On the different kinds of suffering
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The Buddha said once that pain is inevitable but suffering is a choice. That's a load of bullshit right there. In practicality, there is more nuance to this topic than meets the eye.

There are 5 kinds of sufferings. Necessary, unnecessary, coincidental, perceived and enforced.

Necessary suffering is that which provides a net benifit to the recipient of said suffering. Let's take for example, going to the gym. You work hard at the exercises and suffer the pain of labor. Then in some time you come to notice that you are healthier, long of breath and happier. This is necessary suffering which in exchange grants health and some measure of contentment.

Unnecessary suffering is that which provides no net benifit to the recipient. For example, a child touching a hot stove despite knowing that it will burn or a man staying in an abusive relationship because "she loves me".

Coincidental suffering is just like the name suggests, a whim of fate, a bad draw at the game of chance, just a coincidence. Like a bird pooping on you or stubbing your toe or getting caught in the rain. This can also include, though some rather severe cases such as being paralyzed or born with a bodily defect.

Perceived suffering is that which you perceive to be suffering but need not be. Jealousy is one such example. Being jealous of your neighbour's car or of a girl's dress or some bloke having a cool vacation while you are forced to work to avoid starvation.

Unnecessarily high standards are another example. Getting a B plus on a math test when you had higher expectations of yourself and then beating yourself over it is perceived suffering. You perceive a B grade as a failure when it is, in fact satisfactory as an achievement. This is a part of the human condition that is a challenge to overcome in life but that is a topic for another time.

The last is enforced suffering. When you are forced to suffer, not out of necessity but at the whims of another's motives, that is enforced suffering. This can range from as small as homework and forced socialization with that creepy uncle of yours to as big as gulags and concentration camps.

I hope this helps you contextualize your suffering and avoid the ones that are vain and unneeded.