Librarynth – Pen
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“Beatrix, dear.”

Crow had snuck up on Beatrix, something the young vampire was discovering that few could do. It’s wasn’t that she had a particularly strong awareness of her environment. She just had a vampire’s nose. She could usually smell nearly anyone before she could see them. Crow had no scent at all. Not even scents from food or from the people she interacted with.

“Can I help you, Madam?”

“Oh, nothing, nothing.” The old woman grinned. “Actually, there was a small favour I was hoping you could do for me.”

Crow wore an Edo Komon, small black dots making a stylized, circular red bird on a dark-gray field.

“I was hoping you could go with Raven on her little adventure. Only if it’s not too much trouble of course.”

“Go with Raven?”

“Oh, yes dear I’m so happy you’ve agreed to go. You know how that granddaughter of mine can be and I do so worry about her sometimes.”

Beatrix suppressed a sigh. She thought this whole trip would be awkward, but she didn’t have it in her to turn down Crow when she seemed so happy.

“Yes, Madam.”

- - -

The Library had the dusty and overpowering scent of old books.

Each member of the party had donated a manual to the library, a textbook on Gothic Lolita in Beatrix’s case, and entered as one, only to come to an abrupt halt in the lobby once confronted with the sights and sounds of the library. Beatrix wasn’t quite as interested in it as the others, but it was an excellent chance to assess her companions.

Willow wore a white, Knee-length skirt with yellow reeds patterned onto it and a complimentary long-sleeved blouse on top of knee-length tights. Oddly, her belt and duffel bag were covered in a preposterous number of charms. They shifted whenever she moved, though they made surprisingly little sound, and must have weighed more than all of the rest of her clothing combined.

“The shelves must be three stories high...”

Goku wore a red beret on her head that suited her, and a pocket-covered labcoat which didn’t. She had a camisole and cargo shorts underneath, with a disproportionately large backpack that didn’t seems to actually bother her. Looking at her, Beatrix couldn’t help but consider the possibilities. Her outfit was terrible, but she could make for a great lolita model.

“There’s a lot of space up there. What if we climbed up?”

“I would not recommend it, Goku.”

Beatrix of course wore a fitted dress with a black body and blood-red accents. This particular outfit was tailored to combine freedom of movement with a long skirt  and would not impede her despite its appearance. The bodice used a vivid red clothe that both drew the eye and created (admittedly unneeded) flexibility for breath. Her own small bag matched the rest of the outfit, while her hair was done up in a braid that circled one side of her head, complimenting her outfit and preventing her long locks from getting in the way.

“Yeah, but Raven can fly. Wouldn’t that help us get around?”

“Seriously, don’t try it. That goes for everyone.”

The less that was said of Raven’s T-Shirt and Sweatpants, the better.

“So,” Goku continued, “how do we get around this place anyway? It is supposed to be a maze, right? How do we find our way back?”

“Good question,” Willow replied with a hushed voice. This place was a library, after all. She reached down to her belt and pulled out a blue plastic card that hung among her collection on a retracting wire. “The answer is with this; I have a library card.”

“On that note, I believe we wanted to start with the Makai Section?”

Raven nodded.

“In that case…” Willow quickly checked the card, which seemed to glow faintly as the black script on its surface shifted. “...This way.” She pointed towards one of the many nearby aisles and led the way forward.