Part 11
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Chapter 15


When Ashley finally decided to go home she was more than a bit relieved to notice Keira was gone. As long as Keira had any sort of control over either her or Bruce she simply wasn’t at ease with her sister around. With her freshly purchased outfit however and all her get togethers with friends planned for tomorrow she was a huge step closer to getting herself and Bruce out of Keira’s control. The thought that Keira was probably gone because she was celebrating that new found control at the very moment didn’t fail to put a smile on Ashley’s face. She had a challenging time ahead of her, but it would be so worth it to finally get rid of Keira’s nasty control once and for all.


Although it was only afternoon Ashley didn’t plan on leaving the relative safety of her room any time soon. She had everything she needed and everything set up so there was no need to take risks, not even with Keira out of the house. Instead she decided to call Bruce, to hear how he was holding up. Discarding the bag with her new clothes in a far corner of her room she flopped back on the bed and dialled him up, feeling a slight rush of excitement as she thought about hearing him again. Sure he had been a bit of a douche taking those pictures, but all in all she just wanted to remember the great date they had had, and the talk afterwards that mainly told her that for all his flaws Bruce was a decent guy mainly in a very toxic relationship.


“Hey Bruce, how has your day been so far? I just kind of wanted to check up on you, you know after our chat the day before. I hope Keira hasn’t been too much of a bitch to you anymore.” Ashley spoke, unable to help herself from sounding just a tiny bit nervous and excited at the prospect of hearing Bruce again. It was so strange to think that they had been relative strangers only two days ago. Sure she had known Bruce as her sister’s boyfriend for a while, but they had never really talked much or bothered to get to know one another until that fateful date Keira had set up to pester the both of them. At this point however, Bruce was one of the people who knew her best of all, aside from her mother and Jessy that was, but hell not even her own girlfriend knew her this well, or at least not yet. It really created a bond between the two of them, at least for Ashley.


“Thank you for calling Ashley, don’t you worry about me, I am doing just fine. Keira is being a major bitch, she is trying to take full advantage of her control, but that was to be expected. She’s out on a date with another girl at the moment and she had been sending me some pics, but honestly, I couldn’t care less. As you could probably tell we didn’t have a healthy relationship at all, more like one in name only. I never really bothered making an end to it, but honestly I should have seen Keira more for who she really was. Oh well people can only learn from their mistakes right? In any case, let’s talk about what’s really important. How are you doing? I can’t stress enough how much I admire your courage, among other things off course.” Bruce replied, ending with a slight cheeky teasing tone that left Ashley instantly flustered.


“Uhm,… oh,… I’m good, really. I had an amazing chat with the person who really supported my coming out kind of towards my mother and gave me some hints on how to do it to my friends and girlfriend. Then I went shopping for a somewhat more casual look and tomorrow I’m supposed to meet up with all the people I really want to address this to in person, so if anything tomorrow evening we should be ready to trick Keira in setting up that second date.” Ashley stammered as her heart skipped a beat out of pure joy. She couldn’t believe Bruce was flirting so openly, but she loved it.


“Oh that sounds absolutely fantastic, I’m sorry you have to rush things so hard for me, and I can’t tell you enough how grateful I am for it. I promise you that I will make it up to you Ashley, one way or another, and while I really want things to transition kind of smoothly, you are more than worth whatever shit Keira can spin towards my friends before I get to introduce you to them, whether or plan works or not I really want to be with you Ashley. Can I be a little cheeky and ask to see what you bought?” Bruce replied, only making Ashley’s heart flutter all the more.


She felt overwhelmed that Bruce seemed to want to go for her that much, but at the same time she was scared to answer his question. Most of all she just wanted to say no, that he couldn’t see it, as she didn’t feel all that confident with the outfit. She was terrified that if she looked a little to masculine or even androgynous, that things with Bruce would end right away. On the other hand she figured that it would be a while until the hormones and everything could have an effect on her. If she really wanted things to work with Bruce, he would inevitably see her without her breast forms and elaborate makeup, maybe this could be a good test to see if Bruce actually meant what he said and really wanted to go for her. “Okay I guess, I have to warn you that it will look rather plain, and maybe a bit too masculine for your tastes so please don’t judge me too harshly. Are you really sure you want to see this?” Ashley asked somewhat uneasily.


“I don’t care Ashely, I just want to see okay, as I hope to get to know the real you, I hope to spend time with you in ways that would make a full face of makeup. Hopefully I can some day spend all my time with you and I doubt you will look immaculate like on our date at all times of the day an night, so believe me, I don’t care if you won’t look like you did on our date.” Bruce spoke gently, surprising even himself by the depth from which that came, he had never really felt this way about anyone before, never had such a deep connection that felt like more than just raw physical attraction, and he didn’t want to lose it for any reason at all.


Ashley couldn’t believe what she was hearing, she felt truly moved by Bruce’s words, rendering her absolutely speechless, never ever could she have dreamed to find a guy this accepting, especially not after the false start they had had. It took her a minute before she was able to formulate a short reply. “Okay, I’ll do it, I’ll put together my look for tomorrow. It’s probably best if I hang up the phone for a moment then… And Bruce thank you.” She spoke before quickly ending the call, not wanting to get too emotional on him, but deep inside she felt like crying, crying tears of sheer joy because she felt so very overwhelmed.


The moment she shut off the phone however she felt bad about it, what must Bruce be thinking of her? He had been so nice and this was what he got? Still she didn’t call him back, instead she send him a short text. “I’m sorry for shutting the call down like that Bruce, I was just getting a little overwhelmed, please be patient while I get ready, and once again, thank you so much for your kind words, I really appreciate it a whole lot, I swear. XXX” She hoped that would at least help Bruce feel not too bad about it all.


With a deep sigh she then turned to the bathroom, stripping out of her pretty outfit, only to remove the makeup she wore as well. The breast forms she had used were left away, just like her bra while the remainder of her lingerie stayed on. In a hurry she applied just a little bit of very basic makeup, nothing more than some foundation, a clear lip gloss and a bit of mascara. It was barely noticeable, just something to make a few subtle highlights while smoothing out her skin texture a little.


Done with her makeup she moved back to her room where she put on the outfit she had just purchased, the simple plain t-shirt, the skinny jeans and finally the sneakers. Moving out in front of her full length mirror she couldn’t help but be a little nervous as she checked herself out. The nipped in waist of the t-shirt seemed to give her a very subtle curve. The makeup while subtle gave her that extra bit of mystery, especially combined with the ponytail. Her flat chest bothered her, but with the skinny jeans and a bit of stocking clad ankle peaking out from under the rather high cuffs, she couldn’t say it made her look like a guy. Nevertheless she didn’t look like the pretty girl she had so loved being these past few days either. It was strange, to see herself like this, like someone one might have doubts about whether they were a guy or a girl at first glance. It made her all the more nervous to show herself to Bruce like this, the plain look damaging her confidence a little, but it did look great to make an easier transition for her friends she had to admit. The sexy lingerie she wore underneath helped her gain at least some confidence.


Ashley really needed that bit of confidence the lingerie she wore under her outfit gave her, if it wasn’t for that she would have never dared to take a picture like this for Bruce. Hell even now she could barely manage to fish out her phone and snap a quick picture in front of her full length mirror, a picture she instantly regretted taking. She really did want to give one to Bruce, but looking at her screen this one had turned out like a complete failure. She looked nervous and her pose only enhanced the things she didn’t like about this outfit. She couldn’t sent this to Bruce, or anyone for that matter and so she quickly deleted it.


If she wanted to send a picture then the least she could do was take a good one. Ashley thought as despite her lack of confidence she forced herself to strike a decent pose before snapping another pic. Looking at the results, she had to say that she didn’t look as good as this morning, but it was already way better than the first pic she had taken, good enough to muster up the courage to send it to Bruce, quickly at that as she was afraid she would change her mind if she though about it too much. With the message sent, she could only hope that Bruce would be able to accept her like this.


She had a near panic attack when rather than a quick text back she got a call from Bruce. For a brief moment she considered just denying the call, afraid of what he would have to say about her looking like that, but in the end she did pick up the phone. “Damn Ashley, that was amazing, even without the sexy dresses and glamorous makeup you look absolutely stunning. Hell I would love to take you out right here and now if I could, you look absolutely amazing.” Bruce gushed through the phone. He had to admit to himself that the Ashley he took on that date had looked way hotter, but he wouldn’t tell her that, all he wanted was to give her some confidence, then again, she did look really good as well, just not like the head turner she had been before. She looked cute in a more modest plain way.


“No absolutely not, I wouldn’t allow it!” Ashley hastily spoke, only realising as she finished how that must have sounded. “Look Bruce what I mean to say is that why I’m so relieved that you don’t hate this look I really don’t want to go on a date when I’m not looking my best. You are worth getting all dressed and made up for and I wouldn’t want to go out any other way. This is just a temporary thing, I don’t like looking like this, or at least not as much as how I can look if I put on a dress and put real effort in my makeup. I don’t want to look like this, especially not for a date.” She carried on trying to explain her point uneasily and not doing a great job of try to say she just felt so much better when she could go all out in her look and mainly for herself at that.


“That’s more than fair, and believe me, I won’t complain about you going the extra mile to be the most gorgeous date any guy could ever wish for Ashley. All I meant to say is that you don’t need to make a huge effort for me, that I love you no matter how you look. I really appreciate you going the extra mile, but please don’t just do it for me, do it for yourself, cause you are more than worth the effort and I won’t judge you if you don’t feel like it for a change, so please don’t worry about that okay?" Bruce asked reassuringly while Ashley couldn’t help but smile, happy to hear that Bruce got her.


“Thank you Bruce, that really means a lot to me like you wouldn’t even believe how much. I really can’t wait until we really get to be together, until we get to date freely, but sadly Breaking all of Keira’s blackmail over us takes priority. Hopefully, if all goes well tomorrow we can trick her in setting up our second date. In that light I think it might be best if we said our goodbye’s for now. I wouldn’t want Keira to overhear either one of us, and while I doubt she’ll be coming back shortly, I just don’t want to risk it, not when we are so close to solving this whole thing. That and I could probably use some time trying to figure out what I want to say to my friends and girlfriend tomorrow. I can’t believe I’ll have to hurt her like that, but it’ll be best for the both of us, I can’t be the partner she needs and the other way around, I have been lying to her and myself for too long.” Ashley sombrely ended, never having wanted to cause harm.


“You are probably right Ashley, this probably isn’t the best idea to be calling each other now. I am so very glad I’ve heard you once more though, but maybe it is best if this is indeed a goodbye for now and hopefully next time we’ll be able to see each other as well rather than just talk. In any case, the best of luck tomorrow, I realise full well that what you have to do can’t and won’t be easy. So please and I cannot emphasize this too much, take care of yourself. If things get too much, don’t be afraid to dip out on my account, we’ll find a solution, just don’t go too hard on yourself okay Ashley and if you need anything please feel free to call. I’d rather have Keira on my case than for something to happen to you. In any case. I love you goodbye.” Bruce spoke sincerely.


Once more Ashley struggled not to break down sobbing, more than ever she was motivated for tomorrow, to see this struggle through so she finally be free and truly be Ashley, free from hiding from anyone, free to be with Bruce. “Thank you Bruce, I love you too, goodbye for now. I’ll give you a call when the coast is clear and we can set up that date.” Ashley quickly spoke, then shut off the phone before she got to overwhelmed. After a few moment to gather her senses she was more determined than ever.


Not feeling like doing much of anything, stuck in her room to avoid Keira for if she were to come home, Ashley stripped out of tomorrows outfit and just chilled on her bed in nothing but her lingerie, thinking about what tomorrow would bring and how she would break it to her friends and girlfriend. She ended up pondering about it for hours on end, only to eventually grab her laptop and put on a movie to relax before going for an early night. After all she really wanted to be well rested as tomorrow was sure to be a big and very stressful day.


Chapter 16


When the following morning arrived Ashley got up early, mainly because she wanted to be absolutely ready for today, because she had made the first get together rather early as well, and also because Keira who had been out for a very long time last night wouldn’t be out of bed yet, able to keep her from going or interfere in any other way. The first order of the day was taking a long bath, both to be squeaky clean and in a large part also just to relax as even this early in the morning she was quite stressed over the prospects of the day.


Although style wise she aimed for a casual, she still put a lot of effort into her appearance, maybe even more so than when she went all out. After all she wanted the minimal look she aimed for to be absolutely perfect to help herself feel at least a little more confident. In the end she was quite happy with the results of her “no makeup” makeup look, one she finished off with a cute playful ponytail, bound by a simple elastic not to be too feminine.


All made up Ashely put on the sexiest thong she owned along with a matching garter belt and a pair of the finest stockings that felt oh so sensual on her legs. It was a set she had cheekily bought for what she imagined was date time lingerie, back before she ever thought of going on a date, although now it was lingerie she really wanted to wear for Bruce some time. That would have to wait though, right now, the sheer sexiness of this set just help boosting her confidence as she pulled on the casual yet feminine t-shirt, jeans and sneakers.


Taking a step back Ashley couldn’t help but be nervous though. She wasn’t so certain about her current look, not as confident as she was in a dress, while at the same time still feeling very nervous about the though of meeting her friends looking so much more feminine than she ever had. What would they say and think? She sincerely hoped that it wouldn’t be too bad, but at the same time she knew she probably had to brace herself for the worst, if she did that then things could only turn out better right? Taking a few deep breaths to calm herself, she eventually stepped out of her room and headed down to the kitchen to get a quick breakfast before leaving, torn, between not wanting to go at all, and wanting to get this over with. Thinking about Bruce, and how this was her chance to finally get rid of Keira’s bitchiness that could make her coming out so much worse and a down right disaster, she was convinced she needed to do this though.


Ashley was just about to leave when her mom came down the stairs, making her stop right in her tracks. Beatrice gave her daughter a quick scan up and down before throwing her a warm smile and pulling her in for a tight hug. “You look amazing Ashley, as always. I’m really proud of you my daughter. Best of luck today, and if you need anything, a ride, a talk, or whatever, don’t hesitate to call me. I’ll make time I promise. I haven’t been here for you nearly as much as I should have been, but that ends now.” Beatrice reaffirmed, not letting go of Ashley for a few minutes.


“Thanks mom, that means a lot to me, it really does. I’ll keep it in mind for sure and don’t be so hard on yourself okay? I know modelling is a tough business and negotiating contracts and caring for your models is hard work. I’m proud of you too mom, for everything you’ve done for me, but I’m afraid I’ll have to get going now. I love you.” Ashley spoke as she eventually broke the hug, not because she wanted to, but because she needed to, after all she had a first appointment to make.


Walking out the door Ashley felt somewhat better about what she was about to do already. She knew she had to do it alone, that it would be hard, but after Jessy, Bruce and now her mom had given her their full support she really felt strengthened. While she would hate to lose friends over this, and while she was scared to think of how they might react to her, to Ashley, it was great to know that she had people to fall back on if it went sideways. That no matter what she wouldn’t be in this alone.


With a deep sigh Ashley went on her way towards the first stop, her very best friend since elementary school. They had practically grown up together. A slight inkling of dread grew in the pit of her stomach as she came closer and closer to her friend’s place. By the time she arrived at his door she could hardly bring herself to move forward with this, after all she had just texted that she needed to talk to him, she hadn’t given a hint at about what she had needed to talk about, and no matter how this conversation went, it was inevitably going to be a shock. She did not look forward to this at all, but bracing herself and thinking about how she needed to do this if she wanted to be free of Keira once and for all, if she wanted to be with Bruce, she rang the doorbell.


The few moments it took for Ashley’s best friend Nathan to answer the door felt like some of the longest moments of her entire life. For a brief moment she considered just running away, before it was too late, but before she could make up her mind, it was too late. As the door opened revealing a tall lanky black haired guy Ashley’s heart skipped a beat, she had the feeling that her whole would come crashing down. Nathan was always a very chill laid back guy, but she had no idea how he would react to something like this.


“Hello can I help you with…” Nathan started off asking a little confused only for his jaw to drop in shock. The long high ponytail, the outfit, the subtle changes in look caused by the makeup had all made him take Ashley for someone else at first glance, but it didn’t take long for him to recognise his friend, without the heavy makeup, the breast forms and the dresses Ashley was still pretty close to looking like her old self. “Oh my god, Ash is that you? Wait how has your hair grown this much, why are you wearing that? Did you lose a bet or something? Hahaha, you do make a cute girl, I have to admit, so that’s what this was all about dude?” Nathan asked, thinking this was all a joke as Ashley’s face turned beet red.


Already having trouble with what she needed to tell Nathan, she was mortified when he made a joke out of it, knowing Nathan it wasn’t a huge surprise, he often made jokes out of anything, still it hit hard with how nervous she already was. She couldn’t help but struggle to choke back sobs and her disappointment as she spoke up. “N…no this isn’t a joke Nathan, I didn’t lose a bet, this is me, that’s what I’m here to tell you before you had to hear from anyone else, I’m just, I guess it’s hard to really explain this well, but some recent events, have forced me to acknowledge some things I have been repressing for a very long time, and what I am trying to say is that I feel way more comfortable in my skin as a girl. I have been living as Ashley for the past couple of days and it has been a true revelation, this is who I truly am Nathan and this won’t change in the future. I just wanted to tell you in person you know.” Ashley stammer, hanging her head in defeat as she saw the horrified look on Nathan’s face. She had really hoped that out of all her friends at least he would support her, but it seemed like she was mistaken.


“Damn, I’m so very sorry dude,… I mean dudette, or whatever. I truly didn’t know and I feel like such an asshole for laughing about it. Please forgive me Ash…ley, I don’t know how to make this up to you, but I’m sorry, I truly am, I shouldn’t have made such a dumb stupid inconsiderate joke, but you know how I am, the words left my mouth before I really thought about it. Look if you want to, you can come in, I can make you a coffee, or whatever you like and we can talk about it, just please forgive me for that stupid joke.” Nathan spoke horrified over the fact that his jokes had hurt his very best friend so much. That wasn’t at all what he intended, he couldn’t believe he hadn’t even considered for a second that this might be something serious, and he had only himself to blame for this as he truly hoped he wouldn’t lose his best friend over this.


With a look of complete disbelief Ashley looked up at her friend who had just given her a very sincere yet somewhat awkward apology. She couldn’t help but feel kind of bad for him as she turned beet red once more, realising that she had been the one overreacting. After all she had given so much thought to all the ways in which this could be a disaster that she instantly thought the worst of Nathan’s joke. As the guy had pointed out, he just made jokes out of everything, even if they were sometimes inconsiderate, they were never meanspirited. She shouldn’t have blamed him and thought the worst because of that, especially not considering what a shock it must have been for his life long friend to come out as a completely different person. After all she had drastically changed these past few days, it had been one hell of a rollercoaster, while for Nathan nothing had seemed to change until now.


“Well a coffee is the least you could do to make it up to me jerk.” Ashley spoke with a slight smile as she gave Nathan a slight fist bump on his upper arm. “Look, I haven’t changed THAT much, I’m sorry for overreacting but I’ve just been fearing this conversation ever since I made up my mind about having it. I’m sorry and I forgive you. I know this is a lot to take in and I want to ask you to please forgive me for my overreaction.” Ashley spoke, she knew trying to turn the conversation a little more light hearted as she didn’t want her joking around with Nathan to change this was going to take a lot of getting used to, but she was happy that Nathan seemed to want to make the genuine effort to make this work rather than condemning her despite his joke. It was good to see the look of relief on his face as she said this.


“It’s okay man, I mean woman, it’s all cool, no need to be sorry, I can’t even begin to imagine how hard this must all be on you, now please, by all means, come on in. I’m glad you’ve come to tell me really. By the way, I have always wanted a hot girl best friend so I guess I can’t complain.” Nathan spoke with a wink before he burst out laughing once more going right back to joking around, just genuinely happy that he still had his best friend despite the fact that that best friend was now Ashley rather than Ash.


“Jerkl! But in all seriousness Nathan, thank you for acting so cool with it, stop with that woman and dudette stuff though, it’s really cringe.” Ashley laughed as she followed her friend inside, continuing to joke around as Nathan was trying his hardest to adapt to calling Ashley by her new name rather than calling her Ash like he had always done for over a decade at this point.


Over a coffee Ashley carried on giving Nathan a brief summary of all that had happened up until now making her friends jaw drop. “Damn, I always knew Keira was a bitch, but I never thought she was such a disastrous one, I feel sorry for you Ashley. At least that Bruce sounds like a way more decent guy than she always made him out to be.” Nathan replied at the end, shocked to hear the whole story.


“Yeah, tell me about it, I’m really lucky to have my mom, Jessy and Bruce. In any case thank you for the coffee, for hearing me out and for your support Nathan. It really means a lot to me, and although I would love to stick around and play some games maybe, I can’t right now, I still have a few other people I would like to tell in person so I guess this is goodbye for now.” Ashley spoke as she gave her best friend a hug and walked out of the door feeling a lot better about herself already. This had gone way better than she had initially feared. Sure Nathan needed some time to adjust, not being fully there yet, but the fact that he was trying was all she could hope for. He really was a great friend.



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