Chapter-6 Talk before the travel
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"I will be leaving for a travel.." My sudden declaration caught Tibaldo off guard.


"It's something I promised myself a long ago."

Thinking about it now, it sure is funny. I who have promised my friends for a travel across the continent after advancing to heaven realm had no more friends to accompany me by then. I have been dragging that promise out for too long till now.


Maybe seeing the melancholic look on my face, Tibaldo didn't push for a clear answer.


"I s-see, how long will it be?" He asked in hesitation.

"It will last for a long time. Maybe five years for the least."

"I will prepare the money and necessary things for it. Do you need any guards for your journey, Ancestor?"

"No need for any guards. Anyway, tell me the reason for your visit."

I have been observing the little head these days. And I know for one that the head wouldn't come to visit me personally without any reason.

"Shouldn't we announce about your advancement to the royalty?" He asked in hesitation.

"Hmm... Is there a reason I should?"

"During your sleep two Lord class practitioners have emerged from the kingdom of Caelum and the Falcon empire."

Two?! And that too within the same century?! When did advancing to Lord realm become so easy?

"Is the information reliable?"


Is it because of evolution? Nahh, It can't be as advancing to Lord realm is not just about talent but more about the turning point for condensing martial spirit.

"Carry on"

"After the Falcon empire and the kingdom of Cealum announced the existence of their Lord class practitioners, the kingdom has been in a state of unrest. The royal family's power is now in an unstable state and there are some nobles who are thinking of defecting to the enemy side."

"Huh. So the power balance collapsed. When did the Falcon empire and kingdom of Caelum make their announcement?"

The Falcon empire, kingdom of Caelum and the kingdom of Opheus are the three powers residing in the Continent of Water.

Until now their military power have been almost equal without much tilt in the scale.

"Three years ago."


Three years ago? did their people advance to Lord realm three years ago? Highly unlikely. They are not fools to announce their advancement during their vulnerable period. Even if the enemies does not know about the vulnerability, If they send assassins recklessly there is a small chance for killing the newly advanced Lord realm practitioners. Most likely they must have advanced way before that.

Then why is the kingdom of Opheus still standing now? With Lord realm practitioners at their helm, taking down Opheus is not much of a challenge. are they wary of each other? That is a plausible reason. Either way, the kingdom off Opheus is just a teeny bit away from destruction.

"So you want to make my existence known to tilt the scale back in to balance?"

"T-This.." Tibaldo said in hesitation.

" You do know of the family rules I set up during my charge, don't you?"


"Tell me which law does it violate?" I said in playful tone.

"Under no circumstances, the family is allowed to enter the power struggle within the kingdom, they shall always be neutral in their standing."

" Then it must be clear to you of the consequences that will occur if the news of me 'The Ancestor of Alister family' advancing to the Lord realm is released, don't you?"


"Yet, you come to me with this stupid proposal?" I said in a cold voice with the playful tone gone.


I looked into his determined eyes for any sign of hesitation or fear but all I see there is his unwavering determination.

"And why are you so adamant on to that?"

"During your seclusion for seventy years, the other nobles tried  to pull our household from our current power. At that time, it was the king who helped us to withstand the conflicts, you can even say the king favored our side."

The king did? It must be the little guy from back then. The king has helped us during the time of our need then I too should support him during his time of need.

"Haaa..  let it be. You can inform about my advancement to the king alone and nobody else. But tell him that he can only announce the existence of a Lord realm practitioner but not my name or exact affliction. Do you understand?"

I can't let the kingdom fall. If the kingdom falls then the territory of the Alister family will follow. If my advancement is made public, it may quell the unrest of the kingdom from the external forces. But it will create unnecessary internal unrest like the creation of faction opposing the royalty in the kingdom which the Alister family will be made to spearhead.

So it's best for me to announce my presence as a mysterious Lord realm practitioner with no affiliation to Alister family. And as a blessing in disguise, such a task is easy for me to accomplish as my current appearance is of a child which greatly vary from the original appearance.

"And tell the king that I shall pay him a visit in secret."

"Yes, Ancestor."

I can see the glee on his face when I favored his decision.

"If you have nothing more to say then you can take your leave."

I will solve the kingdom's current predicament as soon as possible and then go for my promised vacation.