Chapter 2
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Brace yourself, an info dump is coming...

Jokes aside in this one and the next (mostly in that one) I will try to explain a bit of what he is and what will happen in the future.

May 2, 2009, Glastonbury

As the ringing slowly fades away I open my eyes only to find myself in a richly decorated bedroom, reds, blacks, and golds coming to life through marble, wood, and silk. I can't finish my survey of the room when a voice wakes me up from my reverie
"You arrived at the end" I turn to find a certain devil stretching on my bed," it took you long enough, kid"
"What happened? Where am I?" Still shocked by the experience of a couple of minutes ago, I ask him, not able to comprehend the last day of my life.
"I offered you a deal and you accepted it without thinking of the consequences" the devil lectures me while rising from my bed,

"I thought you were lying! You told me you were the devil, no one sane will have believed you!" I start screaming at him.
"It's not my fault if you didn't consider the possibility of our deal being real, you asked me for power, self-confidence and to be turned into a hunter, not only I have given you that, I have done more, turning you in a god as a freebie and giving you the first taste of your new life..." A serious expression replacing his usual smile.
"My new life!? The girl I had sex with will give birth to my future child and I will never meet them again!!" I keep yelling while tears start straining my cheeks "Why?! Why I have to lose them ?!" a hoarse voice escapes my trembling lips.
"Because this is your life now..." a flash of sadness appearing on his face "... Alex, you are destined to live a long life... You will watch while people you care for die under your eyes, some will be your friends, lovers, and children, that's the curse tied to being immortal..." a tear appearing in his eye.
Did he lose someone too? I wonder while my rage starts to abate in front of someone else suffering.
"I have been around since the start of this multiverse, I have lost countless people, and I can tell you, it still hurts every time, but it gets better with time, and it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all" he starts speaking in a dreary tone, answering the unspoken question that appeared in my mind.
"Returning to your original questions, I had you participate in that ritual to turn you in a god and to give you the position of head of the Wild Hunt of this universe... And I am sorry Alex, you will end with a daughter that you will never meet again... She will be a mortal, and she will live and die in the realm of Avalon before you will ever return there, this is her fate... But she will have a good and happy life, better than most." Lucifer says, while his expression returns to a more composed state.
"How do you know?" I ask bewildered by his statement.
"I can see the future..." he stops, as to decide how to word his next phrase "...And no, I will not speak of your future, every action I'll take will undoubtedly change it, knowing it will bring you no good... Trust someone with multiple eons of experience on this" as he answers a melancholic smile appears on the devil's face.

"Than why you told me about hers? Wouldn't this change the future that you saw?" I press him, egoistically hoping to change her future to one I am a part of.
"That's unlikely, both the changing and your meeting her.." the knowing smile of someone who has lived long enough to understand fate's machinations is what follows his answer to my spoken and unspoken questions,"... and telling you this will ease the burden on your heart." 

"Thank you..." I whisper to the devil that changed my life
"There is no need to thank me..." His smile suddenly turning in a smug grin before speaking "I never expected you to be an exhibitionist!" and starting a thunderous laugh. 
"What?!" I lower my eyes to see my naked body, still dirty of blood and soil from the ritual "Fuck!"
"The bathroom is the third door down the corridor..." he can't even finish the question that I dart to the designed room
"... And now I'm running late for a couple of blondes in a jacuzzi... So as I don't have the time and desire to answer your next questions, I'm gonna leave..." The devils start murmuring until he starts shouting"...I'll see you again when I need that favor collected" at my running form, not that I was paying attention to his words anymore.
Swinging open the door I enter the bathroom, ending directly in front of an enormous mirror, greeted by my reflection, "What the fuck?!"

Why I have horns!? And why my skin is green?!
Several questions start popping in my mind as I watch my new body, the body of a handsome human athlete, if not for two peculiar characteristics, a set of antlers, and a slightly green complexion, at the moment mostly covered by dried blood symbols and soil.

In the end, I could only scream one word, "LUCIFER!!!"

Running again to the bedroom I find it empty, with a letter left on the bed, where anyone will easily find it.
Frantically searching for some answers I open it and start reading:

"Dear Alex,

If you are reading this letter I am probably having a threesome with two busty blondes, so as I had more pressing things to do, I decided to leave you without ending our discussion.

As I am sorry about this, I have decided to give you a couple of useful things for your future.

Firstly I leave you this house, I am too good to leave you homeless and penniless in a different world, this will cover the first part at least.

Secondly, you will find a set of armor in the basement, I am an educated devil after all and decency will not have you going around naked and displaying your natural weapon, I mean, I understand that you are an exhibitionist, but that will only end with you being reported to the closest police station.

Thirdly I left you a pamphlet to explain your body situation and your new job, read it before doing anything else.

While it's your fault for not taking care of reading the fine prints, I find myself a bit guilty of twisting our deal and use you to fill a role in a world of my father created, but sometimes we must do what we have to do.

Until I'll need your services,

Lucifer Morningstar


P.S. I left some books that you could read to understand this universe in the study.
P.P.S. I joked about leaving you penniless, I made you the owner of this world's Lux, so you shouldn't worry too much about money; your new ID, ownership papers and credit card are in the cabinet near your bed.
P.P.P.S.  I left you a pair of enchanted manacles, you will need them in a couple of years, trust me.
P.P.P.P.S. The bed is new, there is no need to burn it in fear of some STD, not that you will catch them anyway."

"What the hell?!"I yell at no one, A new job I could accept, a new body as well, but a new universe, seriously Lucifer? And I am not a fucking exhibitionist! It's not my fault if I didn't realize I was naked...

I start grumbling, wishing for his presence so I could scream at him...

In the end, I don't know what to think about Lucifer, I should probably hate him for throwing me in a different world, forcing me in a ritual that made me kill something for the first time, have sex with a stranger, make her pregnant and force me to abandon my unborn daughter, all in a single day... But he is right that it was my fault for agreeing to a blank deal with the devil...
I end up sighing...

Let's take a look at that brochure
"Godhood 101: a guide for world-traveling idiots".

Unexpectedly the devil is a jerk...


What weapon will Alex use in the future? The ones that guess right will get a cookie
  • A sword Votes: 4 8.3%
  • A spear/lance Votes: 18 37.5%
  • An ax Votes: 4 8.3%
  • An hammer/mace Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A poleaxe/halberd/scythe Votes: 10 20.8%
  • A bow/crossbow Votes: 8 16.7%
  • A gun Votes: 4 8.3%
Total voters: 48