14 Epilogue
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Darth Asmenys was pleased with the gathering of Sith and Mercs. Not only had they taken revenge for the insult to his apprentice, but they had delivered one of the three factions into his hands. Despite the enormous death and destruction inflicted, the other factions didn’t seem to be any the wiser. No doubt due to the efforts of that assassin, Kodu, or some such...Ukodi. That was it. A lord now he understood.


The Darth had left his compound, and travelled to Thyferra in secret. He had arrived under cover of night and with no fanfare. Even his guards were discreet in their presence. Not that he was worried; however it never hurt to take precautions. He had been greeted by his apprentice who apprised him of the current situation. All was in their control with minimal losses. Some structural damage had been done, but that couldn’t be helped in an assault.


The dead mercs had been laid out in a position of honor at the near side of the office space. The apprentice had warned him that they were still cleaning up from the carnage of the battle. Dozens of bodies and hundreds of parts were being removed as quickly as possible. Maintenance droids had been employed for this task. The advantage being that they wouldn’t get sick at the sight of charred gobbets of flesh, or pools of blood.


Talo’Ra and Ganlaan had been busy treating the injured. Ruqua and Ukodi had taken the task of screening the prisoners. Those who agreed to work for them were then probed by the Sith for treachery. Most were persuaded to join in on the scheme as they were only there for the money anyways. With promises of more money and higher ranks, it was an easy sell. The few hard cases that refused; Ukodi dealt with them. Harshly.


Sharoshna and Zilner were hard at work trying to restore the office to what it was before the battle. They didn’t care who they worked for as long as they got to do what they loved. This reorganization was a challenge, but they welcomed it with relish. The pair put their aching heads together and came up with a plan to get things back on track. The warehouse had taken minimal damage, mainly the doors and that was easy to repair.


New staff was being brought in from trusted sources. They were to be hired in with no knowledge of the new hierarchy. They would do their work in ignorance that they were now in the employ of the Empire. New work routines were being organized by Sharoshna to streamline the processes. He had long ago developed plans in hopes that he might get to put them into action. Inefficiencies were eliminated, or at least lessened, and projected profits should soar even higher.


Asmenys was very pleased with this turn of events. It was better than even he had foreseen and planned. His plan had entailed a long term wait and eventual indirect domination. This way had garnered full control of one third of the operations. It was not only the foothold he wanted, but highly profitable in both the short and long terms. Yes, he was very pleased with this turn of events.


He looked over the gathering and mused on how his grasp on the new lordlings was tenuous at best. However, they were still naive enough to think he had a great deal more control over them than he actually did. This wouldn’t last forever, but he would take advantage of it for as long as he could.


His apprentice was a different story. She was still under his protection and therefore control. He could have spoken to the council on her behalf. Her actions in securing such a huge asset for the Empire alone would have cleared her of the death mark over her head. She was too useful to him for that though.


“Apprentice. Attend to me.”


Talo’Ra broke off from her discussions with Qet’al and Ruqua while Ganlaan stood silent as usual. She approached him and bowed as she said, “Yes, my master?”


He looked upon her with his good eye, it was impossible to tell where the cybernetic eye was focused. “You have done well my apprentice. I am pleased with your progress. Kneel.”


He drew his lightsaber and held it before him. The blade sprang to life with a flash and a thrum. The entire room went silent as all attention was fixed on the Darth. Qet’al tensed and was ready to jump in guns blazing. Ganlaan laid a hand on his shoulder and Ruqua winked at him.


Talo’Ra’s heart was racing. She was fairly certain she wasn’t going to be executed in front of everyone. If it was not an execution, then it must mean…


Darth Asmenys, the deadly dagger of the night, spoke the traditional words. “Your trials have been conquered. Your master, defeated. You have walked through fire and been forged into a weapon.” He lowered the tip of his blade over her left shoulder. "You have proven yourself to be worthy of being called a Sith. You kneel before me as an apprentice". He raised the blade over her head and passed it to her right shoulder. "Rise now, a Lord of the Sith. Rise, Lord Talo’Ra!"



Authors Note

I want to personally thank all of you have come on this ride with me. This is my first published work and I have been genuinely surprised at the level of interest. It has been incredibly humbling to have so many follow along and take an interest. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

The beginning of the next part in the Star Wars saga has been written. But, it needs to a lot of work as it also contains the GIANT blocks of text that I started out using here. I need to retool that into more manageable chunks. Also, I'm leaning very heavily on the idea of converting this into my own universe where it is a knock off, but not entirely of Star Wars. Names will be changed, powers replaced, and storylines expanded.

This accomplishes several things at once. First it allows me to freely monetize without fear of anyone claiming my original works. (Assuming anyone cares to). Next it allows me to expand the universe so that I can include most of my ideas into one giant playground. With that in mind, I can have cross overs between different works and see if anyone notices. =D Not all worlds will work in this so I have to be somewhat careful in what I do. Or I can just say that some places just don't work like the rest. Some worlds are magical and others are not. Though this seems like it would just get messy. Clashing rule sets and all that.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on the matter and invite you to join me in my discord so that we can have a natter about it.




Chris / CJ