4: Showdown with an Arrogant Young Goblin
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Four goblins step forward from behind Ragbazar and approach you and Fig.

/Huh? Take me? As if I am your’s to take!/

You do not take kindly to being objectified. A purple aura slowly spreads around your blade.

“Seeing you die with my own eyes will more than make up for Tim’s and Gorbag’s deaths,” Ragbazar says and grins with self-satisfaction.

“Noo! Fig! Run, please!” Petunia shouts, but is unable to break free from Ragbazar’s grasp. “Forget about me and run! I can’t watch you die!”

The four goblins unsheathe their new and polished swords. You feel a tinge of guilt, knowing what you’re about to do to these unsuspecting swords.

/Hold on tight!/ You say to your wielder and unleash your full power.

You aura spreads from you, to the goblin. Once again you are connected. You can feel Fig’s muscles grow. Ashes are blown away from his feet. The four goblins freeze in place, looking at each other with looks of confusion and scaredness.

“What are you standing there for!?” Ragbazar screams at them. “If my father hears of even a hint of indecisiveness or hesitation, he’ll have you skinned alive! Now, do as I say and kill—”

Ragbazar chokes on his words when he sees your blade disconnect his soldier’s head clean off the shoulders. Fig stands in the middle of the four soldiers with his firm arm spread out straight in front of him, holding you by the hilt effortlessly. The headless body collapses, the other three are frozen and silent.

“Uwaaaa!” Finally one goblin comes to his senses and jumps at Fig. The other two follow. All three cease living within five seconds as you feast on their life. Two get their stomachs open and their guts spill out, another is split clean in half vertically, from head to groin.

One of the wounded goblins tries to crawl away, but Fig jams you straight into the wounded goblin’s heart through the back and twists your blade. The goblin’s lifeless corpse twitches from having its nerves played with, but is capable of nothing more.

Satiation: 100/100 (+12)

Battle Power: 52 (+16)

The bystanding goblins have varying reactions. Some gasp, some scream. A mother covers her child’s eyes, another hurries to hide her offspring in a tent. You don’t hear anyone cheering, that’s for sure.

“A-a-a-a-a…” Ragbazar seems to be stuck in a hiccup loop. The four, armed goblins behind Ragbazar slowly, step by step, recoil away from their leader.

“Unhand her,” Fig says with a commanding tone that Ragbazar could only dream of. Those two words alone make it clear that Fig will eviscerate the pompous goblin.

“Y-You… You have no right talking to me like that!” Ragbazar screams. “Toraf! Hilmor! Everyone! Stop this traitorous murderer!”

No one engages Fig. You would snicker if you could. When Ragbazar turns around to shout at his soldiers he sees that they’re already gone. When he turns back to Fig he sees him right in his face.

“Gah!” Ragbazar jolts back, stumbles, and falls on his butt. He then realizes that Petunia is on the ground next to Fig and a tea-colored arm is lying next to her. Ragbazar turns to his right and sees that his arm is missing—sliced clean off. A fountain of blood spurts out of his wound. That is when the goblin screams, the realization of what happened comes with the pain. He presses against the wound with his left hand, fruitlessly trying to stop the bleeding. The blood still seeps through his fingers and trickles along Ragbazar’s fancy leather armor, coloring it red, along with the ashes he sits on.

Indiscernible mumbling and commotion is behind you and Fig. Some goblins approach closer to see what will happen. Fig takes a step closer to Ragbazar, then another.

“N-n-n-n-n-no, y-you can’t! I-I-I,” Ragbazar whimpers and tries to move backward with his legs, away from Fig, while still pressing his wound. “Tell me what you want. T-the girl? Take her! You can have any girl in the village! Weapons? I can get you the best that F-rankers like you can’t even dream of!”

Fig approaches Ragbazar silently. The purple aura thickens around him.

/He’ll backstab you the first chance he gets./ You send your thought’s to Fig, being genre-savvy enough to know how this usually plays out.

Fig raises you above his head. Ragbazar’s fate is sealed. You see in the trembling goblin’s face—he knows it too. This realization turns from fear to anger.

“My father will cut you open and feed you your own guts! You’ll die slowly! Begging for—”

With a splurt you land deep into Ragbazar’s skull and proceed to consume his life essence. Despite him being rotten to the core, his life force tastes the same as the others.

Battle Power: 63 (+11)

Shocked gasps behind you. The surprising benefit of being a sword is that you are able to see what is happening behind you too, since you do not have an actual back. Though you can’t observe all around you at once. Which is a shame.

Having drained Ragbazar dry of his life, you still feel more life slowly flowing to you. That is when you see that Fig is still surrounded by the purple aura. You’re slowly leeching his life. Fig breathes deeply, his chest moves up and down. His grip on you has not weakened in the slightest.

“Fig!” you hear the voice of a girl. With your focus on your and Fig’s dark aura, her sudden voice sounds like an angel’s. Petunia runs to Fig. He turns around to her voice, she jumps to him, embracing Fig with her arms and kissing him straight on the lips. In seconds the purple aura dissipates. Fig hugs Petunia, still holding you, but upside down and behind her back. Their lips do not part.

  • Get to know the village’s goblins and befriend them. Votes: 22 61.1%
  • Have the village’s goblins worship you as a diety. Votes: 14 38.9%
Total voters: 36 · This poll was closed on May 22, 2020 04:36 PM.