John leveled his blade parallel to the ground, the flat point of the executioner blade pointing at Weston. The match was taking place in the gravel and dirt court, one hundred and twenty yards long and sixty yards wide, behind the giant stone castle. He had Jane begin pulling her bow string taut; an arrow made of blue mana primed and ready. Jack rested his halberd on his right shoulder, his left palm alight with emerald flames whipping at the sky. John had Jill close her eyes to focus as she sat cross legged on the court. Her halberd laid against her left shoulder as ley-lines of glowing yellow mana swirled around her. She would be out of commission for most of the fight with the enchantment spell she would be casting.
John had to plan how to engage. Even though he had four bodies, Weston was just in another league. From what he unearth from his subconscious, he had no true support on this team for this fight. John could cast and manipulate barriers. Jane was a Magic Archer who could pierce through magical barriers. Jack was full-out offense as a Spell Breaker; his emerald flame able to eradicate lower grade spells. Jill leaned more towards being a Spell Binder, her enchantments able to raise companions' abilities as well as dismantle hexes and curses. The problem lied in the fact that Weston's Spell, The Fell Blades, was a much higher grade spell than anything in John's repertoire. The good news was that he could at least last a minute, though he believed Weston was as relaxed and playful as always.
"Strike when you are ready." Weston called out to him, thirty yards away. The Fell Blades, danced and pranced in golden splendor as they orbited around their lazy master. "Let the spells come to you. If you force it, then we will fall behind by at least a year."
John listened to his teacher's repeated mantra. Weston was right of course, most of the spells he utilized within these matches came naturally. John began to suspect that these were not 'his' bodies. In fact, John had to take extra effort to reign in Jack as the Spell Breaker was rarin' to go, where as Jill was apprehensive about the coming match. Comparatively the two, Jane the easiest to control, more so than John himself. There was never any issues that cropped up when controlling her.
The enchantment Jill was casting was nearing completion. Once it was, his speed will double. His recovery will double. His strength will double, and he was still going to lose. The problem with this spell was that, not only did Jill have to meditate through out the thirty second duration but, it was an enchantment. Enchantments, like all spells that cast a continuous effects, drained the casters mana equal to the duration of the effect and the nature of the effect. Jill's Vow of Vigor boosts the capabilities of those the caster views as allies. It would also turn Jill into dead weight till he either cancel the casting or finish the enchantment duration.
This was but one part though. With Jane's natural skill with the bow and being pressed by Weston, he can comfortably hit targets accurately within forty yards. Any farther and the consistency will be compromised. With Jack, anything that wasn't packing higher grade spells was fair game in a twenty yard radius. John noticed that Jack's reaction time during combat was the overall highest, while Jill's was the slowest. Even though the enchantment that facilitated the connection between the four bodies had by now fully developed, this difference was still there and had led John to believe that it was the individual bodies coming into play.
It's now or never. Once Jill has finished the cast, Weston will probable start the match. Should I open with a shot from Jane, or should I press with Jack's Virdis Ignis? Both have roughly the same speed to pull it off. Maybe I should do both. I'll need to manipulate the fire so as not to break the arrow. John's plan formulated in his mind.
He didn't have many choices however, as after three hundred matches the only spells that came forth were: John's Writ of Barriers, Jane's Malice of Azure, Jack's Virdis Ignis, and Jill's Vow of Vigor. This was not much to work with but John was getting greater control. Aiming between the eyes, Jane let loose her arrow. The Fell Blade in the form of a golden long sword deflected the arrow once it reached within ten yards. Jack lunged into action, lowering his profile as he ran towards Weston, the halberd wreathed in hungry, viridian flames. The Fell Blades writhed into action and bolted towards Jack. Through Jack's perspective, John flicked his left wrist to cast crimson barriers to impede the golden sabers from reaching Jack.
Jane shot a flurry arrows to direct the blades into stabbing the ground. Through the draining action, only two blades embedded themselves into the ground. Jack swiped with his left hand as he reached Weston, and Viridian Flames consumed the ground between them. John flicked his left wrist once more to create a thick, red barrier to act as a platform. Jack stepped up onto the barrier and twirled his body to swing the halberd a full one hundred and eighty degrees into a over head smash. A Fell Blade that had hidden itself behind Weston twirled around and parried the blow coming for Weston's head. Weston grabbed the handle of the golden blade and, with the counter weight at the bottom of the handle called a pommel, pommeled Jack's head sending the him flying into cradle formed by multiple sangria barriers.
"Fifteen seconds." Weston announced the amount of time that had passed, swiping the blade in a flourish.
John grimaced. Jack's perception had blacked out as the blow to the head had knocked him out. Jill was still in the middle of the enchantment and Jane was recovering her mana from the flurry of arrows before. The two blades embedded into the ground had unhinged themselves and floated back to Weston after the quick exchange. Weston gave a mocking bow, spreading his arm wide as a golden long blade pranced above: duplicating itself. One blade turned into two. Two turned into four. Four turned into eight, till there was sixty four blades that orbited in some holy circle. John twirled his executioner blade into the ground, five Sangria barriers formed around the trio. Each person was shrouded with a personal spherical barrier. The other two encompassed the area around the trio layered on top of each other. John had thicken the barrier around his bodies so that onlookers couldn't see what he was planning. With this cover, he had Jane take a knee and level her aim at were he last saw Weston. Her Malice of Azure traded speed for greater power, paired with Jill's Vow of Vigor its power was not to be underestimated.
"Twenty-five seconds." Weston's voice rang out.
In instant after those words, the top two Sangria barriers shattered upon contact with the Fell Blades. Before Vow of Vigor had finished, John pumped his mana into his sword. The barriers surrounding the trio finally shattered. Jane unleashed the ballista size arrow at Weston before diving out of the way from the falling blades. John recast the barrier around both Jill and Jane. With his red glowing blade, he began deflecting the falling blades targeting him. As the Vow of Vigor was nearing completion, the connection to Jack was lighting back up. John had Jack slowly stand up, swaying about from the headache. John had Jill stand up as well, swaying from the mana drain. John had Jane stand back up and start shooting another flurry of arrows.
The Malice of Azure, when launched, screeches to the mortal heavens as it flies to its target. Weston swirled his right hand and back handed the mana ballista bolt. John had to dive Jack out of the way as the bolt was reflected towards him. Multiple blades danced back around Weston, blocking, reflecting, and parrying the arrows. John ran up with Jill running behind him, Jack flanked from the right. John cast a barrier behind Weston in the form of a concave circle as he chopped at his his right shoulder. Jill preformed a wide arc swing to cut open his waist, while Jack had cast his flames onto the trio's weapon. The smile on Weston's face as lazy as it was at the beginning of the match. Two blades came forth and blocked the two attacks. John was going to push in and gain the initiative when Weston held up a finger pointing towards Jane. John looked behind when he finally noticed that Jane wasn't responding to his commands. She was knocked out and surrounded by golden blades.
"We will call it here for now." His teacher called the end of the match. The score was now three hundred and one to zero: Weston still in the lead.
With the adrenaline wearing off, John's three remaining bodies toppled to the ground. He watched one of the Fell blades float above his bodies and pulsating a soothing light; healing and rejuvenate any and all wounds. John just laid there, staring into the soaring clouds above as the light calmly did its work. Weston entered his view, staring down at him with red eyes of amusement.
"Forty seconds. I believe that is above your average time. Good Job." A thumbs up was all John received for his hard work.
"Can we go back to the easier load out? Those spells were much easier to handle." John brought up this point once more. It had become a habit after the two hundredth match.
"The spells buried in the subconscious minds of your four bodies will only come forth when under great pressure. I have told you this a hundred times." Weston gave the same response once more. "Besides you still need to learn how to utilize Jill's Vow of Vigor properly. You got the basic spell down but you haven't unlocked most of its abilities."
Weston offered a hand. John took it and stood up. The connection to Jane was responding to his commands. Jack and Jill were mostly back to full operation. John had his other three bodies rendezvous at his position. He sighed as he still didn't really understand how these spells actually function. His bodies just performed them when he thought of using them. Scratching the back of head in frustration, he could only sigh once more.
"Relax John. You are improving faster than planned. By the coming winter trial I have in store, you will be well prepared to overcome." His teacher placed a comforting hand on his right shoulder. "Go back to the your rooms. Relax for the rest of the day. For tomorrow, you'll fight my guards once more."
With these words spoken, Weston opened a blue portal for John to go through. Giving a nod of the head, John walked through the portal followed by Jane, Jack, and Jill.
♠ ♦ ♣ ♥
John entered his room's lounge area. Even with the healing from before, he still felt exhausted. He decided to have his other bodies go to 'their' quarters so he didn't have to deal with them. When he closed their eyes, he was hit with a sudden relief he nearly toppled over. He had done this many times as instructed but he still couldn't handle the sudden shift of mental pressure. He collapsed on his Saserysin wool chair, unsure of what to do next. Should he start his studies: both the magical and mundane? Should he just relax and walk around the castle? Weston always gave him this free time after their matches, telling him that it won't always be there. A rhythmic combo of knocks tapped his door.
"Come in." John called out.
The door opened to reveal Jarrod, one of the mid-level butlers in Weston's employment. He wore a black dyed version of Weston's Astral Tail Coat. Instead of pauldrons on his shoulder, instead upon his chest he had a white rose corsage clipped over on the left side and a silver pocket watch hung neatly from a delicate silver chain sown on the right. Since he was left handed, the suit was modified from the standard dress code. His graying brown hair was neatly combed, ready for a Ball that could spontaneously appear. His white gloved left hand reached for the pocket watch to check the time.
"Fifteen seconds to spare! Ha, I'm getting faster by the day!" Jarrod jovially cheered, before coughing into his fist. " Hmm, pardon my out burst. Sir John, her highness has requested your presence in the front courtyard. An Aerial Carriage has already been arranged." He gave a polite bow. "This concludes the message, now if you will excuse me." He made his way out of the room and closed the door behind him.
John hoisted his sword to his left hip. Draped his traveler's cape over his shoulders. Spiffed up his steel greaves and brown gambeson. Opening the door, he stepped into the beautifully busy hallway. Maids were cleaning the carpet, the walls, the furnishings and the windows. Will-o-wisps floated above, swirling around in some elaborate dance. Dashing from side to side. Blitzing from one end to the other. As John made his way down the hall, a sangria-red will-o-wisp plummeted into his hair. Though they were balls of fire, these wisps can't physically ignite anything they touch.
"Looks like you found me again Jeremy." John laughed as the animated ball of fire jumped out of his hair and ran around his head.
The Wisp called Jeremy followed up with cuddle to John right cheek. Will-o-wisps do not speak, but to those who have great control over their mana, they can commune with these spheres of flame. Jeremy's flames were ecstatic and flustered. Finding it's new friend always excited the little ball. It floated back to hover over John's right shoulder, chasing other wisps away from his spot. It's flames animated into different shapes and sizes as it told about its day before he found John. John nodded and listened, relaxing into his natural rhythmic stride.
He made his way out of the guest housing and into the main wing of the castle. The number of servants decreased to but a skeleton crew; however, the Wisp now counted to be stars in the night sky. The world of flames above was a light with activity: zipping and zooming, dashing and prancing, bouncing and swaying. Their hues of color were as numerous as their population. The ever-changing constellations were disrupted as a giant crimson wisp slowly floated by: numerous smaller ones orbiting around it. Across from it was another giant wisp, this one colored azure. It too had other smaller wisps orbiting around it. At some unheard signal the smaller crimson and azure wisp launched themselves at the other. John noticed that at the bottom of the main stairs, where the two wings join then go down to the main floor, Cecily sat and watched the celestial war waged above.
She wore a white wizard's robe. The robe, decorated in simple gold embroidery, covered her beautiful, smooth white skin. Her white skirt went down to her ankles covering her long, taut legs and curves that defined her womanly allure. Though the robe was a little loose, her breasts were still well defined: larger than even Jill's. Whenever he looked at her through Jane or Jill's eyes, he could feel the budding jealousy that another woman looked better than one of his bodies. Her face gave off a sculpted heroic beauty with deep sapphire blue eyes that could peer into your very core. Her blinding white hair was done in one long braid that trailed down to the middle of her shoulder blades. She wore a silver diadem with sapphire as it's central stone.
Her trusty crystal staff laid at her side, always within arms reach. The Staff, christened Aeluuin, had a sharp diamond shape Sapphire at its tip with four small silver diamonds enshrined below it. Its wooden body was made from the finest mahogany from the Elven Lands, a gift from the king four generations back. At the bottom was eloquent steel pummel. Beside Aeluuin was a leather bound tome. Christened Veda, the tome was trimmed with a steel outline and was filled with archaic equations to cast spells with. Through Jane, John had peeked inside the tome only to have a headache for the next week. When he told Weston about this, he just laughed. He said that Veda doubles as Cecily's dairy so anyone who peeks will suffer a mental taxation the longer they read. A simple peek had given him a week long headache, he didn't want to know what happens if he read but a moment longer. The thought of it sent a shiver down his spine.
Jeremy, when Cecily had come into line of sight, immediately dashed up into her chest cuddling his care-taker. His flames were as bright if not brighter than when hr found John.
Bastard, John's left eye twitched at the sight, abandon me as soon as a lady enters the picture.
"Why hello there Jeremy." Cecily patted the ball of flames, "Did you find Sir John?"
"I am on my way down your highness." John called out when he heard his name. He was meet by her neutral gaze. He had to blink to keep from stopping and staring. He stopped when he stood beside her, she didn't stand to greet him. He looked up to see the celestial war still raging on.
"What are they fighting over?" His curiosity had won over. The battle had yet to reach its climax as the advantage ebbed and flowed between both sides. Soon as one side would establish an advantage, the other side would bombard a different flank. This kept the status quo, yet all the other colors had vacated away from the battlefield. What once was a vibrant but quite messy canvas was now a duet of the monochromes.
"Nothing really, Weston recounted the Civil War of A'celian. Now they are reenacting it." She sighed with a hint of annoyance. She flicked her middle finger and launched a shard of ice into a rowdy crowd of wisps. The shard shattered leaving a cold frost to encase the wisps. The frozen wisps fell and clattered along the marble floor.
"Keep it civil." Cecily calmly called out."Weslia is outside, you better not keep her waiting for long or I will freeze you."
If you freeze me then the name 'Your late' will be carved on my frozen Statue. John was careful not to say it out loud. He didn't want to have a match with Weston, Weslia, and Cecily. Last time he smack talked, the three of them ruffled stomped him till his four bodies were bed bound four a week, even with the healing Fell Blade. They did it so causally, it wasn't recorded in the official matches: not that it helped his ego.
"Very well, if you'll excuse me then." John gave a bow and proceeded down the stairs. As he walked across the entrance room frozen wisp pelleted the floor conspicuously around him. He looked back to see Cecily tsk at being caught. His left eye twitched again.
Am I on your hit list simply because I had Jane peek into Veda? For real!? John sped up as fast as he could while also dodging the falling frozen balls of fire.
As he walked out into the front courtyard he saw a platoon of maids led by a small team of butlers as they tended to the four griffins and the carriage. Weslia stood off to the side, flanked by two royal guards in their crimson plate-mail and white cape. She looked up and nodded at his timely appearance. John made his way to Weslia under the watchful gaze of the guards. John understood that as royalty Weslia was under protection of guards, what he didn't understand was that she had always went out to the city down below without guards. What did she do to warrant the protection. Weslia saw his inquisitive stare and flushed.
"Wes-His Majesty had put me under house arrest after my little adventure during my last stay in the city." Her face was colored in embarrassment as she tried to summarize the reason for the guards.
"She blew up the upper commercial district in the southern province of the city this past summer." The guard on her left ratted her out and received her death glare as thanks.
"It was in the interest of protecting the crown's image!" She tried to push the conversation in her favor.
"A new wine merchant tried to sell her highness her chaff. " The guard on her right spoke up this time.
"Whatever, John this is Sir Alden and Sir Liam." She motioned to her guards, left and right respectively.
"Sir Alden, Sir Liam, a pleasure to meet you." John shook the two's hands.
"They pleasure is ours, we finally get to meet one of His majesty's proteges!" Alden exclaimed.
"Yes, it quite the talk of the town that his majesty took on another protege let alone four!" Sir Liam gave the answer.
"When was the last time his majesty took on a protege?" Sir Alden asked his partner.
"If I remember correctly, then it was around the time my great-grandfather served in the guard." Sir Liam brought his hand to his chin to ponder.
John was not following where the conversation was going, but before he could ask anymore questions: Weslia huffed in annoyance. A butler in charge of the carriage cleaning had come over. With gracious bow, he stated the current progress.
"Your highness, Sires, the cleaning has been finished. You may board when ready." He stepped aside as he motioned to the carriage and the griffins.
"Thank you Lucas." Weslia was quite elated at the timely interruption.
"I am most humble at your gratitude, your highness. I wish you a safe visit. If all goes well, then His Majesty will release you from house arrest." The butler, Lucas, gave a soft smile after the bow. His gray hair was trimmed and shiny.
"I pray he does," Weslia was brought back down at the mention of her punishment.
The group followed Lucas over to the carriage. The maids and butlers all stood to the side. The maids curtsied and butler's bowed as Weslia and John made their way into the carriage. Sir Alden and Sir Liam mounted the two griffons that were not harnessed to the carriage.
"Your highness, Sir John, please have a safe trip. We await your return with bated breath." Lucas called out as the griffons took flight.
Weslia waved at the staff that gave their farewells. John looked out to see the sprawling metropolis that was the capital. During his stay, he had yet to leave the castle. The castle itself was atop a series of plateaus that were part of set called 'The Steps of Urtav' behind the castle was another series of plateaus that led to a small cathedral at the foot of the Carilis Mountain Range. The clouds were cut in half by the mountain peak, forming weird and estranged shapes. Red Wood trees dotted the Plateaus, their towering presence gave way to small birds and animals. Stone towers were scattered across the forests, Griffons flying around protecting their nests.
He turned his eyes to the city. Lights outlined the stone streets and highways. The city itself was like a grid streets interconnecting and weaving every which way. Even with the power of four brains, John didn't believe he could remember any form of directions that led across this sprawling cluster of buildings. John looked at Weslia, he had been completely distracted by the scenic view of the flight.
"Weslia, why are we going to the city and why did you call for me?"
"Today is the day that Captain Jack is pulling into the town. It is a tradition for a member of the royal family to be there to welcome him and reinstate the contract."
"What's the contract for?"
"The contract is for transporting mail, food, equipment, goods, and currency to the numerous territories under Weston's Authority."
"Oh. Okay then, so why am I tagging along."
"Weston said to take you along because you were free." She pulled out a simple tome. "He also tasked me with questioning you about your control over your four bodies. Depending on your answers, the plan would need to be retooled to compensate."
"I see. Will then ask away." John nodded at the idea. There were many things he wanted to discuss.
"Alright, how is your overall control? Are there any issues that prop up when in combat or during recreation?"
"Jack is the hardest to control as I constantly have to reign him in. Jill is too apprehensive before a fight. Jane is by far the easiest to control. John feels the most comfortable, that's about it." Weslia noted down the response. "There is another thing though"
"Oh?" Weslia's interest was peeked.
"I have been having weird dreams for awhile now."
"What kind of dreams?" Weslia gave a lazy smile eerily similar to Weston's as she leaned forward.
"It feels like I'm living through someone else's memories." John began to confide. He had only told Weston during this past summer and was told to record as much as possible; with as much detail as he could remember.
"How long has this been going on?"
"Since the beginning of this past Summer."
"Fascinating... It might be a side affect of the enchantment. I assume you told Weston." Her rhetorical question was just for show. She already knew that Weston was told of this development. Even though she has been instructing him for theses past few months, Weston was still the first person John always approached for answers. It irked her somewhat, though she understood why this happens. After all, it was Weston that brought him here.
"Yes I have."
"This is truly fascinating, it never popped up when connecting two, even three bodies." Weslia pondered at the possible reasons.
"Have you done this procedure before?"
"Your the fifth individual we have given this power to."
"Where are the others?" This was news to John. "Are they around? Maybe they could help me!"
"That will not be possible, unfortunately. They were purged a while back." Weslia nonchalantly brushed her right hand through her hair. Her red eyes recalling a forlorn time.
"W-What?! What did they do?" John was shocked at the revelation.
"They bit the hand that fed them. Going mad with power, they destroyed many of Weston's projects. Many worlds suffered from their actions. He had no choice but to end them." Weslia recounted some of the reasoning behind their demise. "They were once such lovely people. Like you, they heeded every word Weston spoke. In fact, compared to them, you have made the fastest progress in controlling your bodies." She laughed at the thought of their early years.
"I see..." John didn't know what to say. What should he say? Would he fall from grace like his predecessors? That thought unnerved him. He didn't want to imagine how powerful Weston actually was. His lazy master could beat him six ways to Sunday, while still lazying about.
"Will that happen to me?" John wanted an answer. A confirmation, reassurance that the same fate will not fall on him.
"I don't know?" Weslia admitted, "You might change in your travels. As you grow more comfortable with your powers you might neglect many things: laws and reason being some of them. If I had my way, then you would be dead back in that meadow." Her lazy smile vanished. "Weston has been betrayed too many times, and if you join that list, then I will hunt you down and mark your name off it."
Weslia was not messing around. The fury in her eyes maintained the heat of an otherwise cold conversation. John gulped and nodded. He had noted that Weslia and Weston were uncannily similar. The way they act, the way they think, even the way they eat was all to matching. He had asked Weslia if she was one of Weston's 'bodies' once. She laughed and said she was not: she was something else. Before the conversation could continue, the ruby ring on Weslia's left ring finger lit up and projected a displayed a close up of the Crimson Helm of the royal guard.
"Your highness, we will be arriving at the at the Western inter-capital airport in three minutes," Sir Alden's voice came through the projection.
"Thank you Sir Alden. I will leave it to you and Sir Liam to follow the Control Tower's direction." Weslia was elated about finally setting foot in the city. She loved the sprawling capital of Orre. She could never get over the changes that happen since Weston first arrived all those millennias ago. How much has come and gone? How much remained? How much will change again?
John watched as the carriage headed down to the soft ground of the airport. The Control Tower that Weslia mentioned stood of in the distance. It size resembled the red wood trees back on the Plateaus. It was made from some form of white stone. Individual stone outlines could be picked out from where he was. A myriad of flying carriages and beasts occupied the air space. From first look it would appear to be a cluster fuck of feathers and wood. A closer inspection would reveal the intricate dance of landing and taking off of aerial traffic. The carriage weaved through the treads of traffic following the Sir Alden in the front with Sir Liam taking the rear. It was a smooth landing when the carriage arrived. A group of security guards, in nearly identical amount as the maids and butlers preparing the carriage back at the castle, knelled as Weslia and John exited the vehicle.
"Hail Princess Weslia!" The security guards placed their right fist over their heart. Their steel plate-mail spiffed up shiny, reflecting the cerulean light of the will-o-wisps that hovered above their helms. Their maces sheathed along their left hip and their heater shield strapped to their left arm.
"Gentlemen." Weslia bobbed a small curtsy in greeting. "Would you kindly escort my procession to the rendezvous with Captain Jack."
"With honor your highness!" The guard with a red plumes lining the temples of his helmet responded. "Team spread out and clear a path for her highness!"
"Yes Captain!" The other security guards immediately sprang into action. Spreading and guiding other citizens out of the way.
"Please follow me your Highness." The Guard Captain motioned behind him with a bow.
The procession made great progress as they reached the stables were three meter tall, two legged birds of elegant hue. Faevar, as they were called, nipped and pricked at their sides eating ticks and other insects trying to hide under the nose of the birds. When John entered through the stable doors, a red Faevar looked up and chirped at him. It's head plumage, wing and tail feathers bristled in agitation. John put his hand onto the hilt of his blade, unsure of what he could get away with. The Captain chuckled at this exchange. He walked over and scratched the neck of the Faevar. It squawked in joy as the itch that had plagued it for awhile was finally scratched.
"Koy here is still pretty young and a bit hot-headed, but he is highly competitive. He probably wants a bout to test his mettle." The Captain explained.
"I see..." John was still confused. He didn't feel powerful, yet some animal thought he was: strange.
"Stable boy, get us fifteen Faevars! Her highness needs to get to Captain Jack!"
"Roger Rog!" a prepubescent boy came around, running between the pens. The Fevars chirped as the boy ran past them, even Koy happily chirped. Once he had finished, fifteen colorful birds marched behind the boy.
"Here you go, Captain!" His grin showed off his missing tooth.
His short brown hair and messy cloth apparel was covered in feathers. His hazel eyes a light with pride of finishing a task, until his eyes landed on Weslia and her small smile. He completely stopped mid step and just stared, his jaw dropped down. Roaring laughter filled the room, while Weslia just chuckled and John snorted.
"What are you doing Maz?! Hurry up!" The Captain called for the boy.
The stable boy, Maz, rapidly blinked and shook his head. His face flushed a rosy red in embarrassment. He began handing the reins to each person, but shied away from making eye contact with Weslia. Once he was finished, he gave a quick bow then bolted to the back exit at of the stable.
"Don't mind Maz your highness. He's hard worker just a bit shy." The Captain's voice was soft as he helped Weslia mount her regal-gold Faevar.
"I do not mind Captain, I find it a bit cute." She giggled as the bird's feathers tickled her thighs. "Shall we head out now Captain?"
"Yes we shall your highness. Squad! Move out!"
John had been trained on how to mount beasts of burden during the summer when he wasn't doing miscellaneous chores. As he fixed his sit posture and position, the procession made it's way down the street to the nearest freeway. John looked around at all the buildings made of bricks of various colors of vanity. Some were hard on the eyes even when they only lit by the Will-o-wisps that floated above. The stone road became wider, from five meters to fifteen to twenty-five. The crowds became thicker. Being basically lock up in the castle, John finally got to see the many races that called the capital their home. From humans to pointy eared elves. Tall, bearded dwarves to hulking orcs. Little goblins mingled around the very edges of the road. The center of the road had it's stone pavement marshal forward and backward depending on which side of the road the person was on.
The procession made their way to the marshal'd stone and their speed doubled. John could hear many cheers and greeting from the surrounding citizenry. Weslia smiled and waved at all those who greet her. Many of them fell behind the procession, knowing the reason for the visit. Excited murmurs rippled across the masses, Captain Jack's arrival always marked the beginning of the Winter Festivities. What started as a small unit became a marching army as the procession made its way to the designated position. Even with the moving stone below, it still took another half an hour to finally arrive at an empty station. Other security teams had been told of Princess Weslia's arrival and had emptied the station before hand. Commoners swarmed around the entrance. Many had been standing around since the afternoon. All for getting the best view of this annual event.
"Look! It's Princess Weslia!" A young woman screeched out, pointing out to the one leading the incoming tide of new arrivals.
The masses began clamoring for royal attention. The security guards travelling with the procession separated and began to cut a path through the roaring crowds. John was amazed at the fervor of the crowds. It seemed that Weslia was loved by the people, even though she blew up a section of the city earlier this year. John looked at the glowing grin Weslia had. Though she was grinning from ear to ear, she still gave a polite wave to her citizens. Once they arrived at the entrance, John and the others unmounted and entered the station. Walking up the stairs, the spacious, open platform was lined with exotic plants. The Station Controller walked over to bow before his esteemed guests.
"I am grateful for your safe arrival, your highness." He knelled before Weslia. His dark, navy blue suit ironed and smoothed. Vines of crimson embroidery were woven along the sown lines. His cap rested in his left hand. His golden badge of office was pinned over his heart.
"Rise Mr. Maschio." Weslia motioned for him to rise. "Have you received any updates from Captain Jack?"
"He is running a bit behind. Some raiders in the mortal heavens had been particularly clever in their tactics." Mr. Maschio answered. A bit of stress and worry reflected in his voice.
"How unfortunate..." She sighed.
Silence settled in, but the dust did not. The earth rumbled as a horn blared out. John looked around, unsure of where the sound orginated from. It sounded as if it was in his head, yet no one else was as perturbed. A second blare came forth, this time it was matched by the roar of the crowds. The third blare sounded as though it was right in front and the crowds rallied and clamored.
"If your quick, then head to the edge of the platform. You might just see The Aetreon pull in." Weslia noticed his confusion. "Look to the right, but watch out! I most certainly do not want to explain to his majesty why one of his proteges is scattered around the station."
John nodded and head to the edge of the platform. He had to be careful as the rumbling grew stronger and stronger. Leaning out and looking to the right, John saw a massive blue portal that lead to a dark void with dots of light. A single light in the middle of the portal grew brighter and brighter until it completely blot out the black void. Instinctively pulling back, it was a moment before a steaming hunk of metal in the shape of an engine barreled into the station. The brakes screeched to stop the lumbering machine. It all flowed perfectly for the door to the first passenger car stopped right in front of John. The door opened to reveal a man not above the age of twenty-five, though his auburn, well-trimmed goatee implied otherwise.
"I was told that Princess Weslia was supposed to greet me. You sir are neither a woman nor are you beautiful." The man's brown eyes narrowed in annoyance, crossing his arms in disappointment.
The man primary outfit was that of a swashbuckler: coat, shirt, pants, and all. The coat was a healthy brown with gold dyed cuffs. A white shirt with a deep v neck cut, displaying his hairy chest. His black pants were rough from wear yet his two leather belts kept them up. Steel-toed, leather boots tapped in sync to some unheard beat. Slung on his back was a blunder buss and long-sword: a pistol was holstered on his left hip. His tricone hat had a gold and silver pins along the flat sides.
"I am over here Captain Jack." Weslia called from back at the entrance to the staircase as she made her way to the pair. "The man in front of you is John, one of his majesty's proteges."
"My my! Pardon my curt tongue!" Captain Jack's eyes lit up at the mention of Weston. He flourished his hat in a bow. "It is most certainly a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Sir John~"
"It is a pleasure to me you as well sir." John offered to shake hands. Captain Jack smiled as he took the offer.
John stepped back so as to let the Captain step onto the platform. Weslia had made her way over and gave the Captain a warm hug.
"Ah! Princess! You are as beautiful as ever I see!" The Captain happily returned the hug. "It is always a sight to behold."
The two comfortably departed. Captain Jack whistled and a legion of similarly dressed men vacated the other passenger cars.
"All right men! Two weeks leaves starting tomorrow!" The men rejoiced at their captain's words. "Ramero! Remaro! We have a show to put on! Get the Honor Guard and their guns ready! The people are waiting!"
"Roger Rog!" The two men saluted and began to gather other comrades for the show.
"Sir Alden, Sir Liam, John let's go to the Captain's quarters to hammer out the paper work." Weslia calmly called.
"Yes your highness!" The two royal guards hurried made their way to the princess and John.
Captain Jack stepped back on the train, giving a hand to help Weslia. John hoped this wouldn't take too long. He wanted to explore the city and it's sight before going back. He had a long day tomorrow and he wanted to have as much fun as possible before the night had ended.
I really don't want another round of matches tomorrow. His body ached at the thought.