Chapter 7 – Zombie Rescue
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Lionel opened his eyes. His head hurt badly, but the pain in his chest and stomach had subsided and the rest of his body wasn't cramping up anymore. 

"I'm not dead? I should be zombiefied by now" he thought as he looked at his body. 

One half of his butt was gone, and his pectoral muscles up to his shoulder was also eaten with blood and mangled flesh everywhere. 

But although it was uncomfortable, it wasn't unbearable and he didn't even feel painful. 

He looked up and saw the two female zombies walking around aimlessly. ignoring his presence. 

In fact, there was another two zombies that had entered but they didn't even notice him there. 

He stood up and looked at the mess of vomit and liquid shit covering the floor and looking at his injuries, he thought it best to clean the wounds. 

As the zombies didn't bother with him, he walked out the kitchen and started looking for the barracks. 

He walked around, avoiding the many zombies that seemed to be ignoring him and entered the barracks. 

Heading straight to the showers, he started cleaning himself up 

To his shock, as he carefully soaped his injured parts, he could see his wounds slowly healing and regenerating.

He exited the showers and rummaged through the barracks, finding clean underwear, a uniform that fits, socks and shoes.

As he tied his laces, he smiled as he felt the familiarity in dressing like this.

Using a razor he found, he cut off his long hair and gave himself a crew cut. Then he went to look for weapons.


Sarah Lochear hung to the top of the remaining bridge with all her might. She doesn't know how long she's been here, but as one side of the bridge collapsed and fell, the bridge became a steep ramp, and as she was on the other side, she held on. 

Below her, the people stopped fighting and screaming and above her, the zombies had already climbed up the ladder and were waiting for her.

A few had lunged at her, but fell straight down as she somehow avoided their grasp. 

As she was unable to look down, she heard strange sounds from behind her. 

It was more like *zing* *splat* over and over again. 

"What the hell is that?" Sarah thought. 

Just then, the two zombies on top of the ladder started reaching out to grab her. 

*Pok pok* she heard as both zombie's heads exploded in front of her. 

"Aaagh" she screamed and shut her eyes.

"Hey!" a voice called out

"Huh?" Sarah wondered

"You can let go now. I'll catch you" the voice said. 

She struggled to look down due to the way she was clinging on to the top of the bridge. 

Her tired arms started slipping as she tried to look and she screamed as she fell backwards.

But she found herself being caught by strong arm which seemed to carry her as if she was light as a feather. 

Looking up at the handsome man with the crew cut, she asked him "Who... who are you?"

"I'm Lionel.... Lionel Marshall. And you?" he smiled. 

"I'm Sarah Lochear" she said thankfully. 

Looking around, she saw many of the other who were on the bridge with her, dead. 

"Look. Several managed to escape" Lionel said, pointing to footprints covered in blood that led out. 

"Yeah. I couldn't see, but I could hear several of them who survived the fall fighting" Sarah agreed. 

"Lets go then" Lionel said, and took out his machete 

"Wait... I didn't see you at the hall earlier.. where did you come from?" Sarah asked looking at all the dead zombies in the hall. 

"Didn't see me? I would think everyone saw me" he smiled. 


"I was the naked guy. I managed to escape and find clothes and weapons in the barracks" he said as he walked out and killed several more zombies with his machete like he was cutting grass. 

Sarah nodded blankly, This was too easy, wasn't it? A zombie approached from the side but his boot kicked it 30 meters away!

"He...his strength!" Sarah exclaimed

Following the sounds of fighting, they found a group of 3 men and a woman surrounded by zombies as they backed into a wall.

One of the zombies grabbed the axe that one of the men was holding and swung it at him.

He barely managed to dodge as the axe slashed across his torso, flinging him back against the wall.

The woman wielded two daggers and pierced a zombie's head into both its ears and somersaulted backwards as the unfazed zombie tried to grab her.

Lionel moved into action and Sarah saw him mow into the zombies like an elephant rampaging through a plantation. 

His machete and handgun in each hand moved in a murderous dance, killing all 24 zombies within moments. 

The group looked at him in shock as he smiled and turned back, shooting a bullet that was inches past Sarah's face, killing the zombie that was sneaking up behind her. 

"Oh!" Sarah exclaimed, running towards Lionel for safety.

The wall was one of the walls all around a rectangular shaped building with a flat roof. It looked like an administrative building or something. 

"Hey! You're agile. I'll give you a boost. Check if the coast is clear up there" Lionel said, putting his hands together. 

The woman with the daggers understood immediately and she ran towards him as he launched her up the 4 meter wall. 

She landed on the rooftop and turned around giving the ok signal. 

He looked Sarah who nodded and he gave her a bigger boost, so she could clear the roof as the other woman help catch her. 

Then he helped the other 2 non injured men and lastly the injured guy before he jumped himself. 

His extraordinary strength propelled him as he landed on the rooftop with a loud thud

"Who... who are you?" one of the men asked. 

"I'm Lional Marshall. The naked guy earlier" he smiled. 

Knowing that Second Chances seemed to recruit people with extraordinary experiences, he asked them about their names and their story.

And thus, they started to get to know each other.