Legacy World 4.27
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**Disclaimer: Triggering sexual content in this chapter. Do skip the chunk if it's too much.**

A month passed by uneventfully.

Rosa has not been seen in this one month so Vanora started to relax a little. She could never be too careful with how she could never beat the plot. Vlad was probably aware of her ever present anxiety because since that day, whenever they slept in the castle he would always assure her that there can never be anyone one else in the castle, and whenever they were to sleep in the open due to Raven's absence, he would insist that she slept in his arms. She initially gave in only because she knew that the hell beings would not dare to touch their demon lord. This would mean that sleeping in his arms would increase her security when its at its lowest. Only after she experienced how much safer she felt falling asleep in his arms and how much better it made her sleep, did she begin doing so more willingly.

The female hell beings had tried to ask Vanora where she went to unwind with Vlad. Believing that they were not acquainted with Rosa and that it was impossible to track her down anyway, Vanora honestly told them that she went to a hot spring. She did not forget to emphasize how she went in alone when the female hell beings started asking her raunchy things. She also admitted not knowing where exactly it was at.

Unbeknownst to her, during this 1 month, these females have gotten acquainted with Rosa at the pub by pure coincidence. However, Rosa intentionally maintained contact with them when she heard them talking about being part of the war with the great Lord Vlad. She acted with pure intentions then subtly made suggestions about what they could ask Vanora while activating her power of suggestion. Unfortunately, Rosa was so skillful that they did not realise that they were acting on suggestion. It happened so naturally so natural and part of the conversation, as if those were the most obvious things to ask Vanora and that they were the dumb ones for not having asked her yet.

Rosa stopped contacting them after getting the information that she wanted then went around looking for a place with really good hot springs that Lord Vlad could possibly bring Vanora to. She believed that Lord Vlad would only go to the best so followed the rumours and recommendations of the powerful. It took a lot of sleeping around, suggestion, charming, and persuasion to finally find the hot springs that Vlad has been secretly visiting.

Almost a month has passed before she met the son of the innkeeper of the inn that Vlad visited. He had been bragging about the quality of his hot springs and she pretended to become interested in his passion to take over his father's job. She acquainted herself with him then slept with him a few times. Through her interactions with the son, she managed to coax out the deepest secrets that his inn held, one of which was the existence of a room reserved for Vlad to visit whenever he wanted.

She kept up her relationship with the son for access to the inn and patiently waited for the right time to act. Right after the father and son cleaned the hot springs as per their routine, Rosa secretly led several men who has the same kind of wings and tail she has into the room meant for Vlad. She then doped the hot spring with a scentless and colourless aphrodisiac that could make even the strongest demon lose their rationality. She also doped it with another potion specifically made to weaken demons of wrath. Confident that the aphrodisiac and potion would last till the next time they cleaned the bath and hot spring, she had been liberal with the amount she poured in before leaving with a smirk.

"Make sure she enjoys herself thoroughly. Or she'll be the ruin of our Lord Vlad." Rosa told them in a bewitching manner.

They nodded resolutely then turned invisible by camouflaging themselves against the background with the use of the power of illusion that incubus has. All of them proudly took part in this scheme because they have been led by Rosa to think that Vanora was a lowly demon trying to lead their demon lord astray and away from his duties and his people, that Vanora wanted him solely to herself. They would never let such a vile woman attach herself to Lord Vlad, so was determined to show her true colours to Lord Vlad as what Rosa has suggested.

Humph! She deserves what's coming to her. Let him see what a horny bitch you actually are. Rosa thought triumphantly while she left the room.


A few days later, Vlad brought Vanora to the inn for the last time. He has been bringing her here whenever he gave the night off for the other hell beings with the excuse of rewarding them for their good work. By the next time he would bring her to the hot spring, the one in his castle would be completed and he could surprise her. He felt excited at the thought of her truly getting comfortable in his castle and began entertaining the thought of changing the interior of his castle to suit her taste as long as she wills it. 

Vanora went in to the bathroom completely unsuspecting and clueless. After taking a shower, she entered the hot spring and entered it as usual. When she felt herself relaxing really quickly, her instinct told her that something was not right. There was no way she could relax this quickly. She frowned and stood up immediately, only to find everything spinning around her. She climbed out of the hot spring with much difficulty and fully engaged her enhanced instinct. 

I have to escape as soon as possible!

However, her senses seemed to be dulled and she was beginning to feel hot. She covered herself in her hellfire instinctively while she walked in a snaking line towards the doorway to the shower room. 

Damn it, the door's going everywhere. 

She closed her eyes but it made matters worse as she lost her balance. She started crawling on all fours towards the door while keeping her eyes closed. She has been here enough times to know where the door is at.

Although her body temperature felt like it was steadily rising, her hellfire on the other hand started to waver and become weaker. She barely made it into the shower room when her body lost all its strength and she collapsed onto the floor. She opened her eyes and found that there were now a group of naked men surrounding her. 

It scared her to the core. Everything was strange and unfamiliar to her. Her body felt a strange yearning she never felt before and it was so bad that it physically ached. The part that especially ached was her privates at the bottom. It was bad to the point that she would consider using any method to relieve the ache she felt in her. The last bit of her rationality warned her that she was definitely not thinking straight. Yet she could do nothing about her condition about it except shiver to make her fear known to others. She looked desperately towards the doorway back to the room before her final sanity slipped away and her hellfire disappeared. 

The men readily lowered themselves and reached out for her as if they have simply been waiting for the moment her hellfire extinguishes. Vanora looked at them pleadingly, a look that would spur any man to quickly have her. The men got turned on and all of them touched her at once. The feeling of their cold hands on her heated body made her groan out in pleasure and relief, which urged them to do more to her. 

No one realised that the moment they laid their hands on her, the black mark of a rose appeared near her earlobe.

Before they could do anything further, Vlad appeared in the hot spring area of the bathroom. 


Vlad had been absorbed in his fantasies about Vanora living in his castle and personalising it however she wanted when he suddenly felt the familiar jerk on his soul that indicated the activation of a curse. When he identified the curse as the one he has long forgotten about, he quickly teleported to her. 

The curse had been made in a moment of haste in the past, with the desire that she would not belong to any other man except himself. This made it such that the curse would activate if men with impure intentions towards her touched her. He had every intention to destroy any potential rivals he could have. 

He appeared in the bathroom to find five naked men with their standing dicks exposed and their hands on Vanora who looked very turned on and welcoming towards them. One was trying to turn her head towards his dick, two had their hands on her breasts and were in the midst of guiding her hands to their dicks, one was between her legs and ready to plunge into her, while the final one was waiting by her legs. Nonetheless, he knew without question what the final one would have done to her if he came any later.

"Let go of her!

The men obeyed his command and he kicked them all away from her. Serious wounds resulted from the direct kick and crashing so hard into the bamboo wall that it broke. All of them were already spewing blood out of their mouths. Vlad immediately wrapped a whimpering Vanora up in a towel then rested her against the wall in the hot spring area so that she was completely out of their sight. 

"Wait for awhile more. I have to deal with some vermin." He stroked her cheek with the back of his four fingers and she eagerly nuzzled against his hand while she kept up her whimpering. His expression turned even darker and stormier. 

Seeing how gently and preciously he still treated her, the men pleaded for forgiveness and begged him to no longer be bewitched by her. 

"Who?" His voice sounded calm, only his face and eyes betrayed the rage he was feeling inside.

They knew that he was for the mastermind was. "It's Rosa!"

"She told us all about that woman-"

"How she's bewitching you!"

"And how she will cause your ruin and fall from power!"

"We only have your best interest at heart!"

They interrupted one another to speak, as if their honesty would save them from their situation.

So Vanora was right to not trust her. He gritted his teeth in frustration. I've been careless with not confirming her death. 

"You five deserve death for your naivety and foolishness. I have no need for such supporters." However, when Vanora's groans and whimpers entered his ears again, he changed his mind. "Actually, death by my hands is too easy and too good for you vermin."

He looked down at their now limp and small dicks then back at their terror-filled faces. An evil grin slowly spread across his face. "I have the perfect idea. You're going to curse the fact that you can't die easily."

Dreading what was about to come, they tried to scramble away. 

"Stay." He ordered them like the dogs that they were.

Every step he took towards them was like a step closer to their death sentence. It filled their hearts with terror.

He stopped before one of them, lifted a foot, then casually stomped down on his dick. The stomp was so quick and sudden that it took a while for his brain to register what had happened and for him to react to the pain. An agony-filled cry soon filled the entire place. Tears fell uncontrollably while he rolled around on the floor with his hands between his legs.

No matter how much the others tried to struggle and break free of his command, they could not. It was mentally torturing to see him approach them slowly one by one and to hear the agony of their friends having their dicks broken and balls crushed. By the time he reached the last one, tears and snot already covered his face but Vlad knew nothing about mercy. His leg went down on the last one and another cry filled the place.

"Shut up." He ordered them. It was now that they knew not being able to scream out in pain when you wanted to could be a form of torture as well. Their vocal chords did not react according to how they wanted and their mouths were glued shut. It made it difficult to breath for those who had their noses filled and blocked with running snot.

"Find Rosa. Use the same setup on her that she used on Vanora. Leave her in that state and keep her trapped without relief. When your useless rods heal, rape her the way you intended to mess with Vanora. If she passes out, keep her restrained then break your dicks and crush your balls all over again. Once it heals, repeat everything. You can't eat or sleep. This shall go on until you die."

To anyone knowledgeable about incubus and succubus powers, they would have known that Vlad had just sentenced them to an eternity of suffering. Their real sustenance was not by eating real food but by feeding on one's sexual energy and their love juices. 

The incubi shook their heads desperately, refusing to accept reality. 

"Oh, I almost forgot. Do your deeds out in the open for everyone to see. Now, leave."

Their bodies stood up despite the injuries they suffered from so it caused more pain and they cried out. With that, they realised that Vlad has released his command to shut their mouths. It only served as a painful reminder that he was the only person who could release them from the force controlling their bodies. They truly regretted acting out of place. Now they have no choice but to suffer the wrath of their merciless demon lord. 

It was now truly hell that they were living in.