Chapter 12
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So I wasn't able to write anything in this period instead of simply reducing the number of chapters, I hope to be able to keep the schedule that I have in mind.

I hope you enjoy the chapter.

June 10, 2010

"Coulson, I wasn't expecting you..." I say as I grab the drink he passed me.

"You disappeared again, we were curious when you will reappear." He replies while signaling to take a seat near him.

"Not if I will reappear?" I ask as I take the offered seat.

"When I realized that you manipulated me I became quite confident of your return, how were you able to control me?" Phil answers with a question as I take a sip of the whiskey that now resides in my grasp.

"I imprinted a suggestion in your mind using magic" I answer,

"Magic does exist?" Coulson asks confused by my reply.

"Yes, but you need the talent to use it, and the knowledge on how to manipulate energy." I keep explaining, confusing Phil even more.

"And magic can manipulate minds? he keeps being skeptical of the concept of magic, even if he was subjected to it.

"You know that I used it to manipulate you... Why you still decided to come here alone?" I ask, curious about his presence in front of me.

"We realized it because my colleagues noticed that behavior was unusual, and studying my encounters we concluded that you were responsible.

My being here alone can be considered an act of faith, the S.H.I.E.L.D know that you can compromise me, but we believe that we will be able to tell if you do something to my mind..." Coulson replies to my inquiry with a half-truth, something that I can easily notice.

"An act of faith... You simply fear that I will disappear and that you will not be able to track me anymore" I point out the truth of the matter, wanting to see his reaction.

"That's true, finding a fleeting teleporter is quite difficult, and that's not considering magic, but our idea was more imprinted on creating a good relationship, even a collaboration if possible" now I can't find any falsehood in his words.

"So you want me to work for you?" A flash of rage appears on my face as I reply to his words.

"With us, we believe that sometimes we will need someone exceptional to protect the world, and we know we will not be able to control you" Coulson tries to pacify me with a bit of flattery, knowing that enraging an enhanced will bring nothing good.

"So you want to call me when the world is ending to solve your problems?" I snarl in response to his words,

"That's the idea, we wanted to make a squad of enhanced men and women, to protect the world..." Phil seems embarrassed when is forced to admit that their idea is more or less the use of superheroes to magically solve their problems.

"... You have my phone number, call me if you need help, I may choose to give a hand if things are dire..." I need several seconds and the rest of the whiskey to process that the S.H.I.E.L.D idea of solving the world problems is comparable to that of a five years old child.

"Thanks" he replies,

"So you were sent here to wait until I came back?" I finally ask how long has he waited for my arrival.

"More or less, I used your house as a vacation place, I would have liked to stay more to be truthful..." Coulson admits.

"..." I am unable to say anything to his words, unprepared for the shameless confession from the S.I.E.L.D's agent.

"Well, I gave you the information that I was tasked to, it seems that it's time to return to my workplace" he starts to find a way out of the conversation after noticing my astonished expression.

"Wait a minute" I stop him.

"What?" Phil says, confused by my sudden request.

"I will need a couple of your blood drops," I tell him.

"Why?" Coulson replies, bewildered by my request.

"They will help me found you if I need it" I explain, not specifying how the process will work.

"Can I refuse?" He asks, disturbed by the thought of giving me some of his blood for a not specified process.

"Obviously, but remember that you are the one that came here, asking for my help..." I reply, knowing that he will not refuse to do what I ask.

"Ok, I'll let you draw a bit" as predicted he accepts, putting the good of the world in a higher place than his own.

"Thanks," I say, before nearing him, taking out a needle and a small jar.

Taking his thumb with my fingers, I puncture it, collecting the drops that spilled out in the small container, letting him go after a dozen of them were collected.

"Can I go now?" Phil says, sucking the bloody finger at the end of his question.

"Sure, goodbye Mr. Coulson, and don't call me if the world isn't ending" I answer, more interested in the small jar that in the person before me.

"Goodbye, Mr. Montanari" Coulson chooses to leave the property before I can change my mind once again, taking with him what I assume was his luggage, and getting on a red corvette.

After I see the car leave my yard, I store the blood, ready to be used as a spell component at the right time.

Finally alone after days of being around other people I can relax, taking a beer and throwing myself on the couch, ready to collapse after the use of a great deal of power.


Taking the remote I start the TV, curious to see what happened in the world in the last week.

It seems that the world has grown even more chaotic in this period, from the attack on the Stark Expo to the battle of Harlem, where giant humanoid fought, and the world has finally seen what kind of being does exist.

A new era of enhanced is appearing, slowly breaking the balance of power between nations, and it will only grow as the number of enhanced increase.

And I? What shall I do in the future? I have a great degree of power, and the mission of the Wild hunt, but nowadays no-one summons it anymore, at least no one tried to summon it in the last year.

Should I try to save the people? But why? I am no hero...

Should I try to change the world, to reform it in my ideal one? But I don't care for it, not enough to dedicate my near-immortal life to this thankless work...

What should I do then? I told Coulson that I will help him in the time of need but that could never come...

Who am I kidding, the world is at risk most of the time, let's hope that they will not call me too often.

I need someone to talk to, someone that understands the feeling of having power and time, but that doesn't want to use them to save or destroy the world...

Now that I remember Lucifer's book collection he spoke about some sorcerers, they may have some answers to my problems.

If they don't then maybe should I tell the world about how to summon the hunt to give myself something to do? But that will mean more work to do...
Let's leave that as the last option...

Returning to the sorcerer's idea, I remember that the devil spoke of a place in the Himalayas, Kamar-Taj, or something similar, maybe I should start searching from there.

And traveling around the world will help me create small fixed points in my mind map to help me teleport when I need to.

Well, that's a problem for me of tomorrow, now I have to relax, maybe dive into the pool for a couple of hours, after all, I reached one of my goals, leaving the planet and visiting a world of gods.