Chapter 31 – Loss and Gain
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"Let's sing a song of war," Princess said.

"The fourth phase is the most important phase," Venetus said.

The Arachna tide took a step back and held her hand out, leaning backwards, smiling. Her dusky dress puffed with her movement. Her sharp azure eyes gazed at her partner.

"Aren you ready?" she said.

The human army, dressed in a neat black suit, grasped her hand and bent down to kiss her glove. His stern sight locked at her face.

"Be careful now," she said and slowly danced.

She bounced against the floor, creating a trail of green acidic blood behind her. Her smile was sadistic, gripping the human army like a spider toying with its food.

"You misstepped, honey," she and sidestepped, forcing him to rearrange his footsteps. The rhythm turned unstable.

The strayed Arachna survived the onslaught and penetrated the line of defence. The Drillers ground the wall with heedless stubborn while the spiderlings used their bodies to protect them. Their deaths granted the Drillers time they needed.

"You're playful," the gentleman said.

"There is much to learn."

"Your fast pace will hinder you."

"Focus if you have time to talk."

The gentleman walked forward, pulling the lady close and maintaining eye contact. His hands gripped at her wrists. The androids concentrated their firepower to obliterate a group of overextending Arachna, razing the ground into a sea of flame.

"Getting daring?" she said.

"Some respect from you would help a lot."

"You'll embarrass yourself."

Her hands brushed past his arm before pulling back. She let her fingers dance and force him to move towards her as she backpedalled away. The Arachna tide retreated from the line of fire and teased the Arbiters with their occasional overextension, though they dodged all provocative attempts at firing.

"Already leaving?" the gentleman said.

"Save your breath and watch."

The lady snapped her hands back and raised them above her head before bouncing on her feet and spinning. Her hair formed a layer of concealment. Each thread spanned the perimeter of her rotation.

The Arachna swarmed the battleground by moving from side to side. They constantly changed their destination and velocity. The spiderlings surrounded the Spitlings while the Spitlings shot the turrets and the androids.

"Your extravagant movement creates mistakes." The gentleman stepped back.

The androids stopped their mindless onslaught and allowed the Arachna to move closer to the wall. The distance lessened, while the accuracy increased.

The lady gradually reduced her speed. She leant away, but the gentleman seized her hand and drew her back. She crashed onto his chest, yet her face remained grinning. Her eyes pierced his soul, staring into his thoughts.

"Not very gentlemanly of you."

"Your spin is unelegant, your manner even more so."

"Still you can't keep up. Don't try to play when you aren't ready."

The Arachna reached the wall and threw their bodies at it. The city flooded the ground with bullets, but the difference in quantity manifested. Under the chaotic movement of the tide, the Arachna created a rift in their formation. They separated into groups and assaulted the weak points of the wall.

The Arbiters failed to comply with the conflicting command and unevenly dispersed into big and small groups, intensifying the chaos.

"It was fun," she said.

"Your standard of amusement is low."

"That only indicates your inadequacy."

In a stifled crack, a small part of the wall collapsed. The dead-silent interior of the city exposed itself to the world. From the metallic pathway, blue lights expanded and fused into a layer of the energy field. Its semi-transparent surface revealed a group of black uniform figures stationing behind it.

"Open fire!" a sergeant shouted.


Bullets flew. The Arachna fell from the unexpected assault, their bodies tumbling into piles of corpses. The screeches echoed inside the soldiers' mind until all fell silent with only the bloody fragrance filling the surrounding.

"Our side is clear," the sergeant said.

The soldiers retreated while setting sensory traps along the way. They left a few scouts to guard the entrance while some automatons rushed to fix the cracks. The Arachna died without any chance to cause chaos and disrupt the order of the city, though they paved ways for the future assaults.

"So, this is it," the gentleman said, his eyes glaring at the lady.

"It was unexpected, but you did well."

"Is it though?"

The song of firearms ceased. The curtain fell, covering the battlefield with smokes and dust. The city prevailed against the Arachna tide, but the outlook remained grim. The darkness they had just passed was a fraction of the real abyss outside the city. They merged into the entity of despair.

"That was close," the operator said as she wiped her sweat. "General, you're the best."

"Maybe I'm wrong." Venetus looked down. The last movement was undoubtedly too weak.

"Sir, what is wrong?"

"Start the maintenance of the androids and the turrets."

"What about—"

"We'll use our soldiers."

The operator took a deep breath and nodded. The commanders passed their command. They also whispered among each other, though Venetus didn't care.

"Is that you, teacher?" he muttered.

"He has improved." Princess smiled.

She descended from her throne and strolled past the hologram projected by the cube. Her steps echoed inside the room, in sync with Angelica.

"Where are we going?" Angelica said.

"We won't be going anywhere. They'll come to us."


"Help me retrieve the body."

In confusion, Angelica walked out.

"System, prepare the broadcast," Princess said.

A screen manifested and displayed her mirrored self. She shifted her body to fill the scene with her upper part.

"Type: one-way communication with military encryption."

A mist filled the room and barred all eye-catching features. The engines of Shifting Mist disregarded all concealment and exposed their roaring signals into the wilderness, soon to reach the capital of The Empire.

"Your highness, why the broadcast?" Paleknight said. It manifested in front of her, outside the displayed screen.

"A small announcement isn't enough for me."

"Your safety will be at risk."

"You do your job."

Princess gestured for its leave and turned to the display. A dark silhouette emerged from the sea of data. Cladded in the armour-like purple carapace, Princess stared at the viewers with her pair of depthless abysses.

"Citizens of the Great Races, long have you forgotten, long have you buried me under the debris of time. I, now an Arachna, invite you to see my play." She spread her arms and grinned a bloody sneer.

"You're complacent, so I've come to remind you of my existence, with a dance of blood and suffering.

"You might be thinking, 'who are you? Is this a prank?'

"Allow me to introduce myself. I'm the successor of my past and the dictator of my future. I'm the sole royalty of the Arachna, the first and the last hybrid.

"To illustrate my point, I shall light City D-34 and set off the biggest firework to ever grace this world." A burst of soft, distorted laughter escaped her mouth.

The Fons covered the broadcast and changed the point of view. "Now witness the other side of history—the taboo."

With the cube in her hand, she joined it with Shifting Mist and let it broadcast her view to the world. The sea of the Arachna, the battlefield of blood and gores, and the lonely city stood tall, fighting against the current of history.

"My little toss goes to you, your majesty," Princess said, her voice echoing inside the broadcast.

"And you, the Elven Kingdom—" The Screen distorted into static before returning to the dark, dreary hallway of Shifting Mist. "—I've got a message for you."

"Cyania of Fultis House, it's indeed as you refuse to accept. Canaris is dead. I've killed him. His innocent, undying love for his mistress who abandoned him is heartfelt."

Princess sidestepped from the screen. A muffled, fleshy noise resounded. She came back with a splattered head in her hand. Though its feature was nigh-unrecognizable, she pulled the focus to the Beastkin's ears and caressed the furs.

"Beautiful, isn't he?" She tossed the head away. "He didn't cry when I gouged his brain, though he prayed for someone to save him, just like back then."

"You might not hear this, so let me show you." Her claw dug into the corpse off-screen. The cracking noise filled the broadcast.

When she revealed her hand, a blood-red hue covered her claw. An object neatly placed on it. In a loving motion, Princess held the heart and felt its softness by caressing it with her cheek. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the bloody fragrance, tasting the overflowing blood that tainted her cherry lips. She played with her toy, submerging herself under the euphoria.

"To celebrate his selfless sacrifice, I shall seal this moment into my body. Hope you understand, Cyania."

Her mouth moved. Selfish. A noiseless word leaked. Her lips curved into a smile before kissing the elegant, hearty meal.

"One thing." Princess paused. "He said, 'mistress, I love you.' "

Her mouth opened wide, revealing a row of snow-white teeth. Her long, pinkish tongue wrapped around the heart to taste its full flavour. Her fangs punctured it. The metallic yet sweet flavour flooded her mouth and drowned her throat. The excess dripped from her lips, forming a river of tear-like blood.

A small puddle of blood on the ground formed a vague shape of a heart, broken by distance, separated by life and death. It laid waiting until it was no more.