Chapter 8 – The Villainess Goes to Town
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“Time passes really quickly, doesn't it? You have been working here for around three months already. How have you been adapting to the life here?”

“I am doing very well thanks to the help I have received. Thank you for making me feel welcomed!”

As footsteps approached me, the sounds of happy conversation drifted into my ears.

“It is natural for the servants to help each other. Glad you are adapting well.” The voice of the other woman sounded like a mother looking over her child affectionately.

“Hehe…” A woman’s tinkling laughter tinged with embarrassment rang out. “Actually, I have been asked out by a guard today. He had a sudden day off, so we will be going to the harvest festival in town together.”

“Oh, my! Who is the young lad who has acted so quickly?”

“Ah, he is…”

The young woman stopped in her words as the tray she was holding bumped into me lightly. It seems like my wallflower act was perfect.

“I’m so sorry! Are you okay?” she asked anxiously as she bent forward.

I adjusted my wide brim hat which had gotten crooked and shook my head.

“I’m fine. Please do not worry.”

“Red hair?” the young woman voiced out questioningly when her eyes caught my red hair peeking from under the hat.

Beside her, the older woman who had been talking to her turned pale. In a quick motion, she bowed deeply to me, almost knocking over the glasses on her tray and grabbed the other woman by her wrist.

“We are very sorry for the impudence, L-Lady Liliana! Please pardon us!” she said quickly as she tugged the other woman away. The other woman cast glances of confusion at me but had no choice but to follow the older woman, almost tripping over her feet in the meanwhile.

Not as if I would eat her up, I thought as I watched the two of them walk away so briskly it felt as if something was chasing after them. Well, it can’t be helped, I guess.

“Lady Liliana, the guards informed that Prince Charles will be reaching soon,” a maid looking to be in her early twenties with brown hair bunned up neatly informed as she walked towards me from the entrance of the main building.

“I see. Thank you.”

The maid’s name was Grace, one of the personal maids to my mother. She had been the one taking care of me for the past two days while Diana went back to visit her parents in the capital, Moressley, for around two weeks. It seemed like that was one of the things discussed in the letter sent by her parents. It was not the first time Diana had returned home so I was fairly comfortable with the other maids replacing her for the short time.

Right before she left, Diana expressed regret about not being able to see me off when I went for my first date with the Prince and even gave explicit instructions to Grace on the hairstyle and clothes coordination. If she was so excited, she should just take my place! I was fine with anyone as long as I could go out and have fun.

I stood against the wall of the foyer as I adjusted my hat again. My hair which was usually tied in a half up had been completely bundled up with intricate braids and almost fully covered by the hat. The trip today was to be done incognito, hence my mother had decided to cover as much of my eye-catching hair as possible. The itinerary for the day was going to be Prince Charles and I travelling to the town via horse-drawn carriage, stopping for lunch at a restaurant before attending the show, and returning back to the mansion on the same day. My parents were very cautious about me being found out to be the daughter of the Marquis and had forbidden me from exploring the town on foot.

It was a pity but I guess this was better than nothing!

“His Highness has arrived!” The strong voices of the guards outside hollered out.

I straightened up and walked towards the entrance with Grace following behind me.

A plain brown carriage without an emblem stopped at the carriage porch. My father had arranged for an unmarked carriage from our family to pick the Prince up from the villa he was staying early this morning.

Prince Charles alighted from the carriage in a smooth and dignified manner. Different from his usual attire, he was wearing a simple long sleeved white shirt with a dark blue vest and matching blue pants. Although it was still good quality, it was very different from the coats with intricate threading he usually wore.

“Good morning, Lady Liliana.” His lips curved up into a warm smile as his azure blue eyes met mine calmly.

“Good morning to you as well, your Highness,” I returned the greeting with a curtsy.

Apart from Grace and myself, some of the other servants who were around the area had gathered in the foyer with curious eyes. I could understand their feeling as it was rare for a Prince of the country to appear in front of your eyes.

“Are you the only one around today?” he asked as he looked around.

“The Lord and his wife are out today. Something urgent had come up so they are attending to it. I give their regards in their absence.”

From a time unknown to me, the pepper-haired gentleman was already standing beside me with a gloved hand over his heart.

Prince Charles gave a worried look. “Would it be fine for Lady Liliana to go out?”

Christian nodded his head calmly. “Although it is regrettable they are not around to greet you, the Lord and the Madam say to enjoy yourself without worry.”

“However, the Lord has left a message for you.” Christian took out a piece of paper from the breast pocket of his swallowtail coat and held it out with both hands.

Prince Charles read the message before nodding and returning it to him. “I understand.”

Turning to me, he smiled. “Shall we go now, Lady Liliana?”

“Yes,” I responded with a nod.

“Lady Liliana, please enjoy yourself,” Grace said as she bowed her head with her hands placed in front of her.

As it was a low profile trip, the ones on the carriage were just the two of us with the coachman and a footman seated beside him. Even the guards following us were to keep a distance behind and maintain hidden so as to not draw attention. I do wonder if there was a need for so much caution though.

Beside her, my eyes were drawn to Christian who had taken out his pocket watch and was looking at it with fond eyes. If I did not remember wrongly, that watch was a gift from his wife and it contained a picture of her and his two daughters. As he got married late, I heard that his daughters were only 15 and 14-year-old respectively.

As my eyes met Christian’s, I smiled and asked, “Mr Christian, how are your wife and daughters doing recently?”

His dark eyes betrayed no emotion as he replied, “I have been so busy recently I have not seen my family for a while.”

My forehead creased slightly. Christian did look much more haggard than usual for the past week with a grey pallor and eye bags under his eyes. Was my father overworking him?

“That won’t do. You have two daughters and a wonderful wife waiting for you at home. Although work is important, spending sufficient time with your family is even more important.”

His hands around the pocket watch tightened. “... Perhaps.”

Ah… It seems like my words had only made the atmosphere worse although I was just trying to show concern. I guess I had pried too much into his private life.

“I will go and meet them soon. Thank you for your advice,” Christian suddenly said in a steady tone as his eyes pierced through me. Although he had always been stoic with few expressions, his dark eyes held an intensity that made my palms turn sweaty.


“Lady Liliana?” Prince Charles prompted gently from the sides.

His voice startled me and my eyes quickly shot towards him.

“Yes, let’s go,” I replied quickly. When I casted a glance at Christian again, his face had already returned to his usual stoic expression. Well, I had to admit I am never too good at reading other people. After shrugging inwardly, I turned and started walking towards the carriage.

The footman and the coachman were already standing beside the horse-drawn carriage. The coachman tried to hide a yawn as he rubbed his bleary eyes. Beside him, the footman did not seem to be much better with a lax face as he stood on one leg lazily. Were they going to be okay? We will not crash into a tree right? I suddenly had some worries.

… This was pretty silly if I was to think about it again. Could it be something to do with the way I died in my previous life?


The ride to the town where the theatrical act was held at was a two hour journey. Once we exited the mansion’s grounds and entered the main road, it became fairly busy with peddlers on their caravans and farmers with carts of wheat and vegetables passing by us. I had briefly overheard from the conversations between my parents that the harvest this year was going to be good, and it does seem to be so from the happy faces of the people.

I looked at the scene with sparkling eyes as it was all fresh to me. Occasionally, Prince Charles would explain to me where we were at or what the people were doing.

“By the way, I did not see the black-haired maid by your side today,” Prince Charles asked out of the sudden.

“Are you talking about Diana? She is away visiting her family for two weeks,” I replied as I met his blue eyes.

Prince Charles turned his head to look out of the window and rubbed his chin. “Hmm, is that so?” His blue eyes floated back to me and smiled before he asked, “How long has she been serving you? You seem to be very close to her.”

“We have been together for around 3 years. Well, although she has a very scary face, she is actually quite soft-hearted and gives in to me a lot. Instead of a servant, I think of her more like a friend.” I emphasised the word ‘friend’ intentionally. To be honest, I didn’t like people referring to Diana as just a ‘maid’. Her existence to me was so much more than just someone taking care of my needs.

“Mmm… I see.” Prince Charles nodded lightly and did not ask further questions.

What was the reason for asking me all this though? While I was still feeling curious about his interest in Diana, his eyes lighted up.

“It seems like we are here.”

I looked out of the window to see a line of people and carriages queuing up from a large wooden gate that seemed to be the entrance into the town. The town was surrounded by a grey stone wall that most likely stretched all around the town. I was unsure about other towns, but this was common for the towns in our domain as the activity of vicious wild beasts was higher than other domains. Hence, there was stronger need for protection in the event of any attacks.

Guards wearing lightweight metal plates went through the papers of people diligently before allowing them to enter. When it came to our turn, the guard-in-charge widened his eyes at the papers before resuming a stern face. My parents had already made the necessary arrangements so there were no issues with us being allowed to enter the town. In fact, the guards even gave a sharp salute before directing us through the gates.

The town was situated in the north-west portion of our land near to the land of a neighbouring noble. As expected for a town next to one of the main road that was leading from our neighbouring country, Breusia, the streets were lively and lined with stalls. From food stall wafting delicious scents to peddlers selling exotic wares, there was no end of interesting sights. Along the sidewalk, children holding skewers of meat and vegetables wandered around with their parents beside them as they munched happily.

Which reminds me, it should be around lunchtime. I wonder what we are going to have for lunch today.

While having such thoughts, Prince Charles asked, “Lady Liliana, there is an errand I need run. It will not take a long time. Can you wait for me on the carriage later?”

“I don’t mind,” I replied casually.

After passing through the lively street, the carriage went into a quieter street with well-paved stone pavements. From the look of the buildings around us, it seemed to be a street catering to wealthier customers. A while later, the carriage stopped in front of a shop with a golden sign. From the shop front, it looked to be an expensive jewellery shop.

I looked down my chest where I could feel a faint coolness coming from the crystal under my dress. With instructions from my mother, I had been wearing the necklace day and night since I received it. I didn’t really mind as it was relatively small and light. When I was bored, I would take it out to admire the multicolored flecks in the crystal as well.

As Prince Charles went inside with the footman, I remained on the carriage as agreed.

I looked outside the window leisurely. As the traffic was much lesser, there was not much to see as compared to before.

Ah, that girl’s hair looks white from the light reflecting off her silver hair, I thought lazily.

Silver hair? I sat up straight. Just like red hair, silver hair was a fairly uncommon hair colour in this world. However, that was not the reason why I was alarmed - it was because the heroine of the light novel series had silver hair as well.

Apart from being a cheerful and lively girl who can get along with anyone, her looks were also top notch. Long and silky smooth light silver hair that gleamed in the sunlight, a pair of bright amethyst eyes decorated with thick silver eyelashes - just from the colour scheme itself, you could tell that she was a character deserving to be the heroine of a story.

I squinted as I tried to take a better look at the young girl who had just walked past the carriage.

Her waist-length silver hair was braided loosely behind her and on her arms was a weaved basket filled with loaves of bread covered with a pink handkerchief. Her height was around mine and her head was lowered as she walked forward while looking around. She seemed out of place on the streets with her coarse and simple clothes, and the truth was that there were a few well-dressed passersby giving her odd looks.

“Is that her? Is that really her? Why is she not turning around?” My voice grew high pitched as anxiousness built up in my heart.

It would be strange if she was the heroine because the heroine stayed in a small village and not a bustling town. But how many girls of similar age and silver hair were there?

Doubts started to surface in my heart.

Should I go and check if she is the heroine? What if she really is the heroine? Wouldn't meeting me so early on ruin the flow of the story? After all, in the story, the heroine only met Liliana when they were in the Royal Academy.

But if it is just a peek? Just a question on her name?

My curiosity finally got the better of me.

I quickly shouted to the coachman in front of me, “I am going to go out for a while!”

Hearing that there was no reply, I decided to open the door myself and stepped out carefully. When I walked to the front, what greeted me were the loud snores of the coachman. It seemed like he had fallen asleep while waiting for Prince Charles and the footman to return.

At least he did not fall asleep while driving the horses…

But that was not the reason why I came out! I quickly spun around to look for my target.

“She didn’t go too far right?”

Luckily, the girl was still in sight as it was a straight street.

I gathered up my courage and looked left and right to make sure the road was clear before I ran across the road.

“E-Excuse me!” I called out as I cupped my hand around my mouth.

The girl in front of me continued to walk forward without turning her head back.

“Excuse me! You! The girl in front!” I panted as I held my hat in place to prevent it from falling off. Gosh, how long is she going to make me run? Is she really unable to hear me?

“Please stop! The girl with the silver hair!” I finally managed to squeeze out at the top of my lungs.

The girl finally stopped in her tracks and turned around as she pointed a finger at herself with wide eyes. Her attitude softened slightly when she realised the person calling her was me.

Round amethyst eyes that were brimming with energy and a fair complexion that seemed unsuitable for the child of a commoner. From the way her eyes drooped slightly while she smiled and the dimples on her cheeks, there was a strange sense of familiarity. That was, of course, because I had seen the illustrations of her when she is seven years older.

“Yes? Are you calling me?” she asked as she looked about, seemingly surprised that someone had called out to her on the streets.

I continued to run forward until she was three steps away from me.

“What is your name?” I asked after a moment of hesitation.

The girl looked puzzled and changed her balance from one leg to the other. “Um…” Her grip on the handle of the weaved basket tightened before she answered, “My name is Valeria.”


It was a name that meant ‘to be strong’; aptly chosen by her parents for their daughter who will grow up to become the next Queen of the country.

Of course, that was not all.

It would be naive to think that the King and his ministers would acknowledge the daughter of a commoner to be the future Queen of the country just because she and the Prince fell in love.

That’s right, where was the fun if the heroine of a story was not someone a little special?

Unlike normal magicians who either had a Plus or Minus charge and could only cast spells with a magician of the opposite charge, the heroine was able to cast spells with both types of magicians. She was found to have both Plus and Minus charges and the last time a person with this unique constitution was found was on a person hailed as ‘Saint’ alive over 100 years ago.

As I remained silent, the girl hunched slightly and asked softly, “I’m sorry… This is my first time coming to this town so I am not sure if I have done something wrong…”

“Hmm? What are you talking about?” I asked with a tilt of my head.

“Ah.” My eyebrows moved up as I understood the reason behind her words. “No, I just wanted to confirm something,” I continued in an as assuring way as I could. Even though it was impossible to recognise me as the daughter of a noble, I probably still looked like the daughter of a rich merchant with my high-quality clothes. I could understand her anxiousness of being called out by such a person without reason. It was my fault for not thinking about her position.

“Well, thank you and sorry to take up your time. I will make my leave first then!” I said lightly as I spun around to take my leave.

Now that my curiosity has been satisfied, it was time for me to withdraw from the stage until the curtains rise at the Royal Academy!

Ignoring the mutters of, “huh, is that all? Is it okay like this?” coming from behind me, I skipped back to the carriage where the coachman was still fast asleep. Without anyone knowing, I went back to my seat and waited patiently for Prince Charles to come out from the shop - or at least that was how it was supposed to be.

The moment I turned around, my sight was filled with the form of a dark-coloured carriage that completely covered the carriage I was riding on on the opposite side of the road. Before I could react, an arm stretched out from the depths and pulled me into the interior of the carriage. A piece of sweet smelling cloth was pressed roughly over my mouth and nose, stifling the scream from my throat.

A high pitched scream rang out from behind me before it was muffled forcibly.


I attempted to pull away and kicked my legs about frantically, but my efforts were futile as I was pushed onto the floor face down. My arms were pinned behind me with a heavy weight and a sharp pain shot from my ankle.

However, the weight behind me lightened unexpectedly with a deep grunt of pain.

“Curses! What was that?” A deep raspy voice hissed.

I tried to get up but found that my body had gotten stiff and was unable to move as I liked. Was it the strange scent on the cloth? My attempts only allowed me to wriggle limply on the floor.

“Are you trying to die? He told us she has something on her,” a second male voice said in a displeased manner before a heavy thud of someone landing beside me was heard.

“Why are there two girls here?” The man with a deep raspy voice sounded out from behind me in confusion.

“Aa Eaa Aa…” I tried to scream again but even my vocal chords were not cooperating and I ended up giving a weird groan. My tongue accidentally touched the cloth and bitter taste filled the inner roof of my mouth. My stomach churned from the disgusting taste and I felt like hurling up. The impulse was only held down by sheer will.

“Who knows? We will just grab both!” the other man snapped before the sound of the door closing was heard.

“Aye, sir,” the owner of the raspy voice said with sarcasm as I heard the sound of hooves clopping on the stone floor and the floor of the carriage started trembling. From the laidback attitude of the two men, the struggles we had tried to put up were obviously not in their eye.

Was Valeria okay? My heart grew cold as I thought about the silent girl that was lying beside me. Have they done anything bad to her?

Apart from having paralysing functions, the sweet scent on the cloth seemed to have sedating purposes as well. As my eyelids grow heavier, my brain worked to keep track of what had happened so far.

The heroine wandering around an unfamiliar town, kidnapping...

Right before my consciousness turned black, the pieces finally clicked in my mind:

It seems like I had stumbled into an event.