Why I Want to Believe in the Afterlife
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A lot of people, including me, think the discussion about whether or not the afterlife exists is pointless. I mean, there is no scientific proof, and there's no reason for anyone to believe baseless ideas like the afterlife. But, even if the afterlife doesn't have any support, I like to think it exists. Not for reasons like "so people who have died can live again", because some people think of death as 'the absolute end' and as a kind of escape. Nah, I only like to believe in it because that means we don't go to Heaven or to Hell. Living in the absolute paradise of Heaven sounds boring as heck. I mean, sure, if all you do in heaven is sit around all day, it's not much different from my life down here, but being sent to an unknown location with billions of people who died forever ago in the clouds sounds a little lonely to me. I mean, sure, you could just go out and make new friends, eat all you want, and be an angel, but even the sweetest angels were once human. I think. Anyway, the point is, I already don't do well with strangers, I don't wanna be trapped in the clouds with those people without the support of my brothers and sisters. Plus, there's also lunatics from the viking era, although that's not really what im afraid of. I'm afraid of perfection. In the wise words of Mayuri Kurotsuchi, "I hate perfection. To be perfect is to be unable to improve any further." That pretty much sums up my opinion of Heaven. It sucks because everything is so perfect there's nothing to work on or do, and it seems lonesome and tiring. I hate Hell for the reason of, well, if you make it to hell, chances are, people don't want to be around you. In the afterlife, however, you have a chance to start things over. Ah, not if you keep your memories like those Isekai protagonists with perfect harems and op abilities. Those people had trashy lives, no matter how fun they are to watch.

That's why I'd rather be reincarnated than go to Heaven or to Hell.