Act 2 – Chapter 50 – Inside a dark world
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He awoke in a world that was one of darkness. No light ever came near his eyes. But even then, he wouldn’t have been able to see with them anyway. As such when he first woke up, he stumbled forward, unable to perceive his surroundings, until he learned to see without his eyes

At first he walked around. In this dark world he wandered alone. Everything was new for him. But as he wandered through these halls, the corridors, again and again, he quickly became familiar with them, to the point where didn’t even need to look to find his way.

But even then he never left this place, as his cold and still heart shuddered every time he tried to step outside these halls, stopping him beneath the arch of white marble. Every time he turned to walk back once more, as something held him back from leaving this place. Instead he walked through the halls and walls, that made up his small world, once more.

This time he took in everything, like the sculptures of creatures, just like himself, though different. Unmoving. Smaller. Even when he split of what felt like his own lifeforce, they only turned to gaze at him before looking back, remaining immobile again, until eventually the power he gifted them faded, leaving him alone once more.

Then he looked at the murals, telling hundreds of stories from the species that looked just like him. One after one he looked over them, hoping to learn something knew about him. He brushed his fingers over each, hoping to feel what his blind eyes couldn’t see, but even then was their meaning lost for him. And when he passed each room a hundredth time, he stepped inside the one he awakened in.

This one room felt cold and eerie, as he knew that he must’ve been like those outside inside here. Unmoving. But in here, he finally found what he had been searching for. As he slowly passed the walls, he took in one mural after another. Until he stood still in front of an enormous door. Just like the archway before he felt that it wasn’t his place to step inside.

But that wasn’t why he stood still. It was at this door that he found that he first saw one that looked like him. No, he felt that this should’ve been him. He took in his form, standing gallantly in front of thousands of other creatures, undepicted in any other mural. None resembled the other, but all their eyes were directed at him ferociously. Those that were like him however were nearly gone. Only a few were left, which he shielded with his own body, taking strike after strike until he broke down.

Why? He thought to himself unsurely. He was clearly here. Yet the mural never depicted what happened afterwards, and even ruminating over hundreds of years brought no answers.

And so, he began to wander through the halls again. Yet eventually, even this came to an end, as they showed no signs that they would ever change. Once again, he moved towards his room. He stepped towards the place he woke up at, taking the spot he must’ve stood at before. There he remained immobile for time immeasurable, all until something completely new reached him.

“So loud.”



Dragged on by Narva we rushed forward. Cries of rage were released behind us, as the wyvern rushed after us, barely able to keep up against her spell. But as I had her cast this spell onto me once before I knew it wouldn’t take long before it run out. Still, if she had a plan in which we would be able to escape I was willing to bet on it.

Pillar after pillar sped past us. All until they suddenly stopped, and with them the whisps light. But even then, she didn’t stop, making me use my flames to have at least a minimum of light. Just like that we continued onwards for another moment, until she found what she had been looking for.

“It’s really here!”

Without hesitating for even a moment she sped towards what looked like a temple, standing at the end of the path that we followed. It led us towards an arch in midst of a white wall, holding up a black tiled roof. Before we could reach the arch however her spell faded away, leaving us much slower than before.

Rushing inside Narva led us further into the entrance hall when a crash resounded behind us. I looked back, seeing a wyvern bursting into the hall through the arch, its body taking part of the wall with it as it seemingly didn’t slow down.

“If it’s here we can fight them!”

Gathering my fire, I send a blast towards it, only for it to release its breath against the attack. The two strikes collided, sending a shock through the air that shook the whole building. The wyvern however ignored the trembling structure as its claws dug into the ground, readying itself for its next breath, only to close its mouth when a flurry of Windblades rushed past us, cutting into its scales.

Instead it tired to lunge forwards, but its wings hindered its movement ever so slightly as they scraped against the walls. Again and again it smashed its claws into the floor, building up momentum while it came nearer. I readied another attack, but before I could release it, I saw Homura flash past me towards the wyvern. It glared at her, as its tail twisted around it, piercing towards her.

Jumping upwards she barely evaded the attack as the tail passed beneath her. Then, before the wyvern could pull it back, she slammed her claw down, her sharp nails tearing into it. With a scream the wyvern pulled its tail back. Instead of letting go however, she held on.

Just like that, in the blink of an eye, she was next to it. Releasing her claws, she jumped towards its head, combing her own strength with the push she got from its very own movement. Spinning around she smashed the bottom of her foot into it, sending the head, followed by its entire body, crashing into the wall.

“Get back!” I shouted as I released my flames, making her jump away as my flames passed her. The next moment they crashed into the wyvern that barely began to stand up once more. It released a harrowing scream, flailing around to stifle the flames, before its body gave up.

With the death of the first one we fixed our eyes at the arch once more, seeing another one passing through it already. Homura rushed forward once more, trying to give me an opportunity to end this one just like the last, as suddenly a loud crack rang out behind us.

I turned around, barely erecting a barrier to block stones falling towards me, simply to be buried beneath them. Sending a blast of flames outwards I regained my vision, only to see Narva, standing face to face with the one-eyed wyvern after it crashed through the ceiling.

Its mouth already snapped towards her, but she was still unsteady after the sudden assault leaving her unable to cope with the attack. My flames shot forward, not waiting for my command in order to safe her, but they seemed so utterly slow against the teeth that would end her life.

And as I dreaded her end, a cold, stonelike voice called out.

“What are you doing in these halls?” 


Applause for the second character from the creation raffle.

You don't remember it? Well, it's been about 3 to 4 months since then, thought it would have gone quicker, but well...

Anyway, here comes Ozron Navrass, made together with KermitAku