Things have returned to mostly-normal after Hurricane Laura and Hurricane Delta. The house and office are patched up. The hardest of the work is done. We've gradually settled back into our regular routine, and I've been working on my writing.
Or trying to. I have to admit, after writing 350 pages and about 100K words in the span of a couple of months, I'm feeling a little gassed out.
I want to apologize to anyone who's been waiting around for an update. I will continue with this story and finish it, consider that a promise.
As for when, I'm not sure. But it shouldn't be too long.
Meanwhile, I'm in the middle of outlining a new project. I made a lot of mistakes with my process on Amoraketh that I want to correct with this new thing. When I get it rolling, maybe I'll update both stories in tandem.
One thing's for sure. I want to write, for a living, with all the time I've got left. So see you soon. :)
Hope you eventually return

Good to hear you and Naomi are doing alright. I'd say don't try to force writing if you're burning out on it, it'll just make things worse overall and you probably won't be satisfied with what you've written when you look back on it.
I think you've done a fair job at writing Amoraketh so far, but it's understandable to think of things that didn't turn out how you wanted to. I've seen some authors mention doing a rough outline of the overall plot and major plot points before they write the story, and then fill in and expand from there. An important point they've made is that they know how the story starts and how it ends, so they aren't having the story wander aimlessly
I guess an example for this story for major stuff so far could be:
Rekka and Arcadia escape the palace, meet Sigrun and Arcadia gets her ring.
Event to raise pressure on R+A to have to run without being able to take their time (the party where Arcadia showed off).
Various travels to other places. Rekka and Arcadia get closer together during this time. Hire a boat for travel. Find out about the anti mage conspiracy. Find book that tells them how to find Amoraketh
Sigrun is in trouble and they head to Norgard to help her (Kellheim stuff). Big fight with Edean military and Arcadia has to kill large amounts of people using magic for the first time.
More adventures, start heading to places to visit the various temples for Arcadia to get blessed so they can find Amoraketh
New town with first temple, big conspiracy to overthrow the royal family. Local temple still occupied by people who ally with R+A. Now they need to solve the mystery and stop the conspiracy
Thank you so much for the story so far! I'm glad that you came well through the hurricanes and feel curious about that new project. But still mostly excited about reading more about Arcadia and Rekka after binging this one. :D
I will continue with this story and finish it, consider that a promise.
Promise considered!
As for when, I'm not sure. But it shouldn't be too long.
*looks at date*
*presses X to doubt*
Thanks for the story so far!