Chapter-1 The Choice
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Even though the headache was gone Wrex couldn't feel the relief as he was pinned down to the concrete by 7 steel beams , 1 of which pierce through his abdomen and 2 other crushed his right leg and left arm . But instead of screaming in pain he was rather calm , not because it's been 5 minutes since the incident and no one is actually coming to help , it's because he really couldn't do it . His mind was alive but he couldn't even understand in which state he was , as he could see but couldn't hear , he could think of moving but he wasn't able to do that , “..huh…..why… doesn't hurt……but why can't I move….” he thought . But was that really a thought or an illusion , he didn't had the time to know that , as his eyes felt heavy and he felt tired he finally closed his eyes and with that he took his final breath in the face of Earth . As he passed  away .

[Place – Neurocosmo of Gaia , Time – Unknown]

(Anomaly detected )

An undescribable voice spoke .

(Anomaly correcting program initializing……anomaly correction done 20%…..50%……70%……anomaly correction done 99%…anomaly correction completed.)

As it stopped Wrex's eyes opened in place where there is nothing as far as the eye could see except darkness , even though Wrex's naked body was emitting a weird light but that didn't help him much except for looking at himself .

“Huh?….wai……what? Why the f*ck am I naked? What heck is this place?” Wrex screamed while covering his chest and genitals as if they were his most precious treasure , though he soon realized how idiotic that was as there was nothing in that place except darkness , so he returned to his normal posture . Wrex looked around and understood that he is actually floating in the nothingness .

Suddenly he remembered what happened to him just a moment ago and he began to look at his body again , “huh?… leg… arm…..wait what? But how?” Wrex says , “Wait I was…….could it be?” Wrex's face was in shock as if he found out the greatest secret of the world , “yeahhh…..I'm dreaming…..wait.” Wrex pauses for a moment , “That old hag woke me up at the class….so then…….then.” realizing the truth Wrex's eyes were filled with tears and fear as he understood he actually died . Soon the tears starts to fall onto the nothingness .

“Hehehe… least it wasn't painful.” Wrex smiled in an awkward manner , though soon his smile fades as he had a much greater truth to bare , “Mom dad I'm coming , I hope you have enough time for me now.” Wrex mutters . 

Even though he was sad he still didn't knew where he actually was , he began to look everywhere but that didn't help him at all as there was no way to see where this place is , suddenly Wrex had an idea , he put both of his hands near his mouth so that his voice increases and then with all the strength in his lungs he shouts , “Heeeyyyyyy is any one heeeeeree” his voice echoes and as soon as it stops , “Hello.” , a cute female voice suddenly came out of nowhere , “wahhhhhhhh sweet baby's mother jesus save me.” Wrex screamed again covering his chest and genitals just like before .

Without understanding where the voice came from or whose voice was that he asks , “Wh…..who are you? Where are you?” his voice was filled with fear . “Im Gaia , I'm an eternal system made by mother Novera . And as for your second question this whole place is where I am as this place is me.” the voice stopped which made the whole place silent once again . 

“Ga…Gaia? Are you God?” Wrex asked being confused , “The meaning you have in Earth of God is not me , I am an eternal system made by mother Novera to look after the 72 void planets.” Gaia says , “Eternal?……Novera?…..what? Void planets?..wh..wh..wait if you are not God then can you even tell me if I have died or not?” Wrex asked again , “Yes you have died but that was a cause of an anomaly , or else according to my memory you were going to be deleted in 9 years 7 months 2 weeks 5 days 23 hours 47 minutes and 3 seconds later.” Gaia exclaims . “Only 9 years isn't that….” realizing that is useless at that moment cuz he has already died he stopped .

“Wait what anomaly?..and why am I naked exclaim that first and if you are peeping then don't.” being confused Wrex asked again , “You are in my Neurocosmo it's a space where only I exist , where I am free of will , this place can only be accessed by someone if I want and only the pure code can exist in here that's why you are without clothes as for peeping I don't understand what that means .”

“Ahhhh….whatever , than what about the anomaly?” Wrex asked again realizing it is useless to talk to her about those kind of things , “About 7 minutes ago a distortion signal occurred in me which deleted you and 3 more humans from Earth , I have already began to trace the signal..” , as soon as she said that a virtual notice came just above Wrex and the undescribable voice from before began to say what was written on it .

(The distortion signal tracing was failed confirmation required to try again.)

“Confirmation granted.” Gaia ordered , Wrex began to look at the virtual notice with a disappointed face while it suddenly disappeared . “So?” asked Wrex while nodding his face sideways , “According to the information I've got the distortion signal came from a hostile system called Myshdibdjb....” Gaia's voice began to cut and sounded like a radio which doesn't have the right wavelength and all that can be heard was a buzzing which had no meaning . 

“Hey you okay?” Wrex asks , “It seems the distortion signal is interfering with my Neurocosmo.” Gaia exclaims again , Wrex without understanding what was going on asked “Then what about me you said I didn't have to die right now so why me from all these people from Earth and what did I had to do with this….signal of yours?” , “It is still unclear to me but it seems like the signal was mainly made to target you as you were the main code that got deleted I tried to block it but the signal got some other humans too and it seems like all 3 other human were known to you , maybe because you were the main target.” 

listening to Gaia saying this made Wrex's face look like in way which can only be described as fear and sadness mixed togather , “wa..wait so what about it and what about the other people who are they?” Wrex asked while having tears falling from his eyes , “I'm already trying to find the other human who got deleted..” as Gaia was saying , “I don't give a sh*t make me alive or something I need some kind of compensation.” Wrex shouts angrily.

Again the atmosphere became silent until , “Even though I can't put you in your Earth there is one other way.” Gaia says , this made Wrex's eyes glow in a light of hope , “Wa…way what way what is it?” Wrex asked in a pitiful manner , “I can put your code into another one of the 72 void planets but you can't have this body of yours as I can only put you on a newborn who just died in that planet , so you will be less than a year old when you get your rebirth , and as doing so you will get to use my system , but I warn you this is completely random so you might even be reborn in a forest where you will die no matter what , are you still willing?” 

Listening to Gaia made Wrex's mind blank as he just died without a proper reason and even if he does get to live another life he just might die once again right at the start , “Why…why me why?” tears fell of his face as Wrex began to cry , at that moment another virtual notice came over Wrex's head , he didn't bother to look at it , the voice from before spoke again.

(One of the 3 humans have been recognized , Confirmation is required to continue.)

“Confirmation granted” Gaia ordered , she began to say again , “The human who's been found out is a female and her name is….” this shook Wrex a little bit as he never had many female friends or relatives the only female he knew closely was , “Maria Strife.” Wrex's heart skipped a beat as Gaia said that name , because she was one of the least people he wanted in that list not only because he respected her as a person but also because she was the only girl he had fallen for in this 19 years of age , he loved her but he knew that was impossible so he never went for it , he respected her more than anyone and as of now the name had been said in front of him he began to tremble in sadness .

He asks Gaia “What about the other humans are they gonna be in the same planet as me?” , “I can only send you to a designated planet Novaria , as for them they have the chance of being with you in the same planet but also they can be elsewhere and just like you they are gonna have a part of my system too so they can change worlds just like you , even though you have to figure out how to do that by yourself as I myself have no idea about that , but as you are in my Neurocosmo I give you the key it's a key to remember everything about this life of yours so that you can use that experience in your new life , you will remember the other humans but for them to remember everything , you have to tell them about it.” Gaia said .

Suddenly another virtual notice appears and the voice spoke again ,

(Distortion signal is piercing through the neurobarrier , code 0095400089wr9 might be transferred , warning warning!!)

“It seems you only have 5 seconds to choose , if you want to be reborn or not the choice is yours to make.”as Gaia says this a small virtual notice came in front of Wrex , it said

<Do you want to experience rebirth?>

While having two options

<Yes>         <No>

Along with that a countdown began ,


Wrex was still trembling in fear and sadness,


He was standing still while his face facing downwards , his eyes were dead inside,


In his heart he couldn't only feel the sorrow of dying but also he could feel the sorrow of the only person he ever loved,


The countdown stopped , because Wrex's right hand has reached to the small notice where it said Yes and thus the choice was made.

“Im coming Maria.....I promise I'll save you just wait a little bit.” As Wrex said those words everything around him turned to white from pitch black and he began to loose consciousness while being sent to the world of Novaria.