Smoke In The Rain
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"It's raining."

"Sure is."

"Hey, do you like the rain?"

"I don't."

"Why? Oh, that's if you don't mind me asking."

"As long as you don't mind me smoking as I talk."

"I don't."

"Then I don't as well."


"Anyway, I dislike the rain because it reminds me of things."

"Like what?"

"The past?"


"Haha! Okay I'll continue, it reminds me of a time when I was 14."


"It was raining, of course. My father wanted to go hiking, I didn't really want to since it was raining after all."

"Hiking while it rain?"

"Yeah. As you can probably guess, this was a bad idea."

"Umm, yeah."

"Ha. I could to, but nobody would listen to a 14 year old girl. My father just said that it was nothing but a drizzle, that he was an expert."


"Anyways, it ended up raining harder. Then of course a mudslide happened. Although it was a very small one, it was enough to separate me and my father."


"It's fine, no need for comfort."


"Let's continue, so me and my father were separated, and as a 14 year old who obviously didn't know jack shit, I could only wonder towards a cave I saw to wait for my father."

"Oh, that's not too bad."

"However, little me didn't know to check for signs to see if an animal lived in it. The cave ended up having a juvenile mountain lion in it."


"Lucky me, it only came back after the sun started to come up, not only that but it wasn't fully grown."

"Wasn't fully grown?"

"It probably just left its mother."

"I see, so umm, it that how you got those scars?"

"Mmhmm. But lucky enough, rescuers found me in time. Otherwise I'd been eaten by the damn beast."

"Wow! Is this really true!?"



"Haha! No, my father just beat me like he normally did that night. Oh, however things got a little out of hand when he accidentally cut me with a broken piece of glass."


"Then he just locked me up in the attic."


"Don't believe me? Fine."

"Is it real…?"



"He didn't cut me with a simple piece of glass nor did he do it accidentally. He cut me with a broken beer bottle."



"Please, stop joking around! Is that really true??"

"Just pick whitchever you think is the real story."


"My names not hey, it's Bia."