Chapter 1, Infancy and my family
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(Author's Note)

I know I said I was going upload this chapter tomorrow but I got excited and technically it is tomorrow now where I am, also in regards to the novel please tell me what you think in terms of pacing and word count, do you want longer chapters and faster or slower pacing, please give me feedback without it I won't be able to make it into what I desire it to be.

also thanks for the support.   -NamelessKing

So it's been two months since my rebirth and I've acquired a reasonable amount of  knowledge, I guess I'll start with my family, first there is my father I don't see him much as it seem he spends most of his time working which I respect, I like hard workers but still spend some time with your child once in a while! hmph, anyway his name's Otis and from the few times I have seen him he's a stocky, well built man with a long, plaited red beard with singed ends and a very masculine face, his red-orange eyes burned like fire with passion, his scruffy, wine red hair was also tied in plaits.

then we have my mother, she spends more time with me than father but mainly only for feeding me and occasional cuddles at night, seriously what's with my parents and their lack of attention.

most of my time awake is spent being looked after by a pair of servants who wore similar clothing and the same metal collar as the girl with the canine ears, by the way her name is Aria and unlike these two she is my mother's personal attendant thus I only see her when I'm with my mother, but as for my two carers, one has long sky blue hair and is quite unique since she has heterochromia, her left eye a bright violet and the other a light blue and she look like she's in her early twenties and carries calm air about her, the other girl looks a few years younger and has a more ordinary appearance with her straight, mid-length black hair and matching onyx eyes, contrary to her dull look she had a very vibrant and bubbly personality, she's fun I like her, the blue-haired one's name is Julia and the black-haired one's Lucy unfortunately neither of them had cute animal ears, both were normal humans....well maybe not normal but human, except for their extraordinary height, maybe they're giants?

anyway that's enough pondering about race, next are my siblings, Floki and Freya, they play with me when they're not studying and I enjoy it, so I've started to grow fond of them, my brother Floki has our father's wine coloured hair and orange eyes, he seems about five and has a playful maybe cheeky personality, my sister Freya has long light red hair and has inherited mother's deep blue eyes and looks a bit older around eight, she has a serious personality but she's cheerful and fun around me, she's always scolding Floki for not studying enough and disregarding lessons and he always jokes about it, it's fun to watch them squabble .

so now I'm here as the third child, the second daughter.....yeah, I'm kind of a girl now, I mean at first I was shocked and worried for a while but now I've thought about it and calmed down I don't really mind, after all gender matters little for as long as you have talent.

I quite like the name I've been given, I think it sounds nice at least when my mother says it.

[aww... you look so peaceful when you're resting like this Tyr]

oh, I forgot to mention I'm currently enjoying one of those rare, warm embraces within my mother's bed


unfortunately talking's hard due to the lack of teeth.

[here I'll read you a story, Aria fetch the book of tales, volume five.]

[at once, my lady]

Aria immediately rushed off to a bookshelf in the corner of the room and then returned with a thick tome, it had a red cover and golden edges, she handed it to mother

[thank you aria, you may sit]

[yes, thank you lady Tia.]

she then proceeded to sit in a wooden chair which was besides the bed

[which story do you want to hear tyr? the one about Walter and the wolves?]


I liked this story.

[I see, it's your favourite isn't it.]

she opens the book and flicks through the pages, then stops around the middle, I glance at the words in the pages, it looks like the runes from Old Norse

'would seem I can't read it, despite understanding the spoken language....hmm I wonder why?' after thinking about it for a bit, I decide to disregard it for now and look back at my mother's beautiful face, her complexion has returned to a more healthy fair skin compared to the sickly paleness that she had previously.

[right, ahem... a little back from the high road there stands a house which is called ‘Hemgard.’ Perhaps you remember the two beautiful mountain ash trees by the reddish-brown palings, and the high gate, and the garden with the beautiful barberry bushes which are always the first to become grown in spring, and which in summer are weighed down with their beautiful berries.]

her lovely voice puts me in a trance

[Behind the garden there is a hedge with tall aspens which rustle in the morning wind, behind the hedge is a road, behind the road is a wood, and behind the wood the wide world.

But on the other side of the garden there is a lake, and beyond the lake is a village-]

'ah I'm sleepy' enveloped by tiredness my heavy eyes fall shut.      

                                                 Tia's POV

["Indeed!" laughed Jonas. "Are you at it again?"

"Dear Walter, remember that it is only cowards who boast; a really brave man never talks of his bravery." the end.]

'hmm she's asleep hehe'

[if it's your favourite you really should stay awake until the end] I say in a low voice.

'I should send her to bed'

[aria, take tyr to her bed; then you're dismissed for the night.]

[yes, my lady]

I hand the cute, sleeping tyr over to her; taking tyr she crept out of the room

[goodnight, lady Tia.]

[goodnight aria.]

she silently closed the door behind her, I then settled down for the night.

a couple hours later I felt a draft and then bristles against my back

[darling, your late........again]

[aha I was caught................forgive me?]

I turn to face him

[hmm, fine. So how was work]


[Quiet!....... anyway how well is floki's learning going]


[Otis, you know how important his upcoming ceremony is, remember how good freya's dagger was, we can't have him arriving with a knife that looks like it was made by a third rate apprentice, for fuck's sake teach the boy]

[I know I know, don't worry I'll get the knowledge into that thick head of his somehow, even if I have to crack his skull open and cram it in there directly]

I glare at him with dubious eyes.

[if you're that worried about an heir, why not grant me a more talented son to take up the title of greatest smith]

staring into his fiery eyes, I wrap my arms around his well sculpted body as our mouths interlock

[nnmnu......ah hah I suppose there's time]

and under the sheets we went into the night.