Rebirth 03 – The Daimyo
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“Now…” Dai-Sensei held up a hand and cleared his throat, the sound becoming deeper and more basey in the process. “There, that’s better. it’ll be easier to keep track of things this way.”

“Now back to the topic at hand. Let’s try and make up for some lost time; you’ve been boy or girl, never man or woman, for your whole tale.I think that should stick.”

The Daimyo snapped his fingers once more and another tuning change settled over the girl. The static that made up her body became a little clearer. There could no longer be any doubt that she was a girl. Her body didn’t feel any different. Rather felt like it had always been the way it was right now, but she felt smaller next to the Secracreature’s height.

The girl was starting to feel overwhelmed by Dai-Sensei’s recons, but for now at least she still felt more curious than alarmed. “W-What do you mean by ‘this Makai’? Is there more than one?”

At this Dai-Sensei stopped smiling. He dropped his hands onto his desk and leaned down over it, sighing deeply. After a moment he looked back up at the young girl before him and considered an answer.

“Fine then. Hime Cut.” Snap.

“If that’s how you want it. Scarlet Hair.” Snap.

“Then that is how we’ll do it. Gold Eyes. Shrine Maiden Outfit. Chrome nail polish!” Snap. Snap. Snap!

The girl struggled to not hyperventilate as each retcon hit her body in  a wave. Her eyes were covered with hair. That was so annoying when she was looking at the sky earlier. Now it was red. It was always that colour, wasn’t it? Was she a Shrine Maiden? A Cosplayer? Focus on breathing. Slow breaths.

“As for your question, there are many countless Makai of which this is only 1. It is built upon a portion of the souls from some worlds, including your own former home. Other Makai are the same or similar for different planes. For that matter, other places also exist. The Ae and the ‘up there’ and probably other places as well. Tail.” Snap.

“Ah!” The girl crouched down and tried to set her tail free. How had she managed to walk so far with it pent beneath her robes!? She started to cry, overwhelmed and not totally coherent from the rapid barrage of retcons.

Dai-Sensei just laughed and the girl cried more. As it went on longer, his laughter petered out. As he waited for the fit to end, he knocked twice on his desk and it sunk into the floor, hidden beneath the misty fog.

“I may have played the ham a step too far on that one.” The Daimyo muttered to himself just as the girl let loose her last few sobs. She could just barely hear his words, though they seemed intended for his ears only.

“So.” Despite his mutterings he had excellent composure. “Are you about ready to resume?”

With one final sniffle, the girl stood back up and faced Dai-Sensei. She felt suspicious of him, but her curiosity was just as strong as ever. She knew that he was changing her, but for the first time felt confident that she would be fine. After all, despite the changes, she knew she had always been this way. Despite herself, she wanted to see what he would change next.

“Sure…” she sounded from sure of herself, but it was enough for Dai-Sensei, whose smile went resumed the Cheshire grin from before.

“Well then, let’s try something a little more extreme. Monkey Form.” Snap

This change was probably the strangest yet, but whether from experience or some fundamental difference in the retcon, it was also the least traumatic tuning yet. Indeed, it felt oddly thrilling. The girl did not change into a monkey so much as she gained the features of one. Her tail further resolved into the long, slim appendage that it was, covered in fiery red fur that matched her hair. Her feet and paws (hands?) became more dexterous and sturdy. Her ears stuck off the size of her head and her canines were longer than a human’s. Her nose was likewise flat and wide, though not the maw of a true monkey. She undoubtedly resembled the Secracreature. How odd that she had felt threatened by his appearance so soon before.

The girl stretched with her whole body, even sticking out her tail straight out. Some parts of her had actually lost clarity. Her feet felt more murky now, unsure whether or not they should have thumbs, while her arms and legs both debated on the matter of fur.

For their part, Dai-Sensei inspected the changes the way a critic might a painting.

“Yes, Darling, we’re making progress, but the Haircut doesn’t really work anymore.” The Daimyo flipped through a catalogue of some sort – presumably haircuts – that he had not been holding a moment before. “Ah, this should work fabulously.” Snap.

The long hair from a moment before suddenly fizzed out, re-resolving into a pixie cut of controlled wildness, just like it had always been.

“That fits your image so much better darling. Now for the end game. As a courtesy, I’ll allow you to ask any last questions you might have. Well, 3 of them anyway. I am a most generous Daimyo!”

“What are you turning me into? And why?”

“Why ruin the surprise? You’ve find out soon enough. As for why, why not!? It’s fun to do and my right and duty as a Daimyo to do it! What other reason could I possibly need? That was technically two questions, but I’ll count it as one. Daimyo Dai-Sensei is generous indeed!

“…But don’t do push your luck doing it again.”

The girl considered carefully what her next question should be. It was probably her last chance to do so. The Secracreature seemed pleased with himself for the moment but was also obviously impatient to finish.

“Will I forget, once everything is done?”

This actually caused Dai-Sensei to take pause. His ever-present grin momentarily replaced by a look of contemplation. “Yes…And no. Everything that is you, is you.” He starting to resume his momentum. “Once the you that is underneath has been revealed by my expert hands you will look back and laugh in embarrassment at the pitiful Lost Soul that gave birth to you! You may remember, or you may not, but you will laugh either way! That’s 2 questions down. What is your third?”

There was only one thing left to ask. Despite his pose, the Daimyo seemed impressed with the Lost little monkey girl. They both knew what would come next.

“What is my name?”

“EXCELLENT!” Dai-Sensei gestured upward dramatically as sparklers and noise makers appeared out of nowhere all throughout the room. “TRULY EXCELLENT!! And that Excellence shall remain! Your name is Goku, and I pronounce you a DEMON of Makai!”
