chapter 2
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The World Government.

It appeared 800 years ago and it brought piece and prosperity to the world at large. It brought a sense of union and hope for a better future, or at least this was the promise it had. With the passage of time one thing became clearer and clearer though, the world government had too much power.

It could do virtually whatever it wanted, and while on the past it was a fairer institution the time brought forth a reality that many people knew all too well. Power corrupts and absolute power absolutely corrupts, and the World Government had absolute power.

The world government led the marines, the strongest force in all the seas, and also had influence over many matters, interfering with the government of most nations. And at the very top of this power there was a city where the Tenryubito, the descendants of the original leaders who created this behemoth, lived. The city's name was Mare Goise, the most 'holy' city in the world. Little is known of it on the outside world, and that was by design.

In Mare Goise there was cruelty to the very limit of human comprehension and then some. It was the holy city and center of the world government, but it still was a simply terrible place that showed the depths of depravity of the world with cruel acts and barbarity being shown on the extreme of comprehension.

For instance, in this place, there was a large Colosseum where the slaves had the distinct 'honor' of fighting for the entertainment of the Celestial Dragons. The fights could be of all types, from actual fights between strong people to simply putting a group of three and four year old kids before a pack of starved wolves and seeing what kid survives the longest.

The slaves put in this place all varied considerably in all kind of ways, from age to strength to training to even what race they are. Many even were forced to eat Akuma no Mis just to make this more interesting for the viewers who quite enjoyed seeing these types of things, seeing the curious transformations and laughing when 'monsters' were beaten up by whoever they ordered to do such a thing. They even liked forcing matches between siblings or lovers, making them fight to the death only to see how the fight would go and, if it was boring, kill them both for the crime of boring the Tenryubito.

However, the most enjoyed fights were not from an Akuma no Mi user. Instead it was the fights with a mere boy of 8 years old. He was a member of a mostly destroyed race, there being far too few of his race left and they were all slaves in one place or another, even in the Mare Goise there were just about 25 of his race, this boy being the oldest of them as all others older were forced to kill one another in a match for the birthday party of Saint Charlos who then proceeded to kill the winner by shooting him in the back when he was exhausted and mentally broken after having had to kill his own wife, the tears on the face of the man would go unanswered as Saint Charlos decided to prove that he, as a Tenruybito, is the strongest.

In the Colosseum the boy was face to face with his latest challenge, the boy looked at the large monkey mink of over three meters tall with several smaller monkeys around him. It was a Akuma no Mi user with the Divide Divide no Mi, the power to divide itself indefinitely to create perfect clones of itself. If he cut out just a few drops of blood he could create a whole small version of itself in seconds. The moment the chains around him were released the monkey cut open his arm to release much blood all around, creating the clones around him.

"Sorry I have to do this, but I can't die here." The mink said as he looked at the boy in front of him. The boy just shook his head back and didn't say anything as the sign to start was given.

The many monkeys moved to attack from all sides when the boy took a large breath and shouted. With one shout all the monkeys were pushed back due to the sheer volume of the shout, stunning them all.

In all honesty, had this Colosseum not had a barrier around it of extremely reinforced glass then the entirety of Mare Goise would have heard this shout from the boy.

After doing that the boy started doing some light jumps on one feet, getting his body more free as he dashed forward at extreme speed, trying to kick the 'main body' but instead hitting one of the smaller monkeys who jumped in front of him. His kick cut through the monkey as if it was nothing but the two halves quickly regenerated into their previous forms and tried to attack again.

The boy didn't stop, he avoided the strikes he could and kept attacking but the more he fighter the more monkeys were created, trying to simply overpower him via numbers. The boy, however, wouldn't be stopped so easily so he decided on a different course of action. He had to end this match quickly, it was clear that the more the match lasted the more monkeys would swarm him. He could not allow that to happen.

As such he moved fast, jumping to the edge of the wall and kicking off from it, jumping from one point to another of the wall faster and faster, reaching greater and greater speeds as he moved. After a short while it was like he was using the marines 'soru' technique of the Rokushiki due to how fast he was moving, but that would be incorrect an assumption.

After all, the Rokushiki was merely a copy of the original technique of the boy's clan, and a degraded copy at that.

When he was fast enough the boy jumped at the place where the Mink was. The Mink only realised from where the boy was attacking too late and tried to put as many of his monkeys in front of him while using the 'electro' skill all Mink are capable of, punching to where the boy was attacking.

However, it was all for naught as the boy broke through all the monkeys that were close to the mink, the shockwave of his impact on the ground big enough to clear the area he aimed at and not stopping the boy jumped again, but this time at the mink, jumping through the mink and killing him instantly without the Mink being able to even react in time.

With the death of the mink all the monkeys soon perished. The boy was quite a bit tired, but the show just now was not enough for the Tenryubittos watching who wanted to see more.

The boy could only oblige as the chains on him jingled with his every step. He could only fight, that was all he could do in this place.

After finishing all the fights and being sent back to rest the slave went to rest as the Tenryubito watching got bored and went away.

The boy went to the cell where the slaves rested. It was a damp thing, little to no light around and the place smelled of shit and piss since there was no bathroom. When one walked around it was not strange to find decomposing bodies and the sound of moaning as people suffered from the injuries of the day(s) of nonstop work and/or punishment.

As the boy rested a group quickly approached him. They were all slaves who he knew and helped whenever he could, some of them being from his race but there were others of other races like two Minks, three kuja sisters, two fishman, and other races. They had no sort of prejudice between each other since they all were equally slaves and suffered under the same destiny.

"How are you doing, moo." Said one of the kids that approached the boy. It was a girl of 10 years old with white hair and a pair of black horns on her head. She was also quite tall for her age, being taller than the boy by at least a foot. She was a human who ate a Akuma no Mi, a mythical zoan the Ushi Ushi no Mi, model Minotaur. She was one of the stronger ones in this place and was one of the very few who could overpower the boy in pure physical strength due to her fruit.

"I am fine, Uma. Don't worry." The boy said, not letting them see the wounds he suffered in that place. He didn't want to worry any of them as he knew they would. Not that they should, being of his race this level of injury would heal before long.

This was the benefit of being a Fanalis, he could only guess.

"Are you really fine?" A girl asked. She had long blue hair and blue eyes, wearing rags just like the others. She was a shy one with the boy just smiling gently and ruffling her head in a carrying fashion. He had long since became something like the older brother to all of these people, even the few adults close to them also see him in a similar fashion and were all drawn to him naturally.

"Do it for me too!" Said a half cat mink girl, she had the appearance of a humanoid cat with wavy white hair at the shoulder length. Her cat-like ears and tail are covered with yellow and white fur, respectively. She had ruby-red eyes, and her hands were slightly larger than an average human hand. She had a glint of wanting human contact right now, a need for it really.

"Like this, Pitou?" The boy asks with a light smile as he scratches her head just right, her touring a bit at the touch and others feeling a bit jealous of it, especially a certain trio of sisters who also enjoyed being spoiled by the boy who had defended them many times against some of the other slaves who tried to take far too much liberties with them. After all, they might still be quite young but they were all quite pretty.

"Don't stop with me too, please." The blue haired girl said and the boy chuckled at her jealousy being so easy to appear.

"Sure, sure, you really like being spoiled huh, Juvia?" The boy said and the girl nodded her head.

"i do when you do it. Please keep spoiling me." She said and the boy chuckled again, but he had to close his mouth and take a loud swallow as some of his blood threatened to be thrown out just now.

The boy reclined his head back, his red hair and red eyes giving him a rather strong impression even when he merely stood back and relaxed his muscles for a bit. Looking at the other fanalis he tried to appear strong for them as they all tried to move closer to see if he was injured but he put a brave face and pretended to be fine.

That was the only life the boy knew. He only ever left this place a few times to serve as a mount to some of the Tenryubito kids who wanted to move on something different from the classic fishman. That was not any better an experience though as he was hurt over and over by the whims of the Tenryubito.

However, the boy gave a slight smile as he thought of one of his friends who managed to escape.

"What are you smiling for, kiddo?" Gild Tesoro, one of the slaves of the Tenryubito, asked the young boy who spoke.

"I am thinking of Fisher, I hope he is fine and back to fishman island." The boy answered and Gild shook his head.

"Honestly, only you to think of others even in a hellhole like this." Tesoro chuckled and saw the others glaring at him. He gave a calming gesture as he continued. "Hey, hey, this is not to offend or anything. It is actually kinda nice, show that you are more human than most."

The boy shrugged.

"I have seen all types of races here, for me as long as one more person is free from this place we are at then all the better." As he finished saying that one could see the blood starting to stain the floor, he had suffered many injuries at the later fights and would need rest to properly recover. Gild noted this but chose to stay quiet, knowing that the other kids did not need a reminder of that.

Gild had realised a long time now that the kid would try and attract as much attention for himself to make the Tenryubito pay less attention on the other kids, he was basically sacrificing himself for the other kids and Gild could respect that. On the entire world there was hardly any other person he respected more by comparison.

"Gild, can I ask you something?" The boy asked and Gild nodded his head absentmindedly. "Can you sing for us? A song about freedom, about the outside world, beyond these chains."

Gild gave a gentle smile at hearing that, having long since become the unofficial musician for this group. He sang and tried to use this to distract and soothe the boy's wounds if just a bit. Gild had someone he loved and the boy had told him of where she was located, he had seen her when serving as a mount for the Doflamingo family saying how she was not treated as bad as most other slaves as her master was nicer than most. Apparently something about a change of heart, not that the boy could inquire much.

'Stela, one day I will get us both out of here.' Gild swore to himself as he continued to sing to an audience consisting of not even thirty people, all younger than him but already having suffered much more than he has.

As for the boy, he only smiled wistfully as he thought of his friend who escaped, hoping that he managed to find the freedom he was searching for.

"Freedom, huh? That must be nice, being free to do as you wish without anyone to tell you no or to hurt you for no reason."


Well, here is my newest project. I don't intend to give up on other projects so don't worry but this is something I have been thinking for a good time now.

This will include a few characters from other series for crossover. And if anyone didn't realize the race fanalis comes from Magi, it is pretty much absurdly strong humans appearance wise but they are by no means humans. There will be clear differences shown later on, but I won't explain them more.

Right now this world can include characters from Hunter X Hunter and Fairy Tail as well as Magi. If there is another world you would like explored and whose powers could be explained via devil fruit in some manner please tell. Harem is still undecided, I will create a pool for it so if you want someone please tell.