Chapter 27: Aftermath? (part 1)
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(Alice POV)

Where... am I? everything... black?

I feel... so dizzy...

I... don't... understand

fear... desperation... dread... crawling... inside...  

S̴o̴.̸.̸.̴ ̶y̸o̵u̴ ̴a̵r̴e̶ ̷f̶i̵n̴a̴l̴l̷y̴ ̷a̸w̴a̷k̷e̶.̶.̶.̴ ̷I̶ ̷m̸u̷s̷t̵ ̴a̶d̷m̷i̶t̵ ̴t̵h̷a̸t̷ ̶g̷u̴y̴ ̴o̴u̶t̶ ̸t̵h̵e̸r̴e̴ ̸m̶a̵d̸e̷ ̸a̶ ̷g̸r̶e̸a̶t̶ ̵p̴e̶r̶f̶o̴r̴m̸a̷n̶c̸e̶.̵.̶.̷ ̷i̸f̷ ̶i̴t̶ ̵w̷a̸s̸ ̴a̴ ̸n̷o̴r̷m̷a̶l̴ ̴c̸i̷r̵c̵u̶m̴s̷t̵a̸n̴c̵e̶ ̵o̴r̴ ̵i̷f̵ ̴y̴o̴u̴ ̷w̴e̸r̴e̸ ̴n̴o̸r̸m̶a̵l̶ ̵e̷v̷e̷r̵y̵o̸n̷e̴ ̵i̷n̷ ̴t̵h̷a̸t̶ ̸s̷t̶o̸r̶e̸ ̵i̵n̴c̴l̶u̶d̶i̵n̵g̶ ̴y̷o̵u̷ ̸s̶h̷o̸u̴l̴d̵ ̶b̵e̴ ̴d̸e̶a̵d̴ ̵r̶i̷g̵h̴t̸ ̸n̴o̷w̷

I.... died?

A̶̦̓r̴̞͌e̶͎̎ ̷̠̂ý̵̫ǫ̶̍ú̴͚ ̸͓̎d̵͕̂e̸͔̍a̵͙͐f̶͍̃.̷̢̈́.̶̣͗.̶̠́ ̸̝͌o̴̮̎ŗ̸͘ ̴̣̈́s̵̹̚a̸̡͛ǹ̵̲e̶͓̔ ̵̞͑â̷̭t̴̜͠ ̴̯͘l̶̼̎ệ̴a̷̜͋s̷͖͑t̸̞̔?̵̼̒ ̵̟̊İ̴̖ ̷̘̉s̷̘̿a̴͎̅í̸̹d̸̹̏ ̵̥̈í̶̝n̴̟͋ ̴̢̈́á̴̪ ̴̲̈n̸̠̽ọ̵̓r̶̟̾m̴̒ͅå̸͇l̶͕̃ ̸̗̀c̴̥̏ī̷͉r̷̠̆c̵̎͜u̷̱̓m̶͇̕s̵͇̄ṭ̶̈́a̴͓̐n̷̛̮c̴̘̿e̵͈͆.̶̜̈́

How did I... Wait a minute, what happened to everyone!?

A̴r̷e̴ ̵y̶o̴u̵ ̴d̸e̸a̴f̸.̴.̶.̷ ̶o̶r̷ ̸s̷a̵n̸e̴ ̵a̷t̴ ̷l̸e̵a̴s̵t̴?̸ ̶I̶ ̷s̷a̷i̴d̷ ̶i̴n̷ ̶a̵ ̷n̴o̴r̵m̵a̵l̴ ̷c̵i̴r̴c̷u̸m̵s̷t̷a̸n̸c̷e̴.̸

What are you saying?! It's normal to be worried about my friends!

.̸.̵.̵Y̶o̴u̵ ̸n̷e̷v̸e̴r̷ ̴s̷t̸o̷p̷ ̶s̵u̶r̷p̵r̶i̶s̵i̷n̷g̶ ̷m̷e̸.̴.̸.̶ ̶t̵o̵ ̴r̶e̴c̷o̸v̸e̴r̴ ̷j̷u̷s̴t̸ ̷l̵i̵k̶e̷ ̷t̴h̶a̴t̶.̶.̶.̷

Don't change the subject! what happened to them?!

O̷h̵ ̷b̷o̷y̸.̴.̶.̴.̸.̶ ̴y̶o̶u̸ ̷w̷a̵n̵t̶ ̵t̴o̴ ̵k̶n̸o̶w̸ ̷h̴o̶w̵ ̷t̷h̵e̷y̷ ̵a̵r̴e̶ ̶e̴v̵e̴n̵ ̸t̴h̷o̸u̶g̸h̷ ̷t̷h̴e̶y̵ ̷a̵r̷e̸ ̸h̶i̵d̵i̵n̵g̴ ̷t̷h̵i̸n̵g̷s̸ ̶f̴r̸o̵m̶ ̷y̶o̶u̵?̴ ̶Y̵o̵u̷ ̴d̴o̶n̷'̷t̸ ̴h̷a̶v̵e̷ ̶t̸o̴ ̷p̸l̴a̷y̶ ̶d̸u̵m̶b̵,̷ ̶y̶o̴u̵ ̵k̶n̸o̴w̷ ̴d̶e̴e̷p̵ ̷d̵o̵w̶n̸ ̶i̷n̴ ̶y̴o̶u̷r̶ ̵h̷e̶a̵r̶t̵ ̶t̴h̷e̷y̸ ̷d̴o̷n̴'̷t̶ ̶t̶r̸u̵s̸t̴ ̶y̵o̶u̴ ̵a̵t̸ ̴a̴l̷l̷.̶

You are wrong, I know they trust me, but simultaneously some secrets aren't easy to share. I'll be there if they want to share them with me, but if they don't then who am I to force them? If you think about it then I'm doing the same. Now, putting your useless psychological warfare aside, tell me about their current condition.

Y̶o̵u̸ ̴a̴r̸e̶ ̵e̶i̵t̷h̴e̸r̷ ̸a̸n̵ ̵i̵d̷i̴o̴t̶ ̵o̷r̴ ̵a̶ ̶h̵y̸p̶o̸c̴r̵i̶t̸e̵.̷.̸.̷ ̵B̷u̸t̴ ̷i̷f̶ ̸w̵e̶ ̴t̴h̸i̵n̷k̴ ̶o̸b̵j̷e̸c̵t̵i̶v̸e̵l̸y̵,̶ ̶t̴h̴e̷y̶ ̶a̸r̶e̷ ̶u̸s̷e̵f̷u̵l̶ ̵p̵i̵e̸c̵e̸s̶.̶

Don't you dare to call them pieces!

W̸h̵y̸ ̷n̶o̷t̴?̷ ̷S̵u̶r̷e̶,̵ ̵y̵o̸u̶ ̸m̴a̶y̷ ̵t̴h̶i̴n̵k̵ ̸y̴o̷u̶ ̸h̴a̸v̸e̷ ̶a̷n̵ ̴i̶d̸e̶a̸ ̵o̵f̷ ̴w̸h̵a̷t̶ ̴a̴r̵e̵ ̵t̷h̷e̵y̴ ̷h̶i̶d̶i̴n̷g̴,̷ ̸b̵u̸t̷ ̶i̴n̷ ̷r̶e̵a̵l̶i̸t̷y̶,̴ ̷y̷o̸u̵ ̶c̸a̶n̶'̴t̵ ̷e̶v̶e̶n̷ ̴f̸a̵t̸h̶o̶m̸ ̷t̸h̸e̷ ̸d̵e̷p̶t̴h̶s̷ ̴o̴f̸ ̵t̸h̵e̵i̷r̸ ̸s̴o̶r̷r̵o̴w̵s̷,̸ ̶a̵g̵o̶n̴y̶,̴ ̵o̶r̸ ̵e̶v̷e̸n̵ ̵h̸a̵t̵r̵e̸d̶.̵ ̸Y̵o̷u̶ ̴c̶o̸u̸l̶d̵ ̶s̵a̴y̵ ̶i̸g̸n̸o̷r̴a̸n̶c̶e̶ ̶i̵s̵ ̴b̶l̴i̵s̶s̶

..... Are you going to disregard my question?

O̶h̷ ̷s̶i̸l̸l̸y̸ ̸g̶i̶r̶l̴,̵ ̶y̸o̷u̸ ̸d̶o̸n̷'̴t̵ ̶h̸a̶v̷e̶ ̷t̸h̶e̶ ̶s̶l̸i̷g̸h̷t̵e̶s̴t̷ ̴i̷d̶e̵a̷ ̸o̷f̴ ̷m̷u̸c̴h̶ ̸I̶'̸m̷ ̷e̶n̸j̵o̷y̴i̸n̷g̶ ̵y̸o̷u̸r̵ ̵r̸e̷a̶c̷t̶i̸o̵n̸s̶,̷ ̸I̴'̷l̶l̷ ̵l̶e̷t̸ ̵y̶o̷u̸ ̷k̷n̵o̵w̷ ̷t̵h̷e̶ ̶f̶u̶n̷ ̸i̸t̷'̵s̴ ̸j̸u̶s̵t̵ ̶s̴t̷a̴r̴t̸i̶n̴g̶.̴.̷.̶ ̶J̷u̵s̵t̴ ̵k̷i̵d̷d̶i̸n̸g̶.̴ ̵O̴u̶r̵ ̴t̴i̶m̵e̶ ̷t̴o̵g̴e̶t̶h̶e̴r̵ ̶i̸s̶ ̴o̷v̷e̶r̵.̶.̵.̶ ̸a̷t̸ ̵l̵e̸a̴s̸t̵ ̷f̷o̷r̶ ̷n̶o̶w̶.̶ ̴B̵y̶ ̶t̴h̶e̷ ̷w̸a̸y̵,̴ ̸t̸h̷e̴ ̶n̸e̶x̵t̸ ̸t̸i̴m̵e̶ ̶w̴e̵ ̴m̶e̶e̴t̶ ̸t̸h̸a̵n̴k̸ ̶m̶e̸ ̵f̵o̵r̷ ̶c̵l̵e̸a̶n̸i̷n̶g̶ ̷y̶o̸u̴r̶ ̸m̴e̸s̵s̴,̵ ̸i̵t̶ ̷w̷a̵s̸n̸'̷t̷ ̶a̶n̸ ̶e̸a̷s̴y̸ ̸j̴o̸b̷ ̴a̸f̷t̶e̴r̸ ̶a̷l̴l̴.̸

Wait!!!! You haven't told me about their condition!?.... wait a minute... HOW ARE YOU ABLE TO SPEAK!?

H̷A̴H̶A̸H̴A̸H̷A̴H̴A̶H̴A̷!̷ ̸D̴i̴d̸ ̴y̴o̴u̵ ̶j̶u̵s̵t̴ ̴s̶e̴r̶i̷o̵u̶s̸l̶y̸ ̵r̸e̸a̴l̴i̶z̸e̸ ̵I̸'̴m̸ ̷a̷b̵l̴e̴ ̴t̷o̶ ̴s̶p̸e̵a̶k̴!̵?̵ ̶Y̷o̴u̴ ̴a̴r̸e̶ ̴a̶n̴ ̴a̴m̵u̷s̷i̵n̴g̸ ̶g̶i̵r̶l̸,̸ ̵t̴h̶e̷ ̸a̸n̸s̸w̷e̶r̷ ̸y̶o̵u̴ ̸a̴r̵e̷ ̴l̴o̸o̴k̷i̴n̵g̶ ̶f̶o̸r̶ ̴i̶s̵ ̸e̸a̸s̶y̵ ̷t̶o̵ ̸f̵i̵n̶d̷,̷ ̵j̵u̸s̴t̶ ̶t̴a̴k̷e̵ ̸a̸ ̵p̵e̷e̵k̷ ̸a̶t̸ ̴y̷o̸u̵r̶ ̵o̶w̴n̷ ̴p̶i̷t̷c̷h̴-̶b̷l̴a̴c̷k̴ ̴h̴e̷a̵r̷t̵ ̸a̴n̴d̸ ̸e̷v̵e̸r̸y̷t̴h̵i̶n̷g̷ ̸y̴o̶u̶ ̷l̵o̴o̶k̶ ̵f̶o̶r̸ ̵w̷i̷l̶l̴ ̷b̷e̵ ̴a̸n̵s̵w̵e̴r̵e̵d̸,̵ ̷w̶e̶l̶l̶.̷.̶.̴ ̴h̴e̵a̶r̵t̶s̷.̶ ̶I̷t̵'̷s̶ ̶a̷ ̷l̵i̶t̴t̷l̴e̴ ̸m̷e̸s̸s̴ ̸s̷o̶ ̵b̶e̴f̷o̴r̶e̵ ̸y̴o̷u̴ ̴l̴e̴a̶v̵e̶ ̷I̷'̷l̶l̶ ̷g̷i̵v̴e̵ ̸y̸o̸u̷ ̵a̸ ̶h̸i̶n̵t̴,̸ ̷d̵o̵n̷'̸t̵ ̸t̸r̷u̶s̸t̷ ̸t̴h̵i̴s̴ ̷w̴o̵r̵l̸d̷,̴ ̴a̴s̷ ̸i̴s̴ ̴m̸o̴r̶e̷ ̴m̴e̶s̸s̶e̷d̴ ̸u̶p̷ ̷t̷h̵a̷n̸ ̷y̴o̵u̷ ̶t̸h̸i̴n̵k̷


S̸̜͊ẻ̵͙e̵̮͌ ̴͓̾y̴͖͗o̷̰͠ǘ̶̯ ̵̣̉l̷̾ͅȧ̸̜ţ̶͆ę̶͝ṙ̶͇.̷̳͗.̶̯̎.̵͇̆

(Chris POV)

It has been two days since the Prophets' attack. Everything happened too fast and by the time we were able to react everything was already over.

According to Athena's report, she and Fayna fought the leader of the Prophets at the entrance of the capital. Their fight was an entire coincidence, as both of them were patrolling that area when the attack started. This by itself was good news as they managed to deliver heavy wounds on the leader and almost eliminate him, but they couldn't deliver the final blow as he escaped after throwing, according to Athena, a horrifying and destructive black dot that required both of them to suppress it.

After the leader escaped he targeted the store where Talia and that child were fighting. At some point during the fight, a huge explosion destroyed the establishment, leaving a crater in its place. To everyone's surprise, all victims of the attack were alive, but simultaneously their conditions weren't good, as their bodies were full of spear injuries, with Talia and that child barely hanging on their lives.

According to the testimonies, the personnel and customers inside the shop were able to repel the prophets with the cooperation of the girls. The flow of battle and coordination were good, but when the leader showed up everyone was almost killed in an instant. This is where everything gets weird, as each testimony we collected ended here, with all the victims losing the memory of what happened after being impaled by the leader.

Every time I remember the condition of Talia and that child is enough to create a hole in my heart, I don't think I will be able to endure losing a child again... I'm completely grateful that Fayna arrived at the remains of the store as soon as the explosion ended, I don't want to imagine what would happen if she arrived just a second later.

When Fayna arrived I felt greatly relieved, but upon closer inspection, I could see how she was forcing herself to stay calm as hard as she could, but at the same time, her eyes couldn't hide the fear and desperation she was feeling while applying the emergency treatment. With that child's mask broken I was able to see her face for the first time, seeing her face filled my heart once more with guilt and before I was able to reach her Fayna took her and her students and fled from the scene.

After dealing with the guest and increasing the security I was in Talia's room together with Aiya and the royal doctor. The situation was critical as even after Talia's injuries were healed she hasn't woken up, according to the royal doctor she was in a coma with the cause still unknown, seeing Talia's condition was enough to make me worry about that child's condition, as the conditions would be probably the same.

"How is it possible?! You are supposed to be the best doctor in the kingdom!" (Aiya)

"I-I can't do anything about it. Even though the princess's body is in perfect condition we are unable to find the reason why she is still asleep. E-Even my water spirit said he is useless in this situation." (Doctor)

"That doesn't excu--" (Aiya)

This isn't the time to fight over meaningless points, I still can't understand why Aiya changed so much. Although I believe Aiya is genuinely worried about Talia's condition, I'm sure she is even more worried about tonight's party and ceremony. As much as it hurts me I have to stop her for the sake of Talia and that child.

"Aiya stop, shouting and panicking won't wake up Talia"(Chris)

"But Chris!! What are we going to do tonight!?"(Aiya)

"Aiya! Stop right no---"(Chris)


Just as I was on the verge of throwing Aiya outside of Talia's room I  caught a small voice on the level of a whisper. Doubting my hearing I immediately ignored Aiya's nonsense and turned my sight to Talia, as if trying to confirm if the voice wasn't an illusion, only to find Talia sweating and whispering in distress, as her pained expression made me realize she was having a nightmare.

"Talia! Can you hear me?!"(Aiya)

"Aiya, I can't tolerate more of this! get ou--!"(Chris)

"Just shut the fuck up!"(Talia?)

...As a king, I thought I'm capable enough to handle unexpected situations, after all, it was my job. I have survived fights over the throne and even seen things that no human should see in their lives, but hearing Talia's "words"... surpassed everything I have ever experienced in my life. I wouldn't be able to imagine, even in my wildest dreams, hearing a rude "word" from the sweet and polite Talia. I'm glad I wasn't hallucinating or going senile, as everyone in the room fell in silence as well.

Talia herself didn't notice our conditions at all as she sat on her bed while panting and sweating with unfocused eyes. Her condition was obviously wrong.

"W-W-W-What are those words young lady!? A noble cannot speak like an uncultured commoner!"(Aiya)

I regret that Aiya was the first to break out of her confusion, as she scolded Talia as soon as she could while ignoring her abnormal condition. I couldn't believe she was angrier by the words of Talia than relieved from her recovery. It was at this moment something unexpected happened as Talia reacted to Aiya's word and looked at us with a gaze filled with bloodlust and wariness.

Feeling the hostility released from Talia's gaze was the second greatest shock I have ever experienced in my entire life. None of us were ready for it, as Talia's pressure was heavy enough to make me and Aiya, both high-ranked spiritualists, raise our guards in panic.

Is this a nightmare? Did I lose my daughter again? This isn't the Talia I have known for my entire life... I can't... again... I... can't breathe... she... she is... fondling her chest!?


"Doctor, don't you dare to take a peek! get out in this instant! It's an order!" (Chris)

"A-As your wish my king!?"(Doctor)

Today has been the most chaotic day of my life, but thankfully Talias action gave me room to breathe. I couldn't allow a man who isn't her husband to look at her actions, so I dismissed the royal doctor in a panic. 

Fortunately this time I'm able to react first, as Aiya is still confused to say anything thanks to the previous Talia's gaze and current actions. It was at this moment I noticed how confused she was, as she analyzed her hair with an uneasy expression. This reaction triggered some alarms in my head, after all, who would be confused by their own hair and act differently out of nowhere. Could it be that my paranoia was true?

Talia seemed to realize something after looking at her hair and fondling her chest one more time, after stealing a glance at Aiya she covered her lips from Aiya's sight while allowing me to read them, and she said... "I'm Alice". Does this mean I picked up that child instead of Talia?

"Aiya, I need to speak with Talia in private, leave the room."(Chris)


"No buts, leave now"(Chris)

Without giving Aiya any room to refuse I took her out of the room and sealed it from the inside. There were less than five hours before the celebration and knowing Aiya she is going to spread the news of "Talia's recovery" in mere moments, knowing this I won't be able to stop the party.

"Thank you... How should I address you? Should I call you "your majesty"?"(Alice)

"Why...Why do you trust me? After what I did to you, Why?"(Chris)

"Well... my mom said you were against the idea of disposing of me on that day, so this is enough to know that you won't betray me when the opportunity arises, and besides, I don't care about you or this family. All I want in this life is a peaceful life with my mom, so don't feel guilty and forget everything about me, after all, I have the best mother in the world thanks to you."(Alice)

From beginning to end that child... Alice had a big smile on her face, she never had the idea of returning to our... my family.

"Let's put the sentimentalism aside for now. I don't want to sound dramatic but we are in great danger, to be more specific my and the princess's body. I can't believe I'm saying this, but this isn't my body and if I have to guess then the princess is on my body."(Alice)

I can't believe what I'm hearing, is she telling me that they changed bodies and it wasn't us confusing who was who?

"I know this is hard to believe, but I have concrete evidence after all..."(Alice)

"After all?"(Chris)

"My chest feels smaller!"(Alice)


For some reason, I can't remember anything after hearing that and by the time I woke up, it was less than an hour before the party begins, and for some reason, after waking up there was a... strange mood in the castle, supposedly the cause was that child. According to the servants, I fainted because of exhaustion and stress.

With a lot of jobs still to do I was about to get off the bed when a small piece of paper fell off, curious I read it without thinking a lot, only to find a set of indications and a warning left by that child. With time running out I immediately made the preparations for the plan, as both of their lives were in danger.