24-1+1=Mini Tsunami?
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Chapter 24: 1+1= Mini Tsunami?

An accord has been reached, and Shogo's targets are blissfully unaware of his encroachment on their secret hideout. With Benishi's help, Shogo will finally be able to get the upper hand on the Wutarui couple.

Although now the matter of determining their threat level has been forcefully taken out of Shogo's hands. The power couple must be assassinated, a rather sinister request from their own child.

It seems a nefarious mind runs in their twisted family. The reason for Benishi's betrayal is still unknown to Shogo but knowing will not change anything at this point. 

Given what they are planning, the demise of the Wutarui couple is inevitable. The goals of Hideki and Yoko Wutarui are in direct conflict with the desires of the most powerful man in their country. It's a matter of how much damage can they do before they die? Will their plans be halted before they can begin?

Maybe a few years prior this conflict could have ended without bloodshed, but currently this can only end with one side being consumed by fire and brimstone.

Shogo POV

"You know you could've at least offered to help me fucking row this boat…"

The words come out almost like hissing through my clenched teeth. Never in my life have I seen a lazier bastard than Benishi. The fucking bitch didn't even bother to offer up a conversation much less help rowing the boat since we left the damn ship.

As soon as we got to the spare boat in the back of the huge ship, Benishi simply climbed in and left me to lower the boat into the water. Then he had the fucking nerve to toss the oars at me when I hopped into the boat before instructing me to row as fast as I can toward his home island.

Normally it wouldn't take me more than a couple hours to sprint to the island but given the fact that I'm exhausted and am responsible for this six-foot pale parasite's wellbeing, I must get back to the island the hard way now.

I still don't fully understand why this bastard can't just tell me the details on how to get into his parents' base and just stay on the boat. I tried to press him a little more, but Benishi just deflected with another ominous reminder that his parents will be moving very soon, and we don't have time to argue.

Wanting to get this death seal off as soon as possible, I relented and let the bastard come with me. It's been about thirty minutes of relative silence since I started rowing the boat.

Benishi, who is currently curled up in a makeshift blanket cocoon laying on the other side of the boat, has been looking up at the sky with a content look on his face. Completely ignoring my comment about him not even offering his help with rowing the boat.

So, I give a kick to his feet which causes him to unveil his face, looking at me obviously displeased by my action.

"I find your constant lack of decorum upsetting Shinobi-san. My long-standing silence has been to give you complete concentration on creating maximum distance from the fallout. From my calculations, we should be able to escape without much injury to our bodies or damage to the boat."

With that weird ass retort, Benishi promptly covers his face once again and snuggles deeper into the bottom of the boat as if bracing for something.

My left eyebrow rose,

"What the fuck are you even saying? What fallo-"


My ears rung as if the air around me had slapped both sides of my head at the same time. A flash of light coming from seemingly everywhere forces my eyes shut to avoid my very retinas from burning.

Heat washes over my face briefly both violently pushed away by a powerful tunnel of wind that forces me to hunker down in the boat, clenching both sides for fear that I'll be blown out of it into the open water.

Out of nowhere the wind stops pushing me backward and starts pulling me forward. I even feel the boat making jerky movements forward in the water.

Now incredibly alarmed at the sudden change in movement, I open my eyes only to be confronted with all-encompassing darkness. 

Never have I been more confused than at this very moment. It had been a cloudless moonlit night before that hellish flash of light but now it is nearly pitch black as I can barely see Benishi in front of me.

A quick glance up to the sky in search of the moon leaves me paralyzed in pure unadulterated fear. A wave tall enough to scrape the bottom of the moon is barreling towards us at tremendous speed.

As disgustingly tall as the behemoth coming towards the boat is, its width is more impressively endless. Stretching from one continent to the other. The crushing weight of a mountain is about to come down on our heads, possibly turning us into a fine paste on impact.

And even if we somehow avoid being flattened likely by diving under the surface before impact, a wave this big would quickly drag us to the black murky depths of the ocean; far enough to where even corpses no longer reach the surface.

'Fuck it! If this trick doesn't work, I'd rather deal with the blind giant squid than get my spine crushed.'

In one fluid motion, I stand from my seat while reaching over and firmly grabbing onto one of Benishi's ankles.


"What're you-ahhhh"