curiosity, only to have it tell me I had already installed it. 


My brows furrowed with my phone in my lap as my leg bounced it atop my thigh. There was something strange happening here but I just couldn't seem to figure it out and it raked at me something fierce. When I noticed the hour I had to give up, but was not about to take any chances and performed a factory reset, that should have done it. 


I had resigned the last minutes of my night to update my phone to the most current version and reinstalling my most mandatory apps.


I pulled off my shirt and kicked my pants somewhat toward my plastic laundry hamper, then shuffled my way down the short hallway towards my room. Wearing just my boxers and a pair of fuzzy bear slippers, I had my phone tucked into the waistband and the laptop stuffed under my arm. One perk of living in a single person dorm was how I could walk around dressed as I pleased.


My room was sparse and tidy, the bed made neatly with a single nightstand, a rarely used trash bin tucked in a corner and the tall dresser faced me across the room. I moved to the nightstand and placed the scrubbed clean phone next to my alarm clock before tucking my laptop in the cubby under the top.


Just when I had gotten under the covers my phone vibrated with a loud rattle off the faux wood of my nightstand. It was rare I got any kind of notification and picked it up to see why it wanted my attention.


Oddly enough, there was a text message, it was not a common occurrence for me and I was excited to see it. That however soured to see the number attached to it was usually long and looked suspiciously too cryptic. Still, curiosity had gotten the better of me and I unlocked the device with a swipe of my finger. 


Instead of a message, it was a photo sent to me.


My brows furrowed at the picture of a dimly lit building in the middle of the night. Yet I couldn't shake the feeling that it felt strangely familiar, but I could not  make out the details. 


I wanted to know more and attempted to text them, wanting to know what this was all about. Try as I did, the same red text response of ‘message failed’. The number was too weird, I cursed under my breath, thinking to myself that maybe MalO got enough information out of my phone before I had scrubbed it so I could get some strange spam. 


At that point, I was too tired to care about some stupid picture being sent to me and went to sleep.


The constant electric buzzing of my alarm roused me and with a groan, I rolled over and swatted at the device until it shut off. With a grogginess I had fallen into the autonomous routine of getting ready for my morning classes. I was not alert of my surroundings and shambled into my cramped bathroom and flicked on the light. 


The sterile white walls flashed all the brighter, making me wince as my eyes watered from the glaring shift. There was a small oval sink with just enough room for my toothbrush and the cup I used to hold it. They built it cramped and packed the toilet in the corner and right across from it was my standing shower with a sliding door and its heavily fogged glass for privacy.


It was after I had gotten out of the shower and walked back into the room I had noticed my phone was flashing a new notification. At first, I thought little of it and assumed it was something innocuous like an update; I forgot the events of last night..


When I picked up my phone to check the time, I noticed instead it was another message from the same number from last night.  With an annoyed sigh I couldn't resist the urge to check and whoever it was, they had sent me another photo.


Except for this time my mouth parted in surprise and my eyes widened. 


It was an image of the front of the computer store I had visited maybe a few days ago. The hairs stood tall on my nape, my heart suddenly spiked in pace in response. Deep down my instincts shouted to me, I was being hunted and I for a moment I agreed.


“What the fuck,” I hissed through my teeth, unable to take my eyes off the screen, drinking in every detail of the image, trying to seek an answer inside of it.


My routine had been all but shattered and I paced the room, wracking my brain over how they could know I had been there. It was some next level shit.


Did they have access to my GPS? 


Maybe this was all just a stupid prank?


I was quick to fire off another message and demanded answers, but it too had failed to send like the last time.


With an annoyed growl I did the next best thing and blocked the number, it was all I could think to do before I had to attend my classes.




To say I was a little on edge for the rest of the day would have been an understatement, I had an issue with overthinking things. The idea stuck in my head someone could have been stalking me, but for what reason, I couldn't even fathom.


I was constantly looking about for anyone suspicious, as if I knew what a suspicious person could look like. Did I have an idea what I would even do if I discovered them? Not really, but you bet your ass I had a hundred mental scenarios acted out in my head about how it would go down! 


However, my phone was dead silent once I blocked the number, mission accomplished. 


The rest of the day passed on just like any other, I had survived another day in college and made my way back to my dorm, but was still looking over my shoulder from time to time.




I opened the door and walked into my conjoined living room and kitchen separated by a small island countertop. I had just one chair tucked in close to it and I hung my pack off the back of it. All that anxious energy had bled away and left me utterly drained from it. My bed was calling for me, it was time for a well-deserved nap. 


I did not take off my clothes or my shoes; I was a straight up cave man and flopped onto the bed with a groan. Getting under the sheets was too much energy and before I could even think of sleep my mind shut the lights. When or how long I had slept was a mystery, only that a vibration rudely jolted me against my thigh by my phone still tucked in my pants pocket. 


I slurred a curse and dug it out of my pants to check what had interrupted me, and my heart dropped into my stomach.


It was that damned number my phone should be blocking!


All my anxiety surged right back into the front and I was certain I felt like I would throw up. My breathing hastened in pace, eyes gazing wide at the small notification like it was this looming threat. I couldn't bear to open it, stuffed my phone under my mattress and buried my face into my pillow.


After tossing and turning restlessly, I wanted nothing to do with reality and I was oh so happy to dive right back into the sweet ignorance of being asleep again.




The alarm woke me the next day. It wasn't a fucking nap; I had hibernated for sixteen damned hours! 


Worse yet, I felt lethargic and some part of me just wanted to go back to sleep. Still, I had to drag my ass out of bed and get ready for another day.


Instead of getting ready, I had pulled my phone from the purgatory of my mattress but refused to even glance at the screen. I was so down and out that I had walked out the door in the same clothes I wore yesterday. Who the fuck do I have to look good for anyway?


I walked down the sidewalk towards the campus, it was a short four-kilometre jaunt to get there. The fresh air was the balm I needed to wake me up and clear up my head, finally rousing fully to the world.


Out of causal reflex, I had pulled out my phone to check the time, only to learn the true scope of my error in ignoring it.


There were three more messages from my stalker waiting for me as notifications. I stopped dead in my tracks, I could tell they were sending them quicker and I felt my skin break out in goosebumps from not just the realization, but how precise the times were. Each message had come at half the time from the other, the next one I could expect during class at the rate they were coming.


Still, I couldn't look at them, I was just too much of a coward to check and stuffed my phone into my bag. Suddenly my walk was more than brisk, wondering if I was being watched right then, always looking at my surroundings.


When I had gotten to school, I felt a small measure of calm there, safety in a public I guess. I tried my best to focus on the lectures, though this was a more defensive tactic to keep my mind distracted in my classes. It wasn't working; I kept peering at the clock, knowing the next message would come soon.


It came during lunch when my phone went off again and just as I had predicted it came perfectly paced right down to the second. This had me thinking it must be some kind of machine and I blew out this sigh it had to be some kind of program and not a person.


Then I was more annoyed, I had gotten myself all worked up over nothing, no one was out to get me.


By the time my classes ended,  I had gotten home. Those three texts had grown to five, I was getting deeply annoyed by their regularity. In a wild surge of frustration, I had grabbed my phone and tore the back plate off and yanked the battery out and tossed the pieces onto my coffee table and watched them spread across the surface.


“Let's see you send me a picture now asshole,” I snarled with venom in my voice.




It was the next day I didn't even bother to put it back together, there was no point, it was not like someone important would call me. I went to college, did my studies and prepped for my tests for the end of the week. What I didn't do was worry about some loser wandering around and snapping stupid pictures to send me.


It was kind of funny suddenly, maybe part of me mentally broke and I could no longer give a shit anymore, regardless; it was liberating.


When I got home and saw my phone in shambles, the sadness that struck me was immediate at how I mistreated my device. I knelt over it and tenderly put it back together, all the while cursing myself for taking my frustration out on something I had usually taken such care of.


To my relief, the loading screen blazed to life with color, but my elation turned to dread when the rolling barrage of photos was spooling past the screen. One after another, picture after picture pushed past the screen as my phone received them. I grew nauseous, watching as each photo was of a place closer and closer to where I lived. I could no longer deny it, I was truly being hunted by someone. 


Another text came while I was looking at the pictures and I had nearly dropped my phone when I saw it was a shot of the front of my college, today. It parched my throat; the blood turned to ice in my veins and it felt like my heart had sunk into the pit of my stomach. 


While pacing in my bedroom I watched as the stalker started taking snapshots from the inside of my college. At that moment I was at a loss on what to do and doubted I could incline the cops to help someone sending photos to me. Never in my life had I thought I could ever find myself in a situation like this.


I didn't sleep at all that night because my phone kept going off and I couldn't just turn it off then. There I was, locked in a state of morbid curiosity, each time I got tired the vibration of my phone clutched in my hand was a shock to my system and it sent my heart racing over it.


I couldn't help but watch as whoever it was moved from one of my classes to another. It was then I noticed they were moving through the campus and it should be locked, had to be locked up. They seemed to have no difficulty in getting around. Were they breaking the windows? Picking the locks? Why are they going through all this effort for me?. It horrified me, yet it fascinated me at the same time. I wondered if the person had not slept for days; it seemed like and was trailing my exact path.


When my alarm went off, I nearly leaped out of my bed with fright, I had been watching them shadowing the path I had taken the entire night. I was right back in the moment before I had unintentionally passed out. I had a simple plan, confront them at my school and figure it out once and for all.


I was still in my now three-day-old clothing, but it did not matter to me then, I would confront this person at the college.




Still with the plan in place, I had to take a long way around because they were coming up the fucking street I always walked by the photos they were showing me. I was too scared to confront whoever it was alone, what I needed was some help, but I had an idea.


While I was walking towards the principal building, I received a very unwanted update; it was a picture of my room. They were inside my fucking dorm and snapped a picture of my unmade bed. I wanted to throw up; how they had gotten in I had no clue but it wasn't good if they were willing to break into my place. The picture shattered my idea, they had it to be dangerous and I found myself right back to square one, a quivering mass of a person who wanted to cry.


The recent photo which had got me running up to the liaison, not just a security guard but an actual police officer. He was leaning against the wall close to the doorway with a coffee in hand, just starting his morning and not expecting any of my crazy bullshit.


“P-please you need to help me,” I said to him with enough wild urgency in my voice to startle him.


“What's the matter?” He asked while looking at me up and down, his face already telling me he thought I was crazy. “Are you OK, kid? Because you look like shit.”


“Someone is stalking me!” I said and pushed my phone into his hand. “Just look at my phone… there are pictures of my room today when I had just left.”


While he was looking over my phone I was looking back to the street and I could swear I saw something. It was like a blot of black ink, it didn’t feel real, too dark to be anything that could be called natural. My body reacted though, it was screaming for me to run and yet I could not mentally process why.


He didn't say a word while flipping through the images, but he seemed bored by them.


“It doesn't look like much to me. Have any threats been sent? Can you name anyone you think would be responsible for the pictures?” He asked with such a casual tone I found it annoying, like he didn't believe me.


“No… but come on officer… they were in my room after I left. They had to break into my dorm to get that picture.” I was pleading with him and looking for any angle to get him on my side and act.


“You need to contact the station for the breaking and entering, if they did that, you will have a case against them.” He sighed and looked at the university before looking back to me and said with a resigned sigh “Look… if it will make you feel better I can escort you to the class… it’s pretty much all I can do here unless you have something more concrete.”


“Yes, please… maybe if they see you with me they will fuck right off.” It was hard to contain my enthusiasm and the officer seemed to have gotten a pleasant chuckle from it.


“Have you seen this person at all?” he asked.


“No… I have no idea what they look like… I started getting the photos out of nowhere three days ago.” It was so frustrating how little I offered him.


“Well, maybe today we can get a good look at your stalker and then you will be able to move forward on getting a restraining order.” He dropped his hand on my shoulder so hard I flinched, but at least I felt reassured when he flashed me a smile. “Let's get you to class.”


As we were walking to my first lecture I felt the vibration in my pocket, and I stopped dead in my tracks to look. When I saw the photo l, my eyes went wide, it was the front of my school, god they were so close now I must have seen them.


I showed it to the officer with a trembling hand, his brows furrowed and his lips pinched together.


“You know what… you get to class. I am going to cut this bastard off before he can get close.”


“H-how are you going to know it's them?” I asked, unsure of his decision.


“Simple… I just need to look for some shithead snapping pictures of an empty hallway for no reason… now you get to class, I have a job to do.” He said with a reassuring smile.


I nodded to him and turned to open the door to walk into a nearly empty room. Even with everything going on, I had still unconsciously given myself plenty of time before the lesson started. When I took my seat I was a tightly bunched ball of anxiety practically in the fetal position while sitting in my chair.


Surely the liaison would catch my stalker and my life would return to normal. When it seemed like it had been a good long time since my phone had gone off. I couldn't help but think the police officer had caught him and it felt like it had lifted a weight off my shoulders.


The class was filling up; the teacher took the podium and the lesson was underway. I was exhausted and was just sitting there not paying attention, hoping to hear some news from the officer, anything to let me know it was over. It was taking so long, maybe he caught the person and they resisted, or ran, maybe they got shot, oh man why does that suddenly make me feel better?


Then I felt a vibration against my thigh.


It was the last thing I wanted to feel; I wanted to cry, I wanted to crawl under my tiny ledge of a desk and just fucking die right there than look at my phone. Yet it was in my hand, I was lifting it to my face, it was a message from my shadow, they evaded the cop.


My throat tightened and I asked myself how could they have slipped past? 


I didn't want to look at the picture, I was far too terrified at what I would see, but then I realized from the corner of my eye that I no longer needed to look from my phone to see where they were. They were peeking from the narrow window set in the classroom door and I looked; I stared into the eyes of the person who had been stalking me for the last two days. 


My mind reeled at not who I saw, but what I saw. What gazed right back at me defied all logic. It had the head of a skull, but it was not human, much too long, bleached a pale white with dangerous exposed predatory teeth lining the jaws. Fur surrounded the exposed skull, it was so black it seemed to suck out the light. Set in the inky dark sockets were a pair of pure as ivory eyes and I felt them on me, boring right into my being with an alien and unreadable intent.


My heart thumped at the confines of my chest, it was no mask when it made ghostly images by canting its head from side to side and was blinking at me. I was trapped in its gaze, eyes wide in purest terror and frozen. A long and inky black tongue snaked out of its mouth to drag up the side of its long skull, giving me this awful impression it was very much hungry for me.


After what seemed like an eternity of just staring, something snapped inside me. The scream I made I barely recognized as my voice being the one that made it and shot out of my seat to collapse into a stumbling sprint like a madman for the furthest door. 


I burst from the classroom and shot past a group of students, shoving my way past in this pure panic to flee, not even once considering seeking help because deep down I had known no one could save me from something like that, I was doomed.


Never had I run so fast and so far and by the time my tank had bled dry I was close to my home and everything had been just a long burr. There was no rational thought driving me, I was trying to escape the monster and was driven by pure instinct. Turns out my instincts are dumb as fuck because my apartment was the destination. 


I was on the verge of collapsing under my weight from the adrenaline-fueled sprint. Fuck me, I was so out of shape to be running so hard, sweat was pouring down my face and my hands were keeping my upper body propped up off my bent knees while I tried to recover. When I felt my phone go off I didn't bother to check it, all I had to do was look back to see where it had come from. 


It was peeking at me from behind a tree, closer than before, too fucking close for comfort. I could make out its long obsidian mane and the tall pointed ears jutting from its head, watching me. I was so exhausted then, but the sight of the creature spurred me to keep moving. All I could do was curse breathlessly and stagger my lanky ass towards my dorm, like it couldn't touch me if I had reached it or something equally inane. 


The building was designed like an apartment complex and I tripped on the last step and collapsed through the glass-pane double doors.  I fell onto my hands and knees onto the smooth tiled floor and other students backed away from me muttering to themselves that I was on drugs and God how I wished that was true then.


I didn't care about their concerned looks and scrambled on all fours like a fucking animal up the stairs to get to my room.


When I got to the door, I used the knob to pull myself up and fumbled with my keys to unlock the door. When I heard the click, I took one quick glance over my shoulder and immediately regretted it.


It was right around the corner I had just come from and it was right there leaning out with its head tilted at me. It was bracing itself with a gray hand with long black talons at the tips of the fingers, it could rip me apart with those hands. I wheezed what little air was in my lungs at the sight of it and pushed through the door and into my room.




Quickly I slammed the door behind me and closed the lock before backing away until I had run my back into the island of my kitchen. I stared at it for what felt like a very long time, just waiting there to see what it would do next.


I knew it had been in here before, but the door was fine, so how did it get in?


My breathing was calming, but my heart was still pumping frantically with fear. I couldn't resist and approached the door with caution, half expecting the creature to burst through it at any moment.


Still, I leaned forward and put my eye to the peephole to look into the hallway. At first, it was just white, my brows furrowed not understanding why. Then the creature moved its head back and cocked its head to one side at me.


I recoiled back with a strangled gasp from being eye to eye with the thing and my skin broke out in goosebumps over such a close encounter, inches of door separating me from the creature. 


Then I waited, not knowing what to expect with it so close then, surely the door wasn't an obstacle for a supernatural creature. Minutes had passed and I was still gazing at the door like it was a piece of abstract art.


When I gained the courage, I crept back to the door and peeked through the hole once again. There was nothing outside, it left, or at least that was what I had hoped. I turned around with my back pressed firmly to the door and scanned the room, half expecting to see it inside with me. Yet, they had left me alone with far more questions than answers.


Then in a moment of hysteria, I had laughed at how fucking bizarre of a situation I was in, trapped in my apartment with some kind of apparition lurking outside.


I turned to my phone and opened the app store to look at the MalO program, maybe there was some kind of information I could glean from it. It was hard to read because there was so much sweat running down my face it was stinging my eyes. 


I could just barely make out the description after giving them a quick wipe.


“Never be alone again,” I muttered before shaking my head in utter disbelief. “That is one hell of a companion.”


Yet the minutes passed and nothing happened, which only left me even more perplexed. I couldn't fathom why it was suddenly keeping its distance then, only to realize I was trying to guess the motives of something so alien to me.


It was then I had realized just how gross my body felt, three fucking days in the same clothes had me at my limit. They were damp with sweat and they clung to my body like a second skin and if I was going to die; it would be with a clean pair of underpants.


I pushed myself from the door and peeled my shirt off and over my head before doing the unthinkable and just tossed it aside to lie in a heap in the corner of my living room. The entire ordeal had me exhausted both physically and mentally and I just couldn't care about keeping things tidy. What I wanted then was just a nice shower.




I walked into my bathroom and pushed my pants off my hips and down my legs before kicking them off into the hallway behind me. When I glanced at the mirror, I got to see just how much of a toll the three days had taken on me.


My face almost had a glossy look to it, my eyes were red and puffy from the lack of sleep and my bottom eyelids were so dark. I looked like absolute shit, actually; I think I smelled like it too. With a chuckle, I wondered if maybe it was why the monster kept its distance.


I did not care if that was the case and pushed the sliding glass door open and it rolled back smoothly. Bending in, I turned on the shower and held my hand in the stream until I had felt it heat to the perfect temperature.


Finally, I stepped into the fine spray, the water pattering off my legs and closed the door behind me. Then I stepped into the cone of water and let its heat wash over my body. It was the best fucking feeling of it melting the tension out of my muscles and I groaned deeply from the sensation.


The water had a calming effect and I silence for a good long time letting the water flow over my face. Whatever moment of Zen I had ended abruptly by a perceivable presence behind me.


An electric jolt of fear lanced through me but it was too late, it grabbed me. No, that was wrong, it hugged me from behind. Powerful arms embraced me, clawed fingers spread out over my tight stomach. The creature was warm, a supple softness pressing against my shoulders. The most pathetic thing I enjoyed its touch until I felt its sharp teeth brush against my ear.


I pulled away with a gasp and it released me with no genuine struggle. Quickly I turned around and slammed my back into the wall, knocking over my soap and bottles of shampoo. The gender of the creature was very much female, the realization was like a cold slap to the face. She was taller than me, her tits level with my face and they were maybe at big as my head. 


My eyes were locked on her chest as hers raked down my body. With the skeletal mouth of a predator looking like it was grinning at me, like it was just a big fucking joke to it. When I blinked there was only this inky after-image of where it had stood but then that too departed and I was alone once more, frightened, confused and even a little aroused.


“What the fuck.” Was all I could think to say.


 It was then I wondered how easily she could have hurt me, so why didn't it? 


According to the program, she was to be my companion, if I could believe it. My jaw tightened, I was determined to figure out what she wanted from me, I just had to hope it wasn't something terrible.


Then grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my hips before leaving the bathroom, it was time to meet my new roommate.


I looked to my left towards my room and there she was with a full silhouette of her waiting for me in the darkness. God damn, she was so much taller than me, easily over six feet, I saw the long tapered tail that swayed back and forth in a luxurious tempo. What was she doing? Waiting for me in my room?


My eyes wandered over her body, the monster had such sinful curves I could feel my cock getting stiff and forming a tent in my towel. My mouth got dry and my heart picked up in pace just looking at her standing there. Except maybe I had been checking her out for too long because suddenly she vanished, my vision burned with the outline of… her.


She had left my head spinning and there was a weird flutter in my stomach and this sudden thrill of excitement that it was a female pursuing me. I slapped my palm against my forehead in dismay at how quickly I was shifting gears over this situation, was I really that desperate?


It had kindled a fresh fear inside me of her, more than ever, I was trembling over the prospect, a thousand thoughts tearing at my mind, some terrible, others oddly alluring. I was left wanting to see more of her; the room was too dark and a chuckle broke from my throat at the realization I wanted to see her again. I paced in my living room, her voluptuous silhouette stamped in my mind.


Call me a coward, call me smart, but I could not bring myself to cross that threshold and slunk off to the couch and sat down to stare at the floor with a shell-shocked expression. It was a mistake; I had a very plush and comfy couch and what started as a sit was a flow blown lay down and ponder. Maybe she will just take over my room and that will be that, I could sleep here and never learn the reason, that would be nice.


Those thoughts drifted away from my mind while I was sinking so deeply into those soft cushions. All the trials of that day that had piled up had me feeling like the couch was absorbing me, I was on the verge of passing out.


One blink and she was with me, her arms crossed over the high backrest, skeletal head resting atop her forearms. She was looking down at me and her expressionless face left me with nothing, but there was an annoyed expression from her narrowly closed eyes. To just look at her I felt an imposing weight of dread and was frozen under her stare.


“W-what do you want?” I forced the question past my tightened throat.


Her response was to reach for my face slowly and seemed almost timid, like she was unsure of touching me, like I was a skittish animal, it was a proper assumption. I didn't even have the energy then to shrink away from those sharp looking claws and just laid there with my eyes heavily lidded in exhaustion from the ordeal ‘just make it quick’ I thought in my head.


Surely it was over for me, the creature would do something terrible to my face with those talons. Then I felt her fingers pushing into my brown hair and it wracked my body with a deep shudder from the overwhelming pleasure of her touch. How deeply I groaned when she stroked her hand through my hair, it was utterly humiliating to melt under such a simple gesture of affection.


When she giggled at my reaction, it did not come from her, but came from inside my head. Her voice was strange, sultry but kind of synthetic, like it had been filtered through auto-tune.


She was practically petting me and I didn't want her to stop, it felt so fucking good to be touched. My eyes were getting heavier, the weight seemed to grow with each pass of those fingers over my scalp. When I was close to passing out from her gentle attention, I felt her body shifting on top of me, she was climbing over the couch to join me.


“W-wait.” I pleaded with a voice no louder than a hushed whisper and reached out with my hands to put some kind of obstruction in her away.


In my haste to stop her such a warm softness suddenly smothered my hands, I knew at that moment I did something terrible. My eyes snapped open to see my hands were pressed into her massive tits, far too large for my palms, the plush grey flesh overflowing around them.


They were amazing to hold, the skin was soft like silk with the peaks where her nipples lay were as black as obsidian. We were both staring at where I had placed my hands and her long maw was parted so I could tell she was just as surprised as I was.


“I-I am so sorry!” I stammered while pulling my hands away from her chest, my cheeks burning hot with embarrassment.


She had to lean in closer to grab me by the hands, bringing her tits closer to me letting them  hang heavy, the thick nipples close to my chest. I felt her clutch me by the wrists and I was certain she was just going to break my arms for touching her. What happened instead was something possibly more frightening, she pulled them back to her chest and made me grope her again.


I was speechless while I watched her puppet my hands, pushing my palms over her tits and I could feel her nipples fattening and getting harder from my touch. She wanted me, how could such a being possibly want me in such a way was beyond my comprehension. The more she made me pet her bust, the bolder I got and gave them a firm squeeze until the soft flesh was pushing through the gaps of my fingers when they sunk in deeper. 


It was like a purr that vibrated through my being and what followed was an electric tingle course down my spine in response, she was enjoying my touch and god damn I was enjoying touching her.


Then I felt her hips push down against my groin and through my thin towel she discovered me rock hard and ready. It was my turn to make a lusty noise right back and made a deep groan when she ground into me. I felt the most intense heat of her sex through my towel and it was torture to have a layer of fabric between my cock and the mound she was pressing down onto it.


She had such a powerful build compared to me and I watched her toned midsection rippling with the rotations of her hips. I felt more than a little undeserving of her attention. Her body was literally out of this world. I was awestruck having this creature perform this provocative dance on top of me while I eagerly groped at her chest. Never had I experienced a lap dance, but I was certain she was giving me one no normal woman could match.


I needed to feel what she was rubbing into me and my right hand ventured lower down her body. She lifted her hips off my pelvis to welcome my hand to play with her when I slid it over the dense fur over her mound. Then I felt the heat of her sex and it was so much more intense without a towel to protect my hand. There was another deep purr from her when my fingertips touched the lips of her nethers before she pushed her twitching muff into my hand.


Down below she had a thick set of lips and they felt like the softest velvet under my fingers. My hand trembled as I stroked and massaged, working my fingers past her plush slit to find they were hiding heaven. She was sopping wet for me, my fingers had been soaked to the knuckle just by petting her a little. When I plunged into the source she clamped down tight and her head tilted back with a lengthy sigh. 


Her hand replaced the one I had removed, watching her playing with her tit while my fingers roamed between the folds of her pussy was so fucking hot. She was dripping onto my towel then and I was eager to coax even more from her. Yet I was only stroking through the entirety of her slit, unsure of where to even start rubbing to give her the most pleasure. All I had was my eager desire to please her, to explore her, yet part of me was terrified of her all the same.


The excess of her nectar had made every movement of my fingers sound so loud and messy. There was a haughty gasp when I ground my digits into her long plump button, followed by her haunting and lusty groan inside my very mind. With her heated response I had found the spot to focus my attention on and with every rotation of my hand, she pressed her chest in closer to my face. Then I seized on the opportunity of clamping my mouth over one of those chubby buds she offered.


It was such a turn on to hear her moan when sucked on her tit and I took such a hard pull I could have sworn I tasted something sweet. The flavor had me tugging at more greedily than before. She clutched me by the hair from the back of my head so hard it kinda hurt before she pushed my face into her chest. Her tit was so big it enveloped my face and she had me battling to breathe past her plush flesh.


I felt her shove the towel down to my thighs and she gripped my rock hard cock in her hand, apparently my fingers were not enough to please her. The lips of her pussy smothered the head of my cock and then I felt the resistance of her opening before I slid into it.


It was so warm and tight as my member pushed her supple walls apart, but she was so wet I could slide into her effortlessly. I groaned when she took me to the hilt and to my deep regret; I was already teetering on the edge of bursting inside her just feeling the grip her pussy had on my cock.


I was frantically trying to stave off the urge, but my dick was twitching more and more fiercely inside her. Slowly she was riding me with lewd squishes and squelches as my hardness churned inside tight depths that seemed reluctant to let my cock depart from her. Then what little willpower remained came apart when she moaned with her ethereal voice penetrating deeply into my head.


With a grimace, I unloaded into this creature and she let forth a shocked gasp from the sensation of my cock pumping hot cum into her pussy. Her mouth parted in what I could only guess was in surprise but she kept grinding on me while I whined in utter embarrassment and covered my face with my hands.


With every twitch of my cock, her walls clamped down around me and fuck the groans I made when she milked me in such a way only enhanced my humiliation. From her I heard her giggle, almost like she was mocking me for my premature misfire.


She lifted off me and my failure of cock slipped out her gorgeous pussy with a messy slurp and I got to see her obsidian slit was tainted with my pearl white release. I had half expected her to just turn and walk away, wouldn't have been the first time for me.


She reached for me with both hands and cupped me by the cheeks, and I gazed timidly into her half-closed eyes filled in an obvious desire towards me. The animal part of my brain was mortified when her toothy muzzle came for my face, but I was certain then she did not wish to harm me. 


Her sharp incisors pushed against my lips and I parted them to kiss her. Then her inky black tongue invaded my mouth and its tapered length wrestled with mine, it was not a fair match. The kiss was intense; I was completely at her mercy and was melting in the moment of receiving such naked affection.  


While she was making out with me, I felt the pull of her hands at my face coax me to stand with her. I was in a trance, chasing her mouth and how she was loving me with it. She was guiding me down the hallway with her hands on my sides, her gracefully walking backwards and me shuffling like a love drunk zombie.


Then she turned and took me by the hand, her long tail swaying behind her, even though the base was wide, it couldn't hide the sensual curve of her backside. Those canine paws of hers were clicking their nails against the hardwood floor as she walked as ghostly after images of her body faintly trailed behind.


Then I noticed she was guiding me to my room, I was wondering what else she could have had in store for me. Despite our romp on the couch, I found myself reluctant, but she had my body under her spell and I followed along obediently with my reservations in the back of my mind.




The lights were out in my room and I could just barely make her out in the darkness. She turned to me and placed her hands under my jaw and pulled me by the head.


Then I felt her tongue meet my lips and my body sagged with bliss from another deep kiss. It was slender at the tip but proved to be long when she pushed it into my eager mouth.


I was barely aware of her dragging me into the bed when she had my tongue coiled in hers until I was lying on top of her. She giggled playfully and pulled me into an embrace with her arms and I lost in the euphoria of her affection.


I curled into her body, placing my head on her chest, the best pillows waiting for me there. We entangled our limbs around one another until we were a tight knot. Even her tail had gotten into it and coiled around my leg to pull it over her hip. It was the most comfortable I had felt in a long time and the exhaustion of the day fell on me and I embraced it eagerly with a soft sigh.


MalO was the best app I had ever installed.