Prologue: Survive
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Aruhik, a boy in late teens is sitting in front of a man around the age of 30, even though he tried it more than one time but he just can't recall the face or any other feature except for age and gender, whenever he is not looking at him.

The place he is at the moment reminds him of his favorite travel destination, which is a Hill Station, from his position he can see the double rainbow which is a very rare occurrence even for that place along with natural vegetation that is not too disturbed by humans, yet another thing quite rare for modern society.

The only difference from his memory is, even though time is of sunset thus increasing its beauty but he can't identify any signs of a living being except both of them, whether it is insects' noise, birds' chirping, or human settlement which was previously visible from this place.

"This place shows one of your favorite locations from your mind and I have to say, this place indeed has its charm. It is a pity but I can't allow it to create any living being according to your memory."

Even though he still can't remember what exactly his voice was like, he can still understand what he said and also draw some conclusions from it.

1. He has access to his memory and it can be assumed that he knows all of it as he mentioned it is my favorite place.

2. But he shouldn't be able to replicate my exact thinking process otherwise I would not have been here talking to him.

3. And the obvious one was control over life and death as I should have died but here I am and he mentioned that he stopped from the creation of life at this place but it also means that he can do it if he wants to.

"You are far too weak to know who I am and indeed I want something from you, as I will be going to a so-called fantasy world after this conversation."

Well even though he expected it, but it doesn't make it any less frustrating for Aruhik that he read his mind during the conversation.

So Aruhik decided he doesn't have to hide anything, and should try an open conversation with speech, as might feel better than this.

"So,... there should be some other instructions or wishes that you will fulfill otherwise we won't be having this conversation here."

"I will be giving you wishes but it won't be omnipotent wishes, as even though I did not fix the number of wishes, I will be determining the wishes by the amount of power I spent on turning your wish into reality. But do keep in mind you can't cancel your wish and if your wish exceeds the limit, I will fulfill your wish partially till the assigned energy is completely used."

For Aruhik it's a somewhat new method, but he also understood the last part might act as a trap or consider it a test. Partial completion means any part can be fulfilled first which can lead to bad jokes such as Super Saiyan God without Saiyan bloodline or life-threatening conditions as Poison Creation ability without Poison Resistance. But first, he needs to ask something.

"What do you expect me to accomplish?"

"I only have one instruction for you 'Survive', I don't care the way you do it."

"How can you believe I will follow your instruction, I can just kill myself after going out of here."

"From your memories, I can draw the conclusion that you won't commit something like suicide. For all those souls that have been called here, I have confirmed they have strong will to survive"

"I feel like I should be thankful I am so weak, otherwise I will have the traumatic experience of being mind rāpéd by an old man. Anyways, will others be going to same as me? And how many will be there?"

"Starting point of all of you will be the same for all of and there will be 10 males and 10 females. Yes, as you have guessed you will be going to more than one world."

So Aruhik started considering options available for his wishes but he stated two of his wishes first which he considers are of greater importance.

"Wish 1: No matter what wish further keep my body shape as a humanoid male form it may be a human, elf, etc." As Aruhik does not want to start his life as an Orc or a Cockroach.

"Wish 2: Please show me the amount of energy left to complete my wishes in percentage."

Aruhik noticed that person in front of him paused for a few moments then he said.

"Good, your wish is accepted" And in front of Aruhik numeric font appeared made of blue light reading '99.99%'. Aruhik expected it to be somewhat similar value. So after 10 minutes, Aruhik continued.

"Wish 3: I want bloodline of Lucian Royalty of Final Fantasy XV, its starting point can be normal human but its potential should not be limited. I can work hard but its potential should not be limited by the superpower world I am at that moment. And for its growth, I don't want it to increase my physical parameters, it should enhance my soul."

"Wish accepted." As that person gave his affirmation. Aruhik noticed percentage going down to '83.62%', he released a sigh of relief that at least high potential does not consume too much energy. So he told his next wish in consideration of only instruction he was given.

"Wish 4: I want bloodline of pureblood vampire for series Strike The Blood, here my starting point should at least be this much that I don't die instantly from a fatal wound such as bullet through my heart, it's potential also should not be limited by the superpower world I am at that moment. It should also include a way to accept new beast vassals."

"Accepted" After the affirmation, Aruhik checked the percentage to be at '26.17%', and once again he confirmed direct power cost much more than potential. Then for the remaining energy, he mentioned his next wish.

"Wish 5: Increase my luck for the next 10% of the energy and for the remaining energy give me a beast vassal of the lightning attribute."

"Your wish has been approved, now you will be sent on your journey Aruhik Nox Chalenet." Aruhik noticed percentage went to '00.00%' and along with the voice of that person, he lost consciousness.


{~POV Aruhik~}

I woke up, still being somewhat dizzy I tried to see where I am. I found myself lying flat on the ground surrounded by trees, which are quite tall compared to what I remember, I don't think any of them will be less than 100 meters. Well, what can say this is a fantasy world after all.

After a few minutes, I was able to move and started checking myself. I feel that I am shorter than before, around 150 cm. Also, I feel my hands and skin are no longer rough like before and whatever minor scar I remember is not there. I think it should be due to my pureblood vampire bloodline, but I never knew any of my bloodlines will affect my height. The change in the body which made me happy is, my degraded eyesight from previous life has returned or to be more specific it has upgraded to a superhuman level as I am able to see veins of a leaf on a tree more than 100 meters away. The same goes for my hearing, though not as much as my eyesight I can distinguish different sounds I am hearing and their directions. Then I started to concentrate to feel my powers.

After some time I released a sigh of relief as even though not in a combat-oriented way, I can subconsciously use my powers and know what they basically do. I can feel some kind of energy in my body, I think it should be mana as both of my bloodlines have those features. Even though I don't know the average quantity of mane my instincts of Lucian bloodline are telling me it is vast compared to what it should have been. And I can feel another presence most likely a soul sleeping inside me which is connected to me in a subordinate relationship or to be more specific if I satisfy its conditions properly for waking it up it will be like a slave to me as it must follow all my orders. From anime, I remember it requires feeding on blood to surrender a familiar.

And for my other ability to equip weapons with Lucian bloodline, in my current condition, I can equip 6 weapons. 4 of which are temporary which I can summon one at a time easily, and if I force it I can summon all 4 but it will burden my body and a massive drain for my mana. Even though both are covered by vampiric healing ability and its massive mana reserve I should still keep this in my mind and check it later on in a safe place.

But the better part is my other 2 slots as once chosen I won't ever be able to change it. And the best part is I will permanently be able to use the abilities of weapons (even though a degraded version of it) as my own even if I am not using it directly. But direct use of these 2 weapons will cause a burden on my body physically as my bloodline amplifies those weapons' capabilities to their maximum extent. Even though I once again got it covered by vampiric abilities, it is something that should be tested to be sure. And these can also be summoned together with the same condition as the previous one. I get the feeling that these are like Royal Arms from the game so I will also call it Royal Arms.

Next is my ability of Warping or teleportation, my instincts as a Lucian tell me how to do it but I need to do some testing to know its limits. I will call it as Warping from now on.

Then comes my ability as a Lucian Royals that is Elemancy. I remember there were 3 elements Ice, Fire, and Thunder. First I try to create an ice block in my hand. I can feel surrounding energy started to converge in my hand, even though ice is forming, even I who is a combat rookie can tell it is too slow to be used in combat, it can only be used to make ice cubes for cold drinks. So I started channeling my mana into the process and within a few moments I found my right hand is covered with more than an inch thick ice and along with biting cold it is starting to feel numb, so I came out of my daze and stopped mana channeling and ice forming process. Then released a tired sigh looking at my almost numb hand covered with around 2-inch thick ice.

~10 minutes later~

I finally broke ice out of my still numb hand by finding a nearby larger rock in a primitive way, by hitting them against each other. I also thought of using my fire ability but instantly rejected it instantly at the thought of going through a traumatic experience of blowing my hand if by any chance it happed.

I can feel my hand recovering quite fast credit to vampire healing. Within a few seconds, I feel normal again. Then I checked Elemancy for fire as it is necessary to at least know my capabilities. Even though I didn't channel my own mana, I feel it is at the same level as my ice ability, so no problem creating a campfire. On a side note with all the precautions I still burned my hand. And I also understood I am not immune to my own elemental attacks.

But a difference came when I tested Lightning my whole body covered was in weak thunder with more concentration on my right hand where I willed it to manifest, the important thing is this all happened without using my own mana reserve, this effect is only by using surrounding energy. So feeling lucky I started channeling my own mana into it and instantly I found myself and my surrounding area of around 15-20 meters covered in the dense amount of purple lightning. While my body is only feeling the slight sting from it which can be easily ignored if not directly concentrating on it. Then after stopping the process, I found for about 15 meters around me all the grass and plants are burned black and even though I don't know the condition for starting a forest fire, I am thankful for my past self that I choose luck as one of my ability.

Then I started thinking of a reasonable explanation for it. After a few minutes, I came up with a reasonable hypothesis; It must be due to my lightning attribute beast vassal giving me an affinity to lightning attribute also significantly increasing my lightning resistance. This also means I can increase my affinity with other elements or even get a new element by getting a corresponding beast vassal.

On a side note, I also found that my clothes which are a black T-shirt and black jeans along with black long boots, which are rather comfortable in movement. Though I don't think they have any kind of defense capabilities in them they can repair quite fast by feeding my mana into it which insignificant compared to my total mana reserve and its restoration rate.

After checking all my abilities, I know which ability of mine I need to understand and train first, which is the ability of Warping. As even in my previous world I don't think I can call any of the natural forests as a friendly neighborhood forest let alone this a fantasy world forest where the smallest tree is thrice the size of the average size of trees in my world. So no matter shameful I may feel, I need to improve my ability to run away.

As I don't have anything that can be used as a weapon, after a few minutes of searching I found a rather flat rock of my palms size. I equipped it in my normal weapon slot with an exasperated sigh. I saw it transformed into a red-black transparent crystal and it broke crystals and disappeared. I am surprised by the color of my crystals as it same color as Ardyn Lucis Caelum, the main villain of Final Fantasy XV, with an additional black tint to it which makes it look more evil. I suppose it might be due to me being a vampire.

I summoned the rock back into my hand, along with the appearance of red-black crystals around my hand it appeared on top of my palm. It doesn't look any different from when I picked it from the ground, except I can feel a small amount of mana it contains and a connection it has with me which allows me to know its location even without any physical senses and mana sense.

I threw the rock a few meters ahead of me, then after sensing its position through my connection I willed to warp above that location, my instincts of Lucian Bloodline told me what to do and I subconsciously did it. Next moment I am standing above rock looking at my previous position. And less than 5 seconds I also recovered the consumed mana even though the amount of mana which I consumed is negligible considering my total mana. Then I willed for the rock to appear in my hand and it appeared. Then I repeated the process by almost doubling the distance every time.

When I did the warping for more than 200 meters of distance, I got a better understanding of my powers, first being I have much greater strength than a normal human as I can easily throw the stone for more than 200 meters most likely due to vampire bloodline, second is the amount mana I consume while warping increase with distance though it is still negligible for me and recover under 5 seconds, and the third and most important of the three discoveries that I can sense the space around the stone for about 15 meters that include even below the ground surface, though no sound can be received by the stone. So I don't need to look at stone directly to confirm the position of warping.

As I was moving through the forest while warping, after warping as I was holding the stone my instincts screamed me to move and as I was holding the stone I also sensed a hairy hand with long nails moving extremely fast toward the back of my chest, I willed my body to move towards the right but with the help of my weapon space sensing, I understood that it is still too slow to avoid the hand. But I still desperately tried to avoid it, and due to sudden rush of strong emotion, desire, or whatever it is, mana automatically started channeling in my body at a much faster rate than any previous times and red-black crystal started appearing in the surrounding. As the tip of nails of that hand pierced through my back skin, I appeared on the right of the owner of that hand at a distance of around 20 meters and facing it.

I then knew the owner of that hand is a monkey-like creature more than 5 meters in height covered in dark brown fur and tail of almost the same size as its body. My back which is bleeding has started to heal and purple-black lightning is starting to cover my body as the soul of my familiar is about to wake up from its slumber sensing a life-threatening crisis near me but I know I can't let it wake up otherwise when my familiar return to its slumber after removing the crisis in front of me, I will also lose consciousness, which can be fatal. So I instantly threw my rock with all my force and by the time confused monkey found me toward its right, the stone was more than 100 meters away so I instantly warped near the stone in the air then fell down.

But without paying attention to anything else I got up while summoning the stone to my hand and moment I got hold of it I immediately threw it with all of my strength and without looking at it again I turned to that creature which is too big to be called a monkey. Then I started channeling my mana at full force to create lightning but this time without the help of my beast vassal only by using Elemancy. Then I lifted my right hand towards that overgrown monkey and willed my lightning to attack it.

As lightning is very fast, it instantly reached the monkey at a distance of 50 meters from me. Monkey roared at me but still kept moving toward me though much slower than before and I kept channeling my mana at full force to continue the attack. By the time it reached 30 meters some parts of the skin of my right have started to turn black due to lightning burns. But I continued to ignore it keeping my eyes on the monkey, as it is coming closer attack intensity also increasing, it now has many burns on its body and it keeps increasing. As monkey reached the mark of 20 meters, I confirmed the position of stone through my connection and found it embedded in a tree, at a distance of around 150 meters, and prepare for instant Warping at any moment.

As monkey reached the mark of 15 meters and I was about to Warp it fell down but I still kept channeling my lightning for about 10 more seconds before moving away and observing it at a distance of more than 20 meters for a few minutes to find any sign of it being still alive. After confirming it is dead, I warped near the stone and summoned it to my hand checked my current condition. 

Both burns on my hand and wound on my back has already healed. My mana reserve is still more than 95% remaining. But my clothes have turned into an authentic beggar attire so I channeled my mana in it and it got repaired within seconds.

Then I started moving through the forest to find someplace to stay the night as this is a dense forest so light is usually low so even though my eyesight isn't affected it is already dark but this time I am keeping stone in hand and trying to warp without using stone as I have done it in the time of crisis when that overgrown monkey attacked me from the back.


~At night: Inside a cave~ {POV Aruhik}

I am currently lying inside a cave, while I kept my stone weapon at the entrance of the cave. Also considering the actions that I took during my previous encounter. After the monkey missed its first strike, I had more than a 90% chance of escaping it, and that is also what I trained for before the encounter. But I turned back and fought it. So I realized even though I am only supposed to 'Survive' in any way possible but running away and hiding is really not my thing. As I am not an idiot who won't escape or hide irrespective of the situation so they will be my options and I am pretty sure that at some point in my life I will have to do it. But they won't ever be my first choice. So I will overcome all the challenges and follow the only instruction I was given that is 'Survive'.