5~ Funny Face!
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[Funny face!]

Maverick Jones

Edmund. He’s the one.

He always keeps an eye on Claud like a hawk. What is he up to, that sly man? I wonder where he’s from, what he’s doing here, and why he’s hitting on Claudio. It makes me want to break something!!! Oh shucks, I dropped the spoon. Never needed it anyway.

Maybe he knows something about Claudio... I wanna make sure he’s not someone that’ll give Claud away. You know what I mean, some archeologist trying to decipher something. Or even steal the beautiful gem from the cave and sell it for money.

He’s probably heard many of the rumors about Claud already. What bogus, Prince from a far away land? Fish boy with a curse? A god from the sea? Claudio’s nothing like what those rumors say. He’s just an ordinary guy with his own life and a job. Sure he looks good. But all those disgusting men need to stop. Idiots. I want to punch them all. I just hope that this “Edmund” man isn’t as dumb as them.

Whenever he comes, I notice he’s quite handsome, and always dresses sexy. Is he famous? Being crowded around by people all the time. Waving all those people’s signatures off. Show-off. His dark wavy hair that’s often tied up with a small red ribbon reminds me of those battle warriors from movies. Is he an actor? A singer? I don’t know. All I know is that he’s a real weirdo.

He often makes a strange face towards Claudio, like he’s ready to feast on him with s pair of red monster eyes. Hmph! That weirdo! He’s going to steal my Claud! I have to be careful, or else Claudio might be in danger.

I ask Claud about Edmund one time, but all he said was, “He’s a good person, but he’s really weird- I mean, funny. He’s a funny guy.” His face shows it all. He’d look a little nervous with his blue ass cheeks. He likes Edmund too. He can say whatever he wants, but I know what’s happening! Edmund wants to charm him. He wants Claudio for himself, doesn’t he? Edmund wants to get rich once he finds out about Claudio’s true form... The prince of the sea, the god of the ocean, the cursed gem. Hah, but you didn’t know that I got here first! He’s mine.

Meanwhile, Claudio sure is getting charmed by him. He says that Edmund is “funny”, “smart”, or even “kind of cute”. What are you, turning gay now? What is happening with my poor Claudio? The thing is, when I tell Claudio that Edmund’s really weird or he might be dangerous, Claud always get’s defensive. “He’s not a bad guy! He’s really cool! I think you should meet him sometime. He’ll give you 50 starfish on Blue Fin’s websight!” Ugh, like I need those. That funny face Edmund man better get his brain ready because I’m about to kick his “funny”, “smart”, and “kind of cute” ass out once and for all! I won’t stand and do nothing anymore.