Chapter 67 – Second Split Up
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After the battle preparation, the only ones who go down was Shang, Valla, Kharazim and Eucliwood. Sonya could not go as the cellar entrance is too small for her muscular body. As for Johanna, she could go without her armor but it would spend more energy. Leah is left in their protection.

It is not so dark when they are down there. In front of them, there is a ongoing fire pit with a cauldron on it. The cauldron seems to be boiling something. On the side of the pit, there are bodies lying on the other side. Among the bodies, there are bodies that are wearing the same armor to the ones which the New Tristram guards are wearing.

Shang: There they are. Former Captain Daltyn and his men.

Sonya: How is it down there?

Sonya shouts from above.

Shang: I don’t think that’s a good idea to….

Shang had planned to do this quietly but Sonya’s loud voice put a halt to his plans.

Sounds of movements among the bodies are being heard.

Shang: Oh Well, guys, get ready…

The former captain and his men slowly rises to their feet.

Valla: The dead should stay dead.

Valla says as she fires an arrow at one of the Risen Dead.

The arrow bounces off one of the Risen Dead’s helmet.

Valla: Hmm... Looks like my arrows need an upgrade.

Shang: You can do that after they are down.

Shang, Kharazim and Eucliwood goes melee against the Risen Dead

The fight is not long as there are a few Risen Dead. It takes extra effort to put them as they are wearing armor.

After the fight, the group continues their search on the bodies for the key while Sonya guards the entrance from above and Eucliwood does her usual job of clearing the corpses.

Shang thinks as he looks through Adria’s books and materials

Shang’s thoughts: Nothing useful here about Adria’s plans but they give me a clearer view on the magic she is researching.

Leah: Hey, look. The contents of the cauldron look familiar.

Leah says as she looks into it.

She finds a ladle nearby and scoops up the contents.

Mushrooms can be seen on the ladle bowl.

Leah: Mushrooms?

Shang’s thoughts: Mushrooms? Wait, aren’t those…

Shang recalls the quest where Adria is seeking Black Mushrooms.

Before Leah can touch them, Valla stops her by grabbing her arm.

Valla: I would not do that if I were you. Have you forgotten why is cauldron lit up and yet no one alive after eating the contents?

Leah: You don’t mean…

Leah gasps as she drops the ladle back into cauldron.

Valla: I suspect Captain Daltyn and his men could have been alive if they had not tried to eat food from your mother’s cellar, especially a witch’s cellar which holds things that might be poisonous to human. It is best that you don’t touch anything unless you are a expert in the field.

Valla warns Leah as she releases her hold.

Leah: Got it.

Eucliwood: Found it.

Eucliwood says while she shows to the group a shiny key from her hand.

Shang: Alright, grab what we need from here and move on. Leah, are you coming with us or…

Shang says as he closes one of the tomes on magic.

Leah: I want to stay here and learn more about my mother.

Shang: You should know it is dangerous staying here. We don’t know if any dead might accidentally fall into cellar without anyone guarding it.

Leah: I know but… Can some of you stay with me till I am done?

The group members look at each other.

Shang’s thoughts: Another split up I guess.