Journal Entry 45
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Day 45

I woke up to a loud crashing noise, startling me awake “what the fuck was that!” I shouted as Lupe was leaping up with me. I hurriedly threw on my robe, and ran out of my room, noticing the suffocating darkness, feeling a lack of any kind of breeze, it was too still. I kicked open my door facing the forest, and ran out, looking behind me to find a giant scaled lizard looking at the commotion beneath it, watching me with a look of curiosity and hunger. It leaped into the air, its large wings blasting me to the ground, Lupe was launched further into the forest, and the dragon thing flew high, before coming to a stop, and turning and screeching at me, then it launched a fireball.

I saw it coming, and dived to the side, the bottom of my feet catching alight, my one pair of socks turning to ash, burning the bottom of my feet. “YOU SON OF A BITCH!” I hollered at it, angry about several things now, one of which was the fact that my feet were now hot as hell, and I shoved them in the snow while I hid behind a tree. “MOTHER FUCKER I WILL WEAR YOU LIKE A FINE COAT!” I grabbed a stone from my robe pocket and dived out from behind the tree, throwing it as hard as I could with the Manaphage wanting it to pierce right through the fuckers body. It flew straight, puncturing a wing, and causing a screech to be ripped from its mouth. I quickly grabbed another as it started to flap its wing, the hole slowly growing.

I threw it again, but the shot went wide, and it inhaled and spat another ball of fire at me, which flew wide, hitting a tree far behind me. I heard Lupe barking, and saw that he was still fine, and hiding behind a tree near the second fireball. I pulled a large rock from my pocket and wound up like a pitcher, and threw it as hard as possible, imbuing a new idea inspired by my new opponent. It was already glowing brightly when it left my hand, having instantly been heated up to around right before it would explode, and as it got closer to the moving target, it followed it closely. It struck the dragon thing on the side, near the joint of its wings, exploding with a loud explosion, removing a rather large chunk from the joint.

It roared in anger and pain, and understood it “INSOLENCE, FOOD THAT DARES INJURE ME!” It started to fall out of the sky, gliding somewhat, and it crashed into the ground, sliding away from the cabin. I ran at it, as it got to its feet, and turned to face me, “YOU SHALL BURN FOR THIS, MEAL!” it roared at me, and inhaled, but, I threw another stone at it, right into its fucking throat. It started coughing, the stone had lodged itself into the back of its throat, choking it. I grabbed the last good-sized stone from my pocket and hurled it with intent to pierce through its stomach.

Lupe passed me as I threw, the stone whistling as it flew, lodging itself in its chest. Lupe jumped at the wing joint that was damaged and started to viciously attack it, shredding the joint further. I caught up as the dragon thing spat out the stone in its throat, and it swung a clawed leg at me, hitting my left arm, shattering the arm right above the Manaphage. I roared in pain, unable to now move the arm beyond swinging it with my hip, but it was still able to move the hand and wrist, the stone remained undamaged.

It seemed surprised I was standing, before roaring in pain, a sickening ripping noise coming from its damaged wing joint. Lupe had almost completely severed the wing, chewing through most of the joint, the weight of the wing did the rest of the work, ripping it off. Lupe howled, and backed off, barely dodging a claw swipe of his own. I swung the ax down on the dragon thing, aiming for its eyes, and it bounced off its hide, marking it a little. It turned back to me and swiped again, and I dodged it this time, if only barely. I rolled backward, and screamed in pain, rolling over my broken arm. I staggered to my feet, dragon blood pooling on the ground, and I smelled it, a very heady smell, like a strong beer, and felt the hunger from before come over, the smell invigorating me. I dived to the right, rolling into the blood pool, and willed the Manaphage to absorb everything it was touching.

I lost feeling in my arm, the pain of the break disappeared, replaced by a now-familiar numbness. Glancing at it, I saw the Manaphage had grown up my arm, all the way to the shoulder now, and clenched my mitten of a fist. I scrambled back, the dragon staring at me in fear, I looked down and saw that the pool of blood was gone now, I had consumed it all in a very short time. “WHAT ABOMINATION ARE YOU!” it roared at me. I was hungry, and charged forward, punching its clawed foot as it swiped at me. I heard a shattering noise and saw that it was now leaning heavily on its left leg, and backing up. It was scared and trying to run, but I was having none of it, and attacked again, this time hitting it in the chest, shoving the stone there deeper in, feeling it rip something in half. It screamed in pain, the voice gaining an octave.

I was laughing I realized, I didn't know when it had started, but I kept laughing, as I shoved my arm into its chest, and started to grab anything I could, absorbing everything I could. It was struggling now, and looked at me, “YOU SHALL DIE WITH ME ABOMINATION!” It roared, before inhaling for its last fireball. I shoved the arm in as deep as possible, in a race to absorb enough to stop it.

It shuddered violently, and I saw its eyes fading, but felt heat coming from its mouth, inches away from my face, and I struggled to move to the side, my arm stuck in its stomach, as it clenched what it could to keep me there. I had just removed my arm and was moving to the right when it fired, red flames, then inky blackness consuming my vision.