Time to choose (again)!
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What even would you want to see?
  • An excursion. Votes: 2 13.3%
  • Investigation case. Votes: 1 6.7%
  • The raid of the prophets. Votes: 3 20.0%
  • Scort of the prince. Votes: 1 6.7%
  • A wonderful encounter? Votes: 9 60.0%
  • The tear of a slave Votes: 3 20.0%
Total voters: 15 · This poll was closed on Jul 31, 2020 09:39 AM.
Well, it has been a while since the last poll and now we are in a new inflexion point of our main characters!! Now it's time to choose again for the fate and following events of our protagonist (All of them have vague descriptions, allowing me to keep in secret the full idea)!!

If any of the possible events aren't interesting for you then you can post your own idea in the comments, and if they surpass in likes the ones in the poll then I will take that route (of course if they don't damage the concepts of the very story).

This poll will stay for two days, giving me time to write the following chapter on the third day (I'll take the two most wanted post).

I must also thank you for following me until this point, I came back to my first chapters and Oh my god they were terrible. I thought that instead of a chapter they were a sea of typos. I have been fixing them for a while and finally I believe that I have fixed all the previous typos (I believe). Now I'll try to fix the content if it's not clear or is strange in while reading.

Once again thank you for following this story for more than one month and if you have any suggestion, question or complain I'll be reading and taking all of them in consideration.