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Darkness. Darkness and a feeling of sinking.


That's everything I feel, or should I say sense? Well, plus one or more heartbeats which are definitely not my own. That's alI I came to a few minutes ago. 

Oh and there's some kind of pressure, too. An absolutely weird pressure, though…

Ahh, I hate my life. 

What the fuck even is this shit, which I got myself into? I am too old for this, I mean, I am only nineteen, soon to be twenty but I don't really care what others would say. When I say that I am too old for this shit, then I am too old for this shit. 


Wait. Am I really going to be twenty soon..?

Fuck, I don't even know anymore.

Usually, in a situation like this, any normal person should have already started to maybe try and understand in what kind of situation they are currently in or maybe even panic because it's so weird and completely not normal at all.

But well… did I ever say that I am a normal person? I mean, I am pretty sure that many people think of talking to yourself is fucking retarded and a sign of insanity, BUT! Who cares? I definitely don't.

Mentally sniggering to myself at my own retardedness, I actually try to start moving for once… 

With no effect.

Yeah, should have listened to my inner sloth, instead of wasting my energy on useless actions and shit. I knew, like always, that I should have listened to what my dear tummy told me. Because tummy feelings are best. But hey, who would I be, if not Mr. Retarded in person? Si-

Suddenly, without any warning whatsoever, I feel all sensations multiplying tenfold, if not more, which I cannot describe any better than just…


Fuck. WhatTHEFUCKwasthat?! Urgh. Just. Fuck. 

Imagine jumping from a skyscraper doing somersaults while you throw up your breakfast, because you ate too much cheese and eggs with a glass of Vodka as drink while being lactose intolerant and allergic to eggs. But the puke stays in limbo between your mouth and the fresh, outside air, the reason being your momentum that you gained through the somersaults and free fall. Following that, you slowly suffocate to oblivion by your own bile while you shit and piss your pants and it feels like most of your lower organs are exploding because of the pressure and aerodynamics.


I would love to throw up right now, if I could. Just to feel a little bit better and at ease.

Wanting to forget everything that just happened for I don't even know how long but failing miserably, I slowly calm down a bit and try to mentally heal from those horrible moments and sensations. 

This all is just too much and too sudden… I didn't wish for this… 

Concentrating again on my now new, not so different surroundings, I didn't wish for anything to be honest, I don't perceive any changes… 

Wait. That's wrong, I stopped feeling like a drunken, drowning, living ship and the pressure fully disappeared… but what's really unexpected is the slightest hint of a breeze caressing my now very different body.

What is even…?

Warmth, I didn't realise at first but there is this sudden new, low but warm sensation. Next to me on all sides. Heartbeats, at least a handful of them belonging to bodies probably similar to mine, not quite sure though.

Should I maybe mention that I can finally breathe for the first time since being conscious? This all is just too much…

For quite some time I am laying sideways on my back, still shrouded in darkness. After awhile I grow slowly more and more uncomfortable by the minute in this unwelcome, new dark world of mine, though. That's when I suddenly realise where that uncomfortableness is coming from.

I am wet, dripped in some kind of utterly indescribable weird fluids and besides that, I can't even tell if my eyes are opened or closed. The possibility of not even having those usually necessary and important tools in life comes to mind...

I am seriously faaar too old to deal with all this sh-?!

Movement. Movement of something much, MUCH more massive in size and weight in contrast to my own.

And it's near, right beside me. Or should I say besides us?

It's breath slowly getting closer by the second and-


It… started to eat?!

Oh fuck. Oh god... Are you serious? It's actually fucking eating the bodies(?) beside me. Fuck. Fuck all of this!

I can hear and feel that massive monster eating itself through us piece by piece, one after the other. Guess my time has come. What a weird death..




I am getting eaten, and cleaned.

A soft but sandpaper like tongue is cleaning me, after that hella big ass monster ate something off of me, or was that something attached to me? 

It probably did the same to my fellows(?) in suffering.

Where the fuck am I, even? What the fuck just fucking happened? And what kind of experience did I just live through?

But most importantly, what the sudden random fuck am I? C'mon! Someone tell me!

[Siberian Tiger]


