22 Hectic Morning
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As the sun was beginning to ascend over the horizon so did Tokito awake from his slumber. Still mentally and physically exhausted from yesterday Tokito tried his best not to give into weariness and going back to bed, instead he asked for some assistance from his tamed.

"Rise and shine Berry and Ele ele. We are going to have to be a little busy today. Berry sorry, but would you please take this bag and retrieve some fruit or vegetables from the forest. I know I said I would hunt with you, but I don't want to leave and then someone tries tailing us. Also I don't want to rely too much on the tent city if I don't have too. Ele ele when I go back into the city you'll be coming with me so as to placate my nerves. I'm going to have breakfast first and feed Ele ele my turmoil, but sorry Berry I will have to find you food later."

Berry yawning but getting up stared at Tokito who looked bone tired. "Tokito are you sure you want to accompany this small voyage? Even if you don't stay that unpleasant fellow would just follow anyway. Why not continue on since we have what you initially came for?"
Berry was aiming for any behavior that would indicate Tokito didn't want to stay. He was disappointed as Tokitos face seemed to have motivation for revenge written across it. So he picked up the bags with his trunk and went to the forest.

Not feeling quite himself Tokito cooked Balba meat and drank water from his container for breakfast. After he finished eating he picked up Ele into his lap and said, "Ele ele is it possible for you to eat my emotions?"

Ele ele looked at their masters pale tanned face, " I can eat your emotions, but you will have similar experience to what the mean yellow one did to you. Are you ok with me eating your emotions still?"

Tokito nodded. After seeing confirmation Ele ele stuck their teeth into Tokitos forearm above his watch and their white iris's began to darken as they drained Tokitos emotions. Tokitos arm stung, but his mood gradually lightened up and he almost forgot why he was in such a foul mood until he remembered a b*stard stole a kiss from him the night before. By the time Ele ele was done and Berry came back the sun was over the horizon.
Tokito seeing Berry with the bags of food recalled both of them killed wind wolves the other day and didn't hesitate to take out the wolves to butcher them. He put the bags away, took out a disposable Gandua leaf, placed a wolf corpse on top and got to chopping.
While cutting up the wolves he became curious about certain events that had taken place yesterday.

'Hey Calamity, why did I feel like hugging that jerk yesterday like he was a long lost brother? Also why does he want me to wish for a kid with him? So much happened yesterday, it got really confusing.'

Calamity happy to be asked some smart questions for once was glad to answer, 'The reason you felt the need to hug Amahte is that wish elementals are innately drawn towards each other as they can tell who has similarities of who has chaotic synergy close to theirs. Before the peace most Djinn and genies were born or formed alone halfway grown in isolated areas crawling with monsters and ferocious creatures with no one to call family or friend. Any chance they saw their own kind one of two things would happen. 1 they will stay together long enough to call each other family or 2 they fight each other for territorial rights in who stays around mortals to grant/trade wishes. Of course in current times this has changed altogether. Now on to your second question. As I have said before Djinns rely on chaotic energy to live and as long as chaotic energy is absorbed on a daily basis or unless killed they can live forever since they don't have life spans. However with chaotic energy being on the all time low they need to micro manage their intake, but their current absorption rate isn't enough for them to survive. Their bodies and will are basically just solidified energy and when making wishes djinns lose small amounts of themselves which is causing them to fade from the physical plain. Also you must understand since the peace began no new Djinns have been formed. The amount of full djinns are less than 200 and are trickling down. If this continues the race is going to become extinct before the life cycle is back to normal. This is the reason when a djinn sees a dgin or genie who has a substantial amount of chaos energy both of them sacrifice their own energy to make more or stronger wish elementals......Let's stop here for questions and answers. It seems you will have company soon.' Calamity mouth shuts no longer showing its eye.

Berry who has been laying down basking in the sun quickly gets up facing away from the camp towards the forest. Tokito in the midst of butchering the sixth wolf stops as he sees Berry getting into a fight stance and puts the already butchered wolves and remaining whole wolf away. On his knees he closed his eye and listened for anything wrong.

Not long after, "Ssssskkkkrrrreeeee" a pack of 30 goblins came running out of the forest direction.

Tokito picked up his mere from the ground into his right hand and his Rambo in the left. In a running stance with Berry to his right and ele ele flying above he sprints towards the enemies, "Goblins! Where did they come from?"

Berry would have answered if the first goblin reaching the group didn't go cutting at his feet with a rusty hatchet. Berry wounded swiped the goblin away with his trunk and used [Earth quake] as two goblins tried climbing onto his back, but were shaken off.

Tokito making sure to keep out of reach of Berrys massive feet almost fell from the sudden quake onto several goblins barely sidestepping and missing them. The goblins who were Tokito also fell in the midst of trying to stab him. Tokito sensing danger from where layed rolled away, but not fast enough as a short knife was stabbed into his left arm causing him to almost drop his Rambo. Jumping out of the roll pushing off the ground with his good arm, Tokito threw his rambo into a goblins head then landing on the grass used [earth spike] killing three others running towards him. "Damn, I could really do for a hot shower after this blood bath is done," he says this as green blood sprays from the punctured goblins drenching his last pair of clean clothes.

Not paying attention to his surroundings a goblin that fell earlier out of sight sneaked behind Tokito and was about to jump and swipe his head off with a machete. Ele ele from on high saw this and flew behind the goblin catching it in its claws and rose high in the sky while using [sleep] on the struggling monster. After using sleep 3 times the goblin stops and drops its machete. After rising a certain height ele ele releases the goblin letting it fall to its splattering demise. After it would stay high using [dark volt] on goblins trying to behind Tokito and Berry.

Tokitos group altogether were killing goblins 2-3 at a time, the goblins numbers slowly thinning out. Then like a banshee the group heard a war cry and more movement coming their way. What ran in their direction though wasn't goblins, but the group of strangers who invited Tokito the day before!

The strangers trying not to fall too far behind in the fight gave aid by either killing or driving away any remaining goblins from Berry as he was the most targeted.

Pragmeme legs kicked with such flurry it caused after images of her kicks not allowing any goblin a chance to counter attack. Raymos would grab two pairs of goblins and twist them into pretzels before bowling them at a small group of goblins. Lila used a shadow skill to transfer to each goblins shadow and appear behind to slice their throat before moving on. The priest in the red clergy outfit healed the group from afar and the fox fencer stayed by the priest side to protect him from straying goblins.

With everyone working together it did not take long to finish the pack. Only 4 of the 30 goblins had gotten away fleeing back into the forest as they were the furthest from everyone. Tokito quickly retrieved his Rambo from a goblins head and went to fix himself the best he could. Still in tattered blood covered clothes and his turban covering almost off Tokito takes out a Gandua leaf from his space and places it on his stab wound making sure to do it out of sight of the strangers. He tightens his turban and walks to the lady pixie who first spoke to him yesterday.

Only letting his eyes be seen, "thanks, assistance" and pats his chest and nods. 'I feel like a freaking caveman with the way I talk now. Do I have to talk like this for the rest of my life Calamity?' The strangers nod back and begin discussing how to split up the corpses between them.

'No, but Quabets only talk normally around people they trust or have earned their respect. I don't think you want these people to assume you trust or respect them quite yet. If you adopt a child you could talk normally to them.'


'Didn't get you with that did I? Oh well...., but you know in a few days that Amahte guy is coming back for the child wish making right? It is unavoidable and frankly you should ge-'

'Stop it!' Tokito didn't realize his eyes were giving off killing intent as he looked in the groups direction. When the group saw this they assumed he was dissatisfied with the split of corpses. Pragmeme although nervous showed a calm appearance, "How about this then we will take one third of the goblin corpses since we came late and you can take the rest?"

Tokito hearing what was said shook off his anger, "No half." He didn't want to take more corpses than necessary as he didn't think he could eat the meat or use the bones for anything as they felt brittle when he pulled his Rambo from the goblins corpse easily. He lifted his hand and waved the group to take their share first and left to tend Berry.

"Berry, Ok?" Tokitos back was facing the group examined Berry's legs and belly wounds not caring that he was being watched by the fighters.

'I'm fine small Tokito, although I'm wounded it will heal relatively quickly. Be careful as our visitors may see what your doing is strange. Don't keep your back to them for any reason even if it means ignoring me or ele ele.'

Understanding what Berry meant Tokito went around to the opposite side of Berry out of the groups vision but keeping them within sight.

The group seeing the Quabet retreat behind his mount discussed yesterday's events as they collected their share.

"Seems like the young fellow is still shy this is not surprising though since we haven't properly introduced ourselves to him." Raymos glanced at the group as he bent down and stacked dead goblins on his shoulder.

"He's not shy, but is instinctively cautious towards anything that may be a threat to him and what you did yesterday wouldn't exactly put him in a non-aggressive state of mind." The fox hybrid picking up weapons gave a calculated stare and chuckled towards his wolf friend.

"Nock it off you two and Stozo you didn't have to rub it in! How was I supposed to know he wouldn't fall for my charming good looks and run for the plains instead. I thought all men were the same and would fall into my arms once I flutter my eyes at him." Pragmeme cutting into goblins head off to vent.

"Not all men or women fall to temptation when it comes to such poor trickery. Besides he probably didn't see you as his type anyway. I think he prefers women who don't look like they were coming from the 'love tiki' as you put it so kindly yesterday." The priest said examining the wounds on Lila hand that had been nicked by a goblin in the previous fight.

"You all know he can probably hear us right? Quabets are known for good hearing since they have to constantly be aware of their environment especially when they're by themselves. Do any of you not think about what you say before opening your blasting mouth. Thank you Gilbert." Taking her hand away Lila examines the healed wound, "Remember to ask him if he's going to stay a while, not that he doesn't already know."