Sunday seemed to be a peaceful time for Chan Lee, she woke up with no troubles. She even thought that the sight of Xue and Han Jing passed out over a board game was actually cute. Her hands immediately reached for her phone to check the time. It was nine in the morning this time, she bit back a yawn and put it away.
...he didn't reply at all since last night.
Not that it mattered.
Getting up from her bed, she drew back the curtains to let some sunlight in. Chan Lee glanced back at their resting figures. Maybe she could cook for them?
It would be a nice surprise...
Rubbing her face tiredly, she inwardly sighed. Who was she kidding? It didn't matter that they looked so peaceful in their sleep or something, they were here for their own reasons.
Xue, the Moon Rabbit doesn't know how to get back to the moon.
Han Jing on the other hand… she wasn't too sure about it really. Was he here to bug the bunny boy about cultivation or something? He was also acting like she was under his protection or something. It was really weird.
She really didn't need to take care of them, if they had a chance to leave—they'd obviously take it.
But she still soon found herself inside the apartment's shared kitchen. Holding up a measuring cup, she poured the batter over the pan.
"Please don't get burned…" She muttered to herself. The stove was on low heat, she could do this!
Pancakes. They were the easiest ones to prepare.
"Chan Lee? Fancy seeing you here."
She bolted up and spun around, "M-madam Dongxia! A pleasant surprise!" She was going to have a heart attack with all these people surprising her so often nowadays.
"Making pancakes, I see." The older lady got herself a bag of cat food from the pantry. "You know, I was so surprised when I saw Han Jing that day."
"A-ah, yeah, thanks for the steamed buns yesterday." She coughed, wanting that memory to pass away already.
"It's not a problem, dear." The older lady sighed and prepared her cat's food. "I'm still shocked, but maybe being with you will help him pick up the slack?"
"W-what? He didn't clear things up!?" She gawked at her.
"Do I smell something burning?" Madam Dongxia sniffed. "You kids these days don't know how to cook, I'll talk with you some other time. Momma's gonna feed her Whiskers."
Needless to say, it wasn't as peaceful as she had imagined her Sunday to be. "They're kinda on the toasted side eh?" Han Jing complained as he poked the tower of pancakes in front of him.
...she had also failed the other attempts to cook them properly. Chan Lee frowned at the man in front of him. "Just eat it."
"Yeah, yeah—can't let food go to waste." Han Jing answered with a mouthful.
"I think it tastes pretty good." Xue spoke up.
"Please, your unrefined tongue thinks it's good." Han Jing shook his head. "Imagine eating leafy vegetables for a good portion of your life? Ugh, so bland."
"Well, it's a step towards being a cultivator who didn't eat or drink anything." Xue chuckled.
"Argh, don't bring that up." Han Jing waved him off. "I'm sure a cultivator would eat a magical beast turtle's egg yolks or something to raise their qi."
Chan Lee munched her pancakes. "I still find it hard to believe that these so-called cultivators actually existed, wouldn't they be more well-known if people who could fly and topple mountains really existed?" They weren't that burnt to her!
"Well, cultivators and martial artists tend to keep to themselves in secluded mountains or hidden sects and temples." Xue answered with a smile.
"Look at Lee's scrunched up expression, she still thinks like it's some kind of hocus-pocus." Han Jing chuckled.
"I would like more empirical evidence unlike you who'd probably get played by a random old beggar claiming to be a hidden master." She scoffed in reply.
"The guy is all the evidence we need! Look at him!" Han Jing motioned wildly to Xue.
"Ah, Han Jing… you flatter me too much." Xue coughed. "I'm nothing special."
"Your hair glows."
"How could you not know that?!"
Chan Lee let out a resigned sigh, she was really getting too used to the two of them at her place. "Mind if you guys quiet down, I need to do some reading after breakfast."
"Oh, you don't have to worry about that, I'm going home after this." Han Jing explained with a carefree grin. "Actually, I might sleep at my place tonight to not rouse suspicion."
Chan Lee stared at him.
How can he say that when he didn't even deny whatever odd thing that went through madam Dongxia's mind?
"Oi, what's with that face? Are you going to miss me?" The guy had the nerve to laugh like that.
She turned away from him. "In your dreams, I'm glad you're sleeping at your place tonight."
"Yeah, I'm kind of getting tired of the food here."
After Han Jing left, her Sunday actually became peaceful. It was actually so silent that it seemed Xue wasn't even there. She had lent him her phone to watch some movies while she tried reading her book. While she lay on her belly, her book laid out… he was huddled over the corner of her room.
She felt some guilt trickle into her chest.
He'd been sleeping on the floor for two days in a row. She should do something about it… like let him sleep on her bed? She felt her cheeks grow hot.
"Hey, Miss Chan Lee…" He'd look at her with a childish pout, moving towards her in bed. "Can I use you as a body pillow?"
She shook her head to remove the scene from her mind. She'd offer for him to sleep on her bed without her! This wasn't some cheesy movie where two strangers find themselves sharing a bed—ridiculous!
"Hey, Miss Chan Lee?"
She turned to him, "W-what?" He couldn't read minds could he? Her face burned. Cultivators or whatever couldn't do that right?!
"There's this thing that interrupted the movie? Oh wait—it's gone."
Chan Lee felt her stomach churn. It was probably some silly popup that came up or a text from her mother. She probably should check it out… but Xue was enjoying the movie, and her position was pretty comfortable.
"And here it is again?" Xue muttered to himself aloud. "Uh, can I bother you for a moment, Miss Chan Lee?" He picked himself up and made his way to her.
He carried himself with such grace, even for a person wearing some weird cargo shorts. It was a silly observation on her part, something to ease the knot she was feeling in her belly.
"Miss Chan Lee?"
"O-of course! What can I do for you?" She eased into a smile, looking up at him.
What did she do to have herself stuck with somebody like him? It felt like a weird combination of a blessing and a curse.
"I think your device really wants your attention, not mine." He said and passed her smartphone delicately to her.
She felt his long fingers brush with hers. "I'll give it back to you when I'm done."
"It's already a favor that you lent it to me." He gave her a smile as he plopped up near her book, a good feet or two away from her. "I think I remembered reading this…" He stared at a page, tilting his head a bit. "It's a bit confusing but also enlightening that you guys can tell the weather with a few signs. In earlier times, humans offered sacrifices and appealed to dragons or other creatures of the water… and I'm rambling again, aren't I?"
Chan Lee held the phone in her hand, but her attention was on him. "I really don't mind hearing you ramble…" she sheepishly smiled. "I think it's better than just the deafening silence here."
A smile graced his features, "I think so too. This thing that you call a 'movie' is nice, but having someone to talk with is great. Thank you again, Miss Chan Lee."
"Well, I'm sure you talked with Chang'e a lot too, right?" She couldn't help but smile back, it was contagious.
"I did too… I wonder if she's looking for me right now?" He asked softly.
There was a certain look in his eyes that made her hesitate. Why was she getting too comfortable with him right now? She'd do something about it. She'd do something...to remove such a sorrowful expression on his face.
"You keep talking about these cultivators, sects and temples… I'll go help you find these people who can help you get back, okay?"
He stared at her with widened eyes. "Really?"
"Yeah! It'd be less of a hassle for me if you managed to get back the moon." She managed a laugh. "I guess we finally have a plan on the drawing board."