Chapter-25 The Distortion
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[Place - Silentwood Forest Northwest of Ellensmere , Time - 12:45 PM ]

Rayne and Jade are walking through the dense forest , passing by many huge green trees which are full of life unlike Jade who looks like he would fall on the ground any second . It's been 3 days since they started their journey . They take rest time to time but their rations are going down very fast . They are very low on water even though they found a river once and pour in some water from there but that was on the first day . Since then their water has gone down drastically . For food it's not that much of a problem as they have hunted some small boar looking beasts and they have been eating their meat all this time .

“Yo man it's hard man I wanna sleep man , I'm hungry , I'm thirsty..….”

Jade is going on and on with his blabbering which makes Rayne very frustrated .


Rayne shouts at Jade .

“Okay okay sheesh man chill chill .”

“How the fuck can I chill when you've been fucking blabbering crap all this time .”

“What can I do ? I'm hungry…….”

Jade tries to make a cute face .

(人 •͈ᴗ•͈)

“Hey you still have the pork chop right , ohh come on I know you've been saving it all this time , won't you share it with your bro come on come on com…….”

This frustrates Rayne even more .


He hits Jade on his head .

“Ooouuuu what the heck was that for ?”

“That was for talking shit all this time….”

Rayne walks ahead as Jade tries to keep up .


“But how ? You don't even have a map…..”

Rayne opens his system map and shows it to Jade .

“Woah you never showed this to me….”

“You already have it what can I do if you're an idiot never opens it .”

Jade makes a dissatisfied face and opens his own system map .

The map opens up showing the whole world , but it's not complete , most of the map is blank , except Setria . Even though it's not complete either . Only the area around Pomogra Hill to Ellensmere is complete . But with every step they take some of the area becomes visible .

“The map works differently , unlike we used to see in Symphonia this world map isn't complete , instead we have to complete it by visiting other places .unless it will not show up .”

Rayne says .

“Hmm then how do you know that we have to go this way for Dukestall ?”

Rayne once again opens his system map and shows it to Jade .

“Compare mine with yours .”

He says as Jade look at both of the maps . Rayne's map is way more detailed than his , it shows the names of most of the places , along with Dukestall , but it's not as detailed as Ellensmere .

“Wait but how ?”

Jade asks looking at Rayne .

“It's cuz I've read many books and seen many maps before coming out of the capital .”

Jade's eyes glow up with excitement .

“Wooahh man that's great , then we don't have to think bout getting lost in the forest anymore .”

“That's not entirely true .”

As Rayne says Jade's excited face doesn't remains in the same excited way .

“What do you mean .”

“Can't you see , even though the places are pointed there are no paths there…….”

As Rayne says Jade looks at Rayne's map and it seems it's just the way Rayne said , there are no paths indicating which way to go , there are only the names of the places , but there's something more to it , there's a path on which they are walking right now but there are some other paths around it , some narrower than the other .

“As you can see there are many paths around us , and as we walk ahead some new info will come up on the map . It shows around 2 to 3 Kilometers ahead , even though I'm not completely sure about it . It's like a round or a circle portion of the map is shown when we are standing right ?”

Saying this Rayne stops and looking at him Jade also stops and looks at the map once again , it's not circle but it's like a half circle and and half of it shows the path they have been walking on .

“It's not completely circle…..”

Without letting him finish Rayne starts talking again .

“That's because we've been walking , so the map shows the area around that place we've been walking on , it's like the map records where we've been and creates a picture of it which it shows on itself……”

Rayne continues talking but Jade couldn't able to understand anything of it .

“Kay Kay so the simple thing is the more we walk the more of the map will be displayed right….”

Jade says as finally stops talking .

“Hmmm yeah that's bout it .”

“Well then why were u making a big fuzz of it…….. ಠ_ಠ .”


Soon the rays of the sun stops falling on them as the moon comes up and scatters it's silver rays on the dense forest they are in . Rayne and Jade walked quite a bit as the map now shows a small village is just up ahead but both of them have decided to rest for the night as they are very tired . They have found a small opened area on where they have made their tent , it isn't very fancy but they have been using it for this past few days . They have made a fire around which they are resting for now .

“Maaaaan I'm beat…..”

Jade says .

“Well we'll be in that village tomorrow so that's a relief .”

Rayne says as he puts up two small pork chops over the fire .

“Yeah true .”


“What ?”

“Have you ever thought that……maybe this is all just a dream .”

Rayne says looking at the starry sky .

“Well when I remembered everything….I used to think that too , but being with you and Lily......kinda makes me happy , so I don't really care bout that anymore .”

“You know…..sometimes I would wake up at midnight…..and couldn't go to sleep anymore I would go to the hill and lay down , mom would always notice it and come to me asking what happened . She would say there are more worlds like this , I used to think what is happening in Earth but nowadays it doesn't even come to my mind anymore……. it's like……this is my real world now…….”

[Place - The Abyss , Time - Unknown]

The Exel Bound is glowing with a blue aura as the 4 elders are standing around it .

“Is that it ?”

Youm asks .


Liane says .

“Then start it…..”

Ouuf says .

“But what about the other one with him ?”

Eine asks .

“Doesn't matter , it will kill them both .”

As Ouuf says the four begins to chant the abyssal mantra , the whole abyss begins to crumble again .

“Make sure this distortion is the last for it .”

Ouuf shouts .

[Place - Silentwood Forest , Time - 9:46 PM]

“Well I don't blame yo……”

Before Jade could finish a huge blue light falls from the sky just ahead of their camp , both of them look at it as fear strikes them . A tremendous aura is coming from the light and it is sinister .