Fantasy Collusion – Intro
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In the year 2035 programmers and engineers finally created a perfect Virtual reality experience. Fantasy Collusion is a game where you can be anything you want but you need to work hard for it. A virtual world where people from the real-world come to grow strong and explore. Everyone grinds their player characters to try to be at the top. Being the top player means more revenue and more popularity. The game has more than 2.5 billion players. The game is based on a virtual world where people login through a special VR device called a "Fotan". Everything is so real that even the experience of eating is the same as in the real world. You will directly transport from real-world to Fantasy collusion through the Fotan and you can log out anytime. Returning to the real world is like waking up from a pleasant dream. If you die in the virtual world then you will automatically awaken in the real world. 

The creator of Fantasy Collusion states that it is operated by an AI. The game has changed so many people's lives. There are many tournaments held in the game that will increase your level. More levels mean you will get more coins that you can spend by buying the game items, food, and other things in the virtual world that are expensive if purchased with real money. Many fantasy things like Monsters, Demi-Humans, and magic are here. You can earn coins by taking the Guild's missions and slaying monsters.

To make any changes in the game you must be logged in. No one can make changes from the real world anymore, not even the developers as they can only strongly "Advise" the AI to do something. The AI is set to keep the narrative to resemble a real-world without godlike interference. The final goal of all players is to reach the top of the Modest tower, which is also known as the heart of the game and it can't be opened by just anyone. One should be level 1000 to open the tower. Once within, the tower trials must be faced and overcome to reach the top. Anyone who reaches the top will get a wish which can be fulfilled in the game. Almost anything can be wished for by the first to reach the top!

There is a player in the game named Izoke that doesn't come from the real world. He is a weak villager who gets bullied by players. His log out button is nowhere to be found because he is just a bug in the game. What will be his destiny? Will he survive in this virtual world as a player when he can't revive?. Will he be able to become strong despite his own weakness? What would an NPC wish for given the chance?

Name: Izoke

Level: 5

Later known as the Bug player.